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Friday, December 19, 2014

This Week At GWU

More than two-thirds of the students approached in approximately one hour signed the petition in the name of social justice:

Read the Campus Reform article HERE.

Okay, in the comments section, let's list specific Americans whom we are willing to trade for illegal immigrants.


  1. My good friend Mustang has an excellent post today: Women without Honor.

    Maybe we can start by trading those three witches: Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, and Barbara Boxer.

    1. Let's trade Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz to the Dominican Republic for a utility infielder.

    2. ...only if he signs with the Orioles, though!

      w/o Cruz and Markakis, we're hosed.

    3. Not necessarily. Machado and Wieters may be healed. Some good punch there.

      Pitching is iffy.

  2. AOW,

    You just stole what I was going to propose. Well, while we are at it, how about all of the Democrats in both houses of Congress; just for starters!

  3. Funny how taking a degree in primary education prepares you for issuing social justice decree's .

  4. I wonder where they've heard so many people HATE immigrants. Couldn't possibly be their profs, right? Because I know nobody who HATES them. What these supposedly brilliant kids need to hear (maybe just once and it'll stick?) is that expecting people to follow our laws doesn't mean anybody HATES them. This is the lie of the Left in stunning image.

    SF is so right....they will reap what they've sown. The Left will have to really examine itself, if it ever can, for the terrible lies, misinformation, mischaracterizations. So dangerous, so damaging.

    SF...I'm not sure quite what you mean by 'we don't assimilate them" and wonder what nation you think has well assimilated illegal immigrants? France thought it had and it's a nightmare today. Which countries?
    The Mexicans I know here in LA are keeping themselves in pockets by building up their own culture in our neighborhoods, not learning the language after being here 20 years (believe me), Spanish radio, Spanish shops, Spanish fruit sellers on the streets whose licenses cops don't even bother to check anymore, so they boldly sell on main drags! Still, I know fewer sweeter people. Not counting the LaRaza bunch, of course.

    1. Z: It's all part of the dumbing down of our language, along with a complete death of reason and putting emotion in its place.

      You're last paragraph perfectly describes by assimilation comment. They stay in their own linguistic and cultural ghettos, unlike past generations that held onto the best of their culture but mixed in with Americans and became one of us.

      At this point, I don't know what we can do. Technology makes this possible.

      I see American turning into the great whore; a vast island where disparate groups squat and siphon off what they can without even thinking about the greater project or where it is all going.

    2. Yes, but you said "WE" don't assimilate them. Do you mean demanding they learn English?
      My immigrant grandparents learned English enough to get by in six months....why isn't it happening? Nobody demanded it of my people, except I suppose their places of business did?
      I don't know HOW we can assimilate them better....if you went to my local Ralph's Grocery store, you'd think they were assimilated, believe me!
      Paris has tried, actually giving them towns, and the muslim immigrants turn those places into mini Detroits...even burning things down...and driving store owners out. So they build another village for them, and they same ensues.
      How can we assimilate them better?

  5. "I wonder where they've heard so many people HATE immigrants. Couldn't possibly be their profs, right?"

    LOL! Yes, Z, certainly the only way they'd come to that conclusion would be by liberals professors! LOL!

    Denial, thy name is conservatism.


    1. And obfuscation, THY name is "Democrat"! Cuz conservatives love LEGAL immigrants. In fact, we even SPONSOR most of them. :)

    2. Leftwing progs like Jersey hasten our linguistic and cultural demise.

    3. And I just told you that no more Conservatives like or hate immigrants than liberals do. Talk about denial.
      I'm first and second generation...think I HATE IMMIGRANTS?
      THINK...it really TRULY helps.!

  6. I vote to trade Sarah Palin and the complete Duggar family tree. Oh yeah, throw in Honey Boo Boo for good measure.


    1. I am SO with you on Palin! I don't really know quite who the Duggars are but I sure do wonder why the world's so interested in one of their engagements!? Don't know Honey booboo.
      Palin...and her family.And McCain.

  7. AOW: To answer your question, we should deport the entire Obama White House.

    Syrian Rebels Defect to Al Qaeda

    These were the "good" terrorists Obama's amateur warlords decided to arm and train. So, essentially we have armed and trained people to fight against us.

    This is why President Obama is a clear and present danger to the United States of America. The nation is in mortal peril anytime he and his klown kar advisors make a decision larger that what curtains to hang in the White House.

    1. And if Axelrod isn't technically in the WH (utter rubbish, by the way), HIM, TOO.!! He's the Karl Rove of the Obama WH. Even more than Jarrett, in my opinion

  8. I would trade All democrats for a single illegal immigrant.

    1. "I would trade All democrats for a single illegal immigrant."

      Goooooooood deal buddy! How do we start?

  9. It is shocking what people will sign. There's a guy in San Diego who has filmed petitions of more ridiculous things. It's amazing how few challenges he gets. Some refuse but the fact that EVEN ONE signs is shocking, no less dozens. It shows people respond reflexively to buzz phrases without hearing all the negative qualifiers that go with it. Like "sign here to support more pollution." Similarly, people react differently when they read a speech then when they hear it.

    Now, some of these dopes may AGREE with the concept. But I don't think we're just processing what we hear well either.

  10. "sign here to support more pollution." ???????

    1. That's right. I looked for a sample, and finally found this one. Mark Dice asks people to sign a petition allowing Karl Marx on the 2016 presidential ballot, “since Obama’s been working with him" and to "continue his good work."

      He's done this on several subjects, and keeps up the ridiculous patter while people still sign.

  11. Jersey McJones, there must a point to your moronic posts, the problem is, I've yet to see any.

  12. P.T. Barnum said i tbest and most succintly more than a century ago:

    There's a sucker born every minute."

    Substitute "numbskull" or "useful idiot" for "sucker" and you'd have it exactly right.


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