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Monday, January 10, 2022

Tucker Carlson: "It's time to notice the things that matter"

Worth your time and consideration:

Is there any way to put the brakes on these nation-crippling, republic-destroying trends?  Put the brakes on on-time, that is?


  1. Exploding population with low testosterone and other self-contradictions.

    Why does this buffoon have a TV show?

    1. TC... because people like what he's selling and the packaging. Just like a lot of folks on TV.

    2. Be afraid that the population is becoming more brown and religiously Catholic?

    3. I don't agree with all his points, but your point suggests you did not listen to the rant - or at least the first minute. He makes good points about why suburbia was sooo appealing.

  2. If Carson, a race bating entertainer and divisive propagandist making a fortune indoctrinating the basket of gulibles doesn't like how crowded it is here, well, get the hell out.

  3. @ RJW
    Your rant is typical "Progressive" claptrap. If you can't address what he says without addressing what he says, you need to shut up or reevaluate your Alinsky-like tactics. Those tactics have been so overused that they fall on deaf ears.

  4. Warren, I was addressing precisely what Tucker was saying- his building of a strawman argument of an overcrowded America (which was actually more of a distractive "look over there" stratagem) which is no more than a spin-off of his previous "Great Replacement" rhetoric.

  5. Everything was fine in America until y'all started drinking them seltzer beers.

  6. I heard this live. Tucker is on the mark to a degree, but sadly Fox News and all the other ilk media abound forget that not all of us can move to the "Land of OZ" where we will know our neighbors and our butcher etc. and on Tucker ranted. I resent when Fox in particular refers to hard working people as "the little people" or "little guys". Who is Tuckers audience, mainly upper-crust whites that do not really give two rips about people out here that truly struggle? Laura Ingraham has become a joke with her Botoxed lips and living in McLean, VA, which is quite affluent talking about the "little people" too! I wonder who these folks really are. Pretty fake to me. Nice sentiments but leave that fluff for the preacher - I want real news not all this random hypervilly.

  7. Just for clarification I am referring to the media, not you or your concerns AOW.

  8. "You Literally Can't Believe The Facts Tucker Carlson Tells You. So Say Fox's Lawyers

    Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes."

    Carlson's lawyers said. In written briefs, they cited previous rulings to argue Carlson's words were "loose, figurative or hyperbolic."

    1. ^^ Rachel Maddow DID set the new "legal" standard. :)

    2. As Joe says, that is a standard legal definition for a news entertainment show.

    3. Which really sucks for the Sean Hsnnitys of the media world who want to hide their conversations with insurrection planners in the White House behind journalistic privilege shields, but can't.

    4. You forgot the part about how the moon landings we're faked with technology salvaged from the Roswell UFO crash.

    5. They were going to use alien technology to seize Congress and hang Pence? The devious b*stards! That's why they found no weapons...

    6. Except for the pipe bombs, flag poles, bike racks, peeper spray mace, tasers, zip tie cuffs...

      As easy as it is to believe Trump supporters are imbecilic enough to be led to riotand rebel against their will, let's not disconnect from reality.

      Where's the beef?

    7. To wit... How does an alleged FBI front group get kicked out of an anti-abortion march, but blend right in with people who want to attack the Capitol?

      Your conspiracy theory needs work.

    8. Not wear identical khaki pants and jackets?

    9. btw - You haven't explained why Ted Cruz is pretending to support said "conspiracy theory"?

      I hate agent-provocateurs (ala Cruz).

    10. Ted Cruz can't make the connection that the FBI doesn't maintain a photo on their "help us identify this guy" website after they've identified and talked to them. That and he's trying to navigate the long stretch course between keeping Trump supporters happy and living in reality.

  9. Carlson is usually right and has excellent guests on but there have been times I've heard things provably wrong...or HIGHLY exaggerated and he sounds like a nut, which is REALLY sad and diminishes his otherwise good information.
    I often wonder how he can stand only calling attention to so many lies and other awful things in this gov't and not really DOING anything about it.

    I long for the border being legal again, energy independence, less taxes, the patriotism we were starting to see and feel again, etc......Tucker's right; this new administration is a disaster.

    I also wanted to add that every Hispanic I've met lately here in L.A. is longing for Trump..I get in conversations with parking attendants, painters, etc etc...and always end up getting to politics....it's absolutely amazing. One told me "the only Hispanics I know who'd vote for Biden again are those who don't speak English". Fascinating.

    1. Z, I'm not sure if you've veered off topic enough with your Carson boot licking, your baseless bashing of the new administration, and the regurgitation of GOP talking points in order to stand, but as for his usually having "excellent guests", I find that to be a remarkable statement as he only invites guest who will help sell his conspiracy theories or in need of licking his boots for forgiveness of the rabid base.

    2. Tucker Carlson is laying the groundwork for his own run for President lol

    3. It was a joke on local talk radio... probably strange enough to be true.

    4. RJW,
      he only invites guest who will help sell his conspiracy theories or in need of licking his boots for forgiveness of the rabid base.

      Not so. Of course, many who disagree with Carlson would rather not be on the show: they might get cut to ribbons.

    5. Z,
      I often wonder how he can stand only calling attention to so many lies and other awful things in this gov't and not really DOING anything about it.

      Getting the word out is doing something, though.

      A few of his stories are over the top, IMO. They do make him sound like a nut.

      What I most like about his most recent style: posing questions that are, for the most part, unmentioned anywhere else on television.

  10. TC... it's no joke. Ppl have been calling on him to run for a couple of years.

    1. Well, Obama proved any inexperienced twit can be President. I just thought Dog the Bounty Hunter has a better shot than Trump.

      Carlson's "Viagra cures Covid" schtick might play well with the seen UFOs crowd though.


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