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Monday, January 17, 2022

Train Robberies

Apparently, these robberies of slowed or stopped trains, has been ongoing for at least three months. The robberies have accelerated in the last 30 days, maybe longer.  Please watch:
Also see THIS REPORT, both video and written, by CBSLA (dated January 13, 2022). The written report concludes with this statement: [L]aw enforcement who work these tracks told CBSLA that they don’t see thieves shipping off any time soon

How far will our society's breakdown go before the American people say "ENOUGH!" and mean it?


  1. The problem is that the train cars are never locked, they're merely fitted with "seals"... and the seals can be removed with a pair of plyers.

    As kids, we used to break into train cars all the time.

    1. Getting caught by a railroad cop was not advisable when I was a young punk like FJ apparently was. ;) But honestly it was a low-key fear, looking back. I grew up near a rail yard, where trains would stop long enough for graffiti taggers to paint elaborate multi-colored works without getting busted.

      I never broke into a box car, but caboose cars were fun if you could get a case of flares and [redacted] to make bombs with.

      Ah, youth.

    2. Most of my liquor purchases in high school were from a guy on the football team that lived near a beer distributor who supplied us for $5 per case by breaking into railcars.

    3. The only things my friends and I ever took from a railway car was a toilet seat... which to this day I have no idea why my friend took. I suppose he took it because he could...

    4. Most of the time we had no clue what was in the cars until after we went in... which probably explains all the opened box cartons in the pictures. It's a crime of "opportunity".

    5. Both of my grandfathers were railroad workers, so I had a strong flying leather belt to ass cheek deterrent not to get caught doing anything too egregious with railroad cargo. There were a few times growing up that a derailment or cargo spill they were called out on would grace us with brand name breakfast cereal or better dog food for the pets. To this day I can't stand Froot Loops cereal. ;)

      The other concern with burglarizing a box car was encountering a hobo, which there were plenty of post-Vietnam, for some reason.

    6. My dad told me he robbed slow moving coal cars as a kid, as did his friends. Throw the coal over and carry it home to grateful parents, especially grandpa who had mined it.

  2. It’s no different today than it was when Butch Cassidy was robbing trains. Most folk back then didn’t care — it was a Union-Pacific problem. Besides, or so the argument goes, the insurance companies will make good on any losses and in any case, what can “society” do about it? Dude, if “smash and grab” is good for blacks, why a little sugar for our brown-tinted brothers and sisters too?

  3. This has to be racism or climate change related right?

    Yea, how much will people put up with in these democrat run hellholes. A lot more than we think I'd say.

  4. America is turning into one big "no go zone." - Make train robbing a federal crime the same with car jacking with no less than a five or ten year sentence and see how fast this stops.

    1. Come on, now Bunks, you know better. It isn’t politically correct to arrest folks for robbing trains or banks or clothing stores. Besides, the FBI has a full plate with arresting mouthy parents at school board meetings.

    2. It is a federal crime already. This is a railroad security jobs don't pay worth a spit issue. Logistic slowdowns keeping trains at depots (and ships waiting to port and unload for that matter) is adding to the problem with trains sitting stationary and unguarded for so long.

    3. So you want skulls cracked? Coz that's how skulls get cracked lol

    4. "Make it a federal crime..." And take this nation one step farther away from being the republic the founders created. Eliminate local police forces and have us all policed by the FBI. I'm glad I'm as old as I am and will not live to see this nation get to where it is going.

    5. Jayhawk:
      I'm glad I'm as old as I am and will not live to see this nation get to where it is going.

      I say the same abouot myself all the time!

  5. Our society suffers from a lack of skull cracking. Also from a lack of ass whipping with a belt. Which I got on many occasions.

    Somebody's and I hopped a boxcar for the fun of it, it got going too fast, and we couldn't jump off until the next town. 13 mi walk back to town

    1. SF,
      Our society suffers from a lack of skull cracking. Also from a lack of ass whipping with a belt.

      No kidding!

    2. AOW,

      This is bedlam. It reminds me of the wild, wild west. Smash and grab in high end stores, looting, robbing civilians, USPS workers throwing out tons of mail over the holidays and Amazon workers entrusted to deliver packages instead steal them.

      What has happened in this nation that people think they can just go out there and rob like that? Yeah, I know, liberal judges and prosecutors. No fear of God or the law.

      We are living in Sodom and Gomorrah.

      THIS CHAPS MY HIDE! Absolutely despicable.


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