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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Killing Off Native Americans

by Sam Huntington

It was not all that long ago when Margaret Sanger (may she burn in hell) decided what a great idea it would be if the progressive side of the Democratic Party could in some ways reduce the Negro population of the United States beyond lynching them. Apparently, even Sanger was smart enough to know that white conservatives frowned upon such ideas. Sanger then came up with this idea of birth control.

“The most merciful thing that a family does with one of its infant members is to kill it.” —Margaret Sanger

“Negros are human weeds, reckless breeders, spawning human beings who never should have been born.” —Margaret Sanger

Wherever Sanger is these days, she must be proud of Kathleen Sebelius. The U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will spend about a half-million dollars in FY-14 on grants to groups that will provide birth control (including long-acting contraceptives and sterilization) to Navajo Indians, even though according to the US Census Bureau, the population of the Navajo people is dwindling. According to these records, the Navajo population declined 4% between 2000 and 2010.

Sebelius plans to give “priority” to Native American populations because they are individuals from low-income families. According to the HHS document that solicited proposals for this grant money, “Successful applications will include information in the application that clearly identifies the clinical services provided, including the specific methods of contraception offered at grantee/sub-recipient sites.”

What are the HHS priorities for these now endangered Native Americans? “In addition to program priorities, the following key issues have implications for Title X services projects and should be considered in developing the project plan: (1) Efficiency and effectiveness in program management and operation; (2) Patient access to a broad range of contraceptive options, including long acting reversible contraceptives, other pharmaceuticals, and laboratory tests.”

Under the Title X program, the federal government will offer sterilizations within the frame work of family planning programs, on mentally competent individuals over the age of 21 who sign a document giving “informed consent” at least 30 days, but not more than 180 days before the procedure designed to kill Native American babies or prevent them from being born.

I am not certain that I have mentioned this recently, but I hold the opinion that the progressive movement is pure evil and unreservedly despicable.  I do not have much regard for Hillary Clinton, either, as she acknowledges Margaret Sanger as one of this nation's foremost women.  Gad.



  1. Who is next for the progressive's plan of extermination? Hispanics?

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  4. George,

    Are you capable of any real communication skills? It seems that you are quite limited to anything beyond/above RANT! I'm just asking.

  5. At the heart of progressivism is a fundamental hatred of humanity.

    -- Silverfiddle

  6. If there is a real reason, with facts, for hating liberals one just has to read the posts written by Jersey McJones, and the two ass-wipes Liberalmann, & George Whyte!

  7. Sanger's position was one of irrefutable logic. Since we Caucasians stopped reproducing adequately during the Depression, the very last thing we need is the continued uncontrolled spread of the type of people who are basically unproductive, too stupid to learn, louse up our gene pool, and do little but breed illegitimate children who add a greater and greater burden to the state which means they are sucking blood from the taxpayers to the point where the productive members of society have become anemic. Mandatory sterilization for welfare mothers should be required after the birth of the second illegitimate child for welfare queens. I'd recommend it too for the class of irresponsible males who impregnate these unfortunate creatures.

    It's just a matter of good common sense. Something that ought to appeal to conservatives.

    And I would make it a requirement that all Muslims be made to undergo sterilization as a prerequisite for their even getting permission to visit the USA.

    Sanger was not for killing anyone. She just wanted to prevent the proliferation of undesirable elements. How could you be against that when you see what has happened to this country? White Man's Burden is just too great to bear these days.

    Arthur Dimmesdale

    1. The fundamental question here is, what gives anyone the right to use the power of the state to sterilize anyone? You make a fundamentally progressive argument.

      Why not end it with a quote from the most famous progressive enabling Supreme Court Justice, Oliver Wendell Holmes?

      "Three generations of imbeciles are enough".

      The constitutional answer is to stop robbing productive members of society at the point of the government gun and handing the money to people who refuse to educate themselves and go to work.

      Americans are a charitable people, but governments doing it with money confiscated from others is not charity.

      Finally, a people too worn-out and stupid to replenish their stock and defend their morals and cultural norms deserve to die out.

      -- Silverfiddle

    2. Of vital necessity I have abandoned idealism in favor of accepting the exigencies of Realpolitik. What may seem monstrous on a surface level may in fact be the most humane approach to pressing problems. No sane person would advocate genocide, but as my late papa often said, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

      Those who have never been conceived cannot suffer.

      I am a staunch advocate of birth control, and of mandatory sterilization for those who persist in living as an ever-increasing burden on society. That is as far as I would go.

      It may be distasteful, but it is eminently pragmatic.

      Arthur Dimmesdale

  8. “The most merciful thing that a family does with one of its infant members is to kill it.” —Margaret Sanger

    Well, isn't that just charming?

    Did she believe that the statement should have applied to herself as an infant?

    1. Typical whack-o progressive, if you ask me. What amazes me is that there is even ONE black democrat.

  9. ... we explained what contraception was; that abortion was the wrong way no matter how early it was performed it was taking life; that contraception was the better way, the safer way—it took a little time, a little trouble, but was well worth while in the long run, because life had not yet begun. --- Margaret Sanger

  10. She wrote that in 1916, ducky. She was JUST getting started.

    1. The Nazi's started out against abortion too. a jiudge quickly changed that..

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  11. George,

    Have you started working on your GED yet?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. JonBerg, Your name calling just shows that you are below average in vocabulary skills. Don't worry about it. There are many people in your party who lack these skills...

  12. Sanger was of her times, Farmer.
    She held some obnoxious views that were largely in favor (support of abortion wasn't one of them nor was forced sterilization) at the time.

    However, to try to dismiss her views on birth control would be pretty reactionary.
    Don't be a fool.

    1. i don't dismiss eugenicists... even the anti-abortion varieties.

  13. Great comment, Chumpy. I mean, really, genius, I can hardly wait until your next comment.

  14. Sam, AOW:

    Please don't delete George's latest comment. It so defines him!

  15. Duck,



    ...In 1943 she founded an organization
    dedicated to the forced sterilization of the "unfit."...


    ...And Sanger advocated birth control backed up by forced sterilization or segregation to achieve her aims, writing, “While I personally believe in the sterilization of the feeble-minded, the insane and syphilitic, I have not been able to discover that these measures are more than superficial deterrents when applied to the constantly growing stream of the unfit. They are excellent means of meeting a certain phase of the situation, but I believe in regard to these, as in regard to other eugenic means, that they do not go to the bottom of the matter.” The bottom of the matter was “to create a race of thoroughbreds.” So the government, Sanger concluded, needed “to apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring” and “to give certain dysgenic groups in our population their choice of segregation or sterilization.”...

  16. I had no doubt the filth would rally to their goddess, Margaret Sanger ...

  17. The fact is,Obana care was passed by both houses of Congress and litigated by the SCOTUS. It was passed the way all bills become LAW in this Republic.

    The problem comes when the psychos in the TeaPublican Party will not accept the American way of governance.

    They want it THEIR WAY or no way.

    Good for President Obama for not letting a minority of a minority blackmail him and the sane citizens in this country into undoing what the American people elected him to do.

    You foolish, destructive mobsters can't accept that Barack Hussein Obama was elected TWICE. TWICE. TWICE. by a comfortable margin by the American people, and by that fact, his programs were voted in,
    Just goes to show that.. You can't reason with lunatics.

  18. Ahem.

    The SCOTUS does not litigate. The SCOTUS issues rulings.

  19. What? No one from the left will stand up for the Navajo babies?

    Lunatics? Lunatics? Hell man, we didn't vote for Barack the Camel Driver, you did.

    1. Not trying to start anything or piss you off, Jack, but I would imagine that about right now you're wishing somebody'd change their last name... or, that you're considering changing yours. Sorta like me when Bathhouse Barry declared he was Irish. I changed my name from McCarroll to Wolinski. I still wake up with cold sweats after Down Low came up with that one.

  20. "Barack Hussein Obama was elected TWICE. TWICE. TWICE."

    Thanks, but we really don't need to be reminded.

  21. One exercise I find interesting is to examine the spiritual condition of these progressives, current or in the past. You will trace them back to having been involved with the occult. The Bible is clear that Satan is at war with the human race. You can see his tactics everywhere, from voluntary population reduction (birth control), to all out genocide.

  22. Another liberal hero. Funny how all liberal heroes favor genocide.


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