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Monday, February 3, 2014

The Death Of Free Speech

On college campuses (hat tip to Bloviating Zeppelin) and worth a few moments of your time:


  1. Limiting FREE SPEECH is all part of the Sustainability Project.

  2. The presidency of Woodrow Wilson will teach you everything you need to know about the modern-day American left.

    They don't believe in free speech. They believe in making their enemies sit down and shut up.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Every time there's a shooting, liberals run around saying this proves we need more gun laws. If you a liberal over and over how exactly how are you are going to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, time after time, every time they will say that they want more gun laws.
    In particular, address given that drugs are illegal, and yet any parent knows any kid can get as much pot as they want. There are millions of guns in the US, millions more in the world. So don't just say more laws, explain how more laws are going to actually work.
    Obama’s actions and supported by the Democratic ‘s reminds me of Saul Alinski’s “Rules for Radicals” where they are doing everything that they can to turn America into a socialist state. It is a process that progressives/liberals have been attempting to do for many years, and with a socialist like Obama in the Whit House, this is their big chance.
    Just look at the record!
    1. Increased debt to a point where it can never be paid off.
    And then we have this big push towards
    2. Gun Control sp that they could remove the ability foe everyone to defend themselves. That’s the way you are able to create a police state.
    3, Education control what people read and listen to, and take control of what children/students learn in schools and in colleges.
    4. Remove the belief in God and religious symbols from all the Government buildings and schools. As Obama did at Georgetown University when he spoke there.
    5. Create Class Warfare, by dividing the people into the wealthy and the poor. Cause more discontent between the poor, middle class, and the wealthy with the support of the poor. And by raising the taxes on the wealthy!

    Obama has circumvented the constitution and his assertion that he will use executive orders to get his way is simply an admission that he has failed to work, and a practice used by Chicago style bribery and pressure. This only shows his repeated disregard for the Constitution that he has sworn to preserve, protect, and defend.
    Since the day that I was old enough to think for myself, I have never thought that I would say that I have never been afraid of my own government until now. Day after day. I read things like the Obama administration that has been cracking down on those who criticize him. People and organizations are getting audited by the IRS of they are members of the opposing party. . People are accused of being racists, homophobe’s, anti-immigration, if they are Republicans/Conservatives It seems as if it’s a deliberate campaign to limit free speech! This is beyond absurd! Can this really be happening here?
    All this while the Obama administration scandals keep mounting from “Fast and Furious”, to the attack on the consulate in Benghazi that led to killing of a U.S. ambassador and three brave security personnel who went to his aid. And the list keeps growing.

    1. Wow Kaz, that's perhaps the most absurdly stupid post I've read here. And that's saying something! Way to go, lemming!

  5. Yes sir, there's a dearth of right wingers expressing themselves in this culture.

    What a pant load.

    1. Duck,
      Did you watch the video? It deals with the issue of free speech on certain college campuses -- not in the blogosphere.

    2. I watched the video and it mentions a few anecdotal cases.

      Fact is that college students are more interested in drinking than speaking.

      This is a non issue.

    3. Of course you'd say that, Ducky... Freedom of speech is only important when progressives are speaking. Don't apologize; we know who and what you are.

    4. The liberal newsroom jihad against conservatives is everywhere but fox news...

  6. Liberals believe in free speech, as long as you don't disagree with them.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. If anyone should argue that they don’t understand why we are unhappy with America’s educational system, refer them to the comment by Anonymous x 2 (above); it has been a long time since I have seen anything quite so asinine as that. It doesn’t even make sense. Collectivization defeats individualism, you moron. And then, it is dangerous to allow AOW to have this blog … does not quite sound like a “liberal” view. It sound more like progressivism. But I do have to say that Ax2 has a sense of humor … and the audacity of calling anyone else “block head.” LOL.

  9. You prefer Prager University, Sam?

    "You give us five minutes.
    We give you a semester."

    Yes sir, a five minute course on supply side economics. That should cover it.
    Or some propaganda on American exceptionalism.
    Dennis has all the vital topics and his in depth coverage is something you can understand.

    Oh, you seem to be a good social Darwinist who denies, in spite of all evidence, the group origins of man. Must have picked it up through a course at Prager University.

    You give us five minutes.
    We give you a semester.

    Yes sir. That's the ticket.

    1. Ducky, try not to blather without first taking your meds. If you aren't embarrassing yourself, you are embarrassing the rest of us. Seriously, you need a nap.

  10. Free speech at universities isn’t the only problem, AOW. The town of Campbell, Wisconsin has passed an ordinance banning IMPEACH OBAMA T-shirts and displaying American flags on or within 100 feet of a pedestrian overpass. The town enacted the prohibition in response to some angry calls about the IMPEACH OBAMA T-shirts; they included a prohibition on flags just because no one in Campbell, Wisconsin is an American.

    They are being sued now, of course … so the news isn’t completely dismal. One of the attorneys said, “Viewpoint discrimination is one of the most harmful threats to our freedom of speech.” Of course, this is exactly what is going on at our major colleges and universities, and not just those highlighted in the video. I have to say what a shame it is that we have to have a lawsuit in a case like this. No one on the town counsel should be allowed to sit on a town counsel unless or until they first pass a citizenship examination.

    1. It's also a public safety issue. Time for your HUAC meeting, mustang.

      Anyway, titling the article "The Death of Free Speech" is pretty much the type of hyperbole we expect from the right.

      Please note that the ACLU opposes these codes and large numbers on the left think it is foolish to block the Young Republicans from hosting Ann Coulter as one school did.
      Better to let the fool talk and then humiliate the Young Republicans for being so dumb that they have nothing better to offer. Let these clowns speak.

    2. How are T-shirts a public safety issue, Ducky? And let us acknowledge that it isn't hyperbole just because you say it is.

    3. Ducky, is it now your position that a prohibition of free expression is not an un-American activity? Please do not waste my time with the “fire in the theater” argument. This situation in no way parallels that case.

    4. Isn't this fascinating

      Nothing about T-shirts?
      Makes you think someone's trying to spread the pure stinky cheese.

    5. oops, my bad.

      It does mention T-shirts towards the end of the article when they were used as a means to bypass the public safety issue.

      Doesn't really change the intent of the ruling.

    6. Yes Ducky, it's better to let Ann Coulter speak, but they're not. You just proved the claims of the video didn't you.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous,

    Are your meds prescribed or just 'off the street'? I sure hope that you aren't driving around!

    1. Driving AROUND! Are you kidding? He is sitting in the Oval Office. Perhaps I should add an H in there? };-)>

  12. AA,

    Would you kindly explain what is meant by "more importing issues "? Is that the opposite of [exporting] issues? Yes, I'll bet you have a lot of "issues" Please stay in doors today.

  13. @JonBerg

    Ed Degorio is also Ema Nymton (Enema) ...

  14. Sam...

    "Ed Degorio is also Ema Nymton (Enema) ..."

    It sounds like Dissociative Identity Disorder to me.


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