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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Promises, Promises

Video Of Obama telling Americans, 19 times, that their health insurance premiums would be lowered by $2500 (hat tip to Infidel Bloggers Alliance):

Appropriate music (Three Dog Night's "Liar") and a few links below the fold:

I won't ever leave, but you want me to stay
Nothing you can do, that could turn me away
Hanging on anyway
Believing the things you say, being the fool
You've taken my life, so take my soul
That's what you said and I believed it all

I want to be with you as long as you want me to
But don't pull away Ain't that what you said?
Ain't that what you said?
Ain't that what you said?
Liar, Liar, Liar

We don't see no light We don't see no way

You don't ever leave, but you want me to stay
You can believe in me I won't be leaving, I won't let you go
Ain't that what you said? Ain't that what you said?
Ain't that what you said?
Liar, Liar, Liar, Liar

Taken my life, so take my soul
That's what you said but who are we to know

I want to be with you as long as you want me to
But don't pull away Ain't that what you said?
Ain't that what you said? Ain't that what you said?
Liar, Liar, Liar
From CBS News (October 28, 2014): Policy cancellations, higher premiums add to frustration over Obamacare.

From NBC News: Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance.

From Weasel Zippers: White House Website Still Promising You Can Keep Your Health Insurance If You Like It.


  1. From NewsBusters:

    Monday night on her Fox News program, Megyn Kelly played a clip of President Obama going beyond the now-infamous "If you like your plan, you can keep you plan" promise. Earlier Monday, as Noel Sheppard at NewsBusters noted, Lisa Myers and Hannah Rappleye at NBC News revealed that the Obama administration knew three years ago that "more than 40 to 67 percent of those in the individual market would not be able to keep their plans, even if they liked them."

    At the 0:59 mark of the video which follows (HT Mediaite), viewers will see Kelly introduce and then replay Obama's February 2010 promise that "any insurance you have will be grandfathered in," even if it's an "Acme Insurance, just a high deductible catastrophic plan."......

    More HERE and worth your time.

  2. This is what it looks like when the lunatics run the asylum.

    My favorite Liar-in-Chief quote was " I will cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term"

    “If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Keep Your Doctor”

    One has to wonder if Obama really believe his own BS?
    The man has made more promises than he can remember. Will America ever be the way it was before this disaster was elected?

  3. You are being harsh on obama. I am sure when he said your healthcare costs will be lowered, if you like your insurance plan and your doctor you can keep them he was telling the truth. He just didn't know because his handlers were not telling him the truth. Just like fast and furious, irs profiling conservatives, spying on reporters and foreign leaders, denying benefits to military killed in action. The two smartest people in the world were not informed that bengazi was not a demonstration but a well planned attack with advance warning. They were just not told. But what difference does it make, only four Americans were killed, right Hillary.

    1. Sorry, but I don't buy that, that excuse has been over used .

    2. Darth, I'm pretty sure Skudrunner was being sarcastic.

    3. Your comment is dripping with sarcasm and the lame stream media talking points,,,,sadly.

  4. Orwellian: "NBC Deletes Article Exposing Obama Admin …Reposts Edited Version." Proof at the link.

    1. Again, we see how the mainstream media has become a mere propaganda outlet for Barack Obama.

  5. Sickening. Obama never would have been reelected if the news had been out there.

  6. I imagine the politicians are laughing themselves silly; they keep lying to us, we keep voting for them. It's no wonder we end up with such horrid people in Congress--we don't deserve any better.

  7. I may lose mine as well...this is just too horrifying AOW!! Have a great day despite it all my friend!:)

  8. I refuse to watch him anymore. Has anyone ever heard him speak the truth about anything?

  9. For those in the know, all this does is to further provide proof that this whole law (debacle) was designed to fail and thus lead to a single payer system.

    This and many "glitches" to come may be a surprise to those who supported the regime, but no one who actually listened to obama running up to the '08 election is or should be surprised at all, to and including myself.

    I feel for those who are losing their insurance, insurance they actually purchased and liked, but would guess that many of them are in fact those who voted for the regime not only once but twice. With that in mind I would only add that you get the government you deserve.

  10. He knew he was lying all the time. Or are they going to tell us he "didn't know" just like he didn't know anything about Benghazi, or NSA, or anything else? Right....

    Right Truth

  11. Replies
    1. As I live and breathe it's CLOWARD-PIVEN! given wings and taking flight.

      Let's have a contest:

      How many different ways can you think of for calling this president a God-Damned Son-of-a-Bitch without actually coming right out and saying it?


  12. I hope this isn't too far off-topic. Today, on "The Five" @ FOX NEWS, Bob (Gas Bag) Beckel finally admitted that Obamacare has problems. Now, for the punch-line, his answer to our alleged health care problem is (drum roll) the" Single Paye"r system!! When quizzed as to why he used the example of Medicare; insurance companies are just ripping people off. Now here is a perfect example of Liberal mentality (oxymoron). Medicare now has an un-funded liability of >$80,000,000,000,000 that's $250,000 for every individual in the Country. Yeah, Bob, insurance companies [must] set reserves to pay all liability or they're put out of business. The Government apparently doesn't have to do this. Beckel's illusion that it's such a good plan will one day explode!

  13. WOO HOO HOO! And people say Glenn Beck is a madman!

  14. Yeah, but Obama tells GOOD lies; just ask any Liberal!

  15. The thing is that everyone who followed this issue when the law was being debated KNEW Obama was lying. Dems are now admitting as much by saying that what Obama REALLY meant was that you can keep your plan if it matches what HE wants your plan to be.

    Good column by Jonah Goldberg and well worth a read if you are following this issue:


  16. "If You like tour Health Plan, you can KEEP your Heath Plan"
    Lying through his teeth.? You Bettcha!

    For the life of me I don´t understand how anyone could have not known it was a lie the moment they heard it

  17. A. T. I. .........

    I don't either, given the FACT that everything that comes from this inveterate fraud is a LIE! Those who continue to defend this pathological prevaricator do little more than affirm their own lack of credibility! You know who you are!

  18. FreeThinke said on Always On Watch's blog on October 29, 2013 at 10:14:00

    As I live and breathe it's CLOWARD-PIVEN! given wings and taking flight.
    Let's have a contest:
    How many different ways can you think of for calling this president a God-Damned Son-of-a-Bitch without actually coming right out and saying it?

    And he dares to come to Liberal blogs to play nice.........In my eyes he's nothing but a Self-Righteous Obnoxious Hypocritical Son Of A Bitch!
    How many ways can we call this guy an Obnoxious Hypocritical Son Of A Bitch?

    1. It isn't a matter of he dares to come to Liberal blogs to play nice. FT has explained his position several times in several venues.


  19. A new poll came out that said Barack Obama was the worst president of all times passing Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton .... there was no mention that he was black .... just doing a lousy job. Therefor that poll was not Racist!

    I do not like the fact that we will be 17 trillion dollars in debt by the end of the year, or maybe even by the end of this month! And there is no end to his spending even if we are once again facing another recession and possibly a depression ... that we are embracing UN Article 21 through Hilary Clinton .... that the Constitution has been raped and laid aside in controlling the boarder for the purpose of accruing votes . The Onamacare is a Train-wreck, Let́s face it, therés a goof-off in the Oval Office and nobody cares enough to throw him out! . It was Racism when 4 of our brave Men were Killed in Benghazi, and the blame was passed off to a Utube-Video tape .. Why can't immigration deport his Aunt and Uncle who are on welfare ... he is a multi-millionaire who chose to let his relatives live off the government than to aide them ... he is not a nice person . There I said it, am I a Racist? Who knows, the lefties say that I am. Thanks to Barack Obama’s administration, America is hated by just about ALL of the worlds Leaders and by own people, and it quickly becoming a 3rd world country
    Jimmy Carter was Caucasian and was the most hated president in history, until Barack Obama came along, eas it Racist when they hated Jimmy carter as also? I don’t think so.
    Even Kanye West said that Michelle Obama can’t top his fiance, Kim Kardashian when it come to a good looking “Booty”

  20. Uncle Remus,

    Please be advised, we have already surpassed the 17 trillion dollar threshold that you speak of but the situation is far more ominous than that. Please click on the following link:


  21. Whoops, that's an error. Sorry Jonberg, I can;t keep up with the Mess's this guy leaves behind him.
    Over the past few weeks we have seen a rash of leftwing threads started about the tea party and how they were wrong to push for a shut down of the government over obamacare. the response from the left was rabid. they had to get the word out that the tea party was evil and plant the seed fast. you know why? because they knew the tea party was right. they knew that once launched obamacare was going to be another nail in their coffin and their dreams of gaining back the house in 2014 and maintaining the white house in 2016 were going to be shot. They have already blown it with their failed attempt to tighten the reigns on our 2nd amendment rights. Exploiting children wasn't enough to convince americans that our rights weren't important.

    Obama deliberately delayed the initial release of his plan until after the 2012 elections. No way he would have been reelected with this now known disaster on his heels. once again the left tried to take advantage of and exploit a situation to their political advantage. The art of deception. Use the shutdown to blacken the eyes of the tea party. the one party who is telling us politics as usual has to stop in Washington. Obama told us that in 2008. got himself elected and has since proven himself to be the biggest corporate stooge the office has known. his healthcare reform was crafted by healthcare insurance firms, pharmaceutical companies and corporations who were looking to dump the last big expense burden they still carried. Medical insurance. and once again, the common man pays. The raping of americans our politicians allowed banks and lending institutions execute in 2008 is now about to be repeated by the healthcare industry.

    The tea party was right. We need to change Washington and we need to change it fast. Wake up to what obamacare really is. it isn't universal healthcare that is a benefit to the population. it is a massive entitlement program that will consume 1/6th the GDP and allow the healthcare industry the same liberties to rape us that deregulations did the banks. and the left wing puppets are out in full force beating the drum to allow politics as usual to continue in Washington. As long as it is their man in place leading the charge.

    Even today as we speak, , the left is spinning out of control. yes, thay really have sunken that far. to the point you are grasping at straws playing the old “Blame Game” once again, but the bottom line is, less and less people are listening to his outright LIES. the economy is fix spin is imploding. it's NOT fixed, far from it. jobs have NOT improved, in fact layoffs are returning. after the holiday temp labor force is out of work again the numbers are going to get ugly. you have nothing positive to report on. even their obamacare arguments now that it has launched have been on the total defensive.
    Just read any of the posts started by the left wing crowd today and you'll see what i mean, they are starting to change the subject to stupid stuff like “Slavery” and crapola like that. The Democrats/Liberals/Progressives have been great at playing the game of “Hiding the Salami”, especially when it comes to Obiecare, I’ll give than that!.

  22. Uncle Remus.......
    "you'll see what i mean, they are starting to change the subject to stupid stuff like “Slavery” and crapola like that."

    GREAT observation, my friend!

  23. The depths the loony right wlng to go to dismantle a program with lies, which could literally kill a family member is astounding.

  24. Liberalmann..,

    As a friendly suggestion; you may want to start your High School GED program and quit smoking so much Marijuana before you comment on an Adult Blog, such as this one. Perhaps if you did someone may pay attention to you. Well, just think about it after you "come down".

  25. Last night, I heard something that I hadn't heard before: down the line (2017?) employer-based policies will have to conform to the ACA regulations that are tanking many private policies right now. The result will be higher premiums, of course.

    Is it true that the employer-based insured are skating by but won't in the future?

  26. Ineptocracy, = a system of government where the least

    capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the

    members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded

    with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number

    of producers

  27. Listen closely. My premiums are going down. My "max out of pocket" tripled, my deductible also tripled, my benefit levels went down, and my health provider choices have been reduced drastically. The premiums went down. Let's hope we don't need to go to the doctor.


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