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Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year! (With Addendum)

The calendar is a human construct, so there really isn't anything special about turning over the calendar to a new year. 

Nevertheless, there remains something special about the start of a new year.  

In that spirit, we here at Always On Watch wish you a happy and healthy new year.

May 2022 be kind to us all!

ADDENDUM (January 2, 2022) 

I'm hoping for a calmer personal year in 2022. 

In 2021, I decided to get most stressers over and done with: 
1. death of spouse after several weeks of heavy caregiving (we were married nearly 49 years), 
2. sale of family homestead, 
3. frenetic search for another house, 
4. wedding (not really a stresser but on most lists of stressers, so I'm including it), 
5. 700-mile move with Callie dog belted into the passenger seat of the U-Haul truck while I rode on a little square that the U-Haul people had the audacity to call a seat, 
6. the never-ending unpacking of mislabeled moving boxes (Atlas Movers did the full pack-out), 
7.the missing marriage certificates (finally received on December 24 from the circuit court level -- no word yet from Richmond).  

The above is a partial list!


  1. 2022 kind to us all? It's an election year. It will be kind to no one. It will be ugly and filled with evil.

    1. Well, Jayhawk, let's hope that 2022 is kind to us all on the personal level.

    2. I'd like to nominate Jayhawk as our new morale officer.

    3. Mustang,
      Jayhawk is certainly the realist.

    4. If we all resist the clickbait, the political elite will have to change tack. Happy new year, culture war is over love John and Yoko (via jez)

    5. Jez, the political elite, after even admitting to having no political agenda, have no option but to continue the divisiveness and chaotic stratagem.

      And they cannot and will not change because it works.

    6. @jez - The 'memefication' of political discourse has all but assured that clickbait will remain the currency of the political elite and their sycophants.

      I don't think they're ever going to revert back to rational disagreement....so at least with clickbait, we keep them where we can monitor them.....and ridicule them.

    7. Be the change you want to see in the world, if you can afford the ammunition. ;)

      Seriously though, if we all refuse to accept incivility at our tables maybe we can clean up politics. Stop feeding the wrong wolf.

      Happy New Year.

    8. "If we all resist the clickbait..." Call me a dreamer, I am not the only one.

      TC: that too!

    9. @Jayhawk I hope it all goes wrong for the liberal left and their donkey's because I am tired of their circus show!

    10. @TC Let's just gaslight the left they have been doing it forever.

  2. Best wishes to everyone for a wonderful and Happy New Year.

  3. This is now an addendum to the body of the blog post....

    I'm hoping for a calmer personal year in 2022. In 2021, I decided to get most stressers over and done with:
    1. death of spouse after several weeks of heavy caregiving (we were married nearly 49 years),
    2. sale of family homestead,
    3. frenetic search for another house,
    4. wedding (not really a stresser but on most lists of stressers, so I'm including it),
    5. 700-mile move with Callie dog belted into the passenger seat of the U-Haul truck while I rode on a little square that the U-Haul people had the audacity to call a seat,
    6. the never-ending unpacking of mislabeled moving boxes (Atlas Movers did the full pack-out),
    7.the missing marriage certificates (finally received on December 24 from the circuit court level -- no word yet from Richmond)

    The above is a partial list!

  4. Regarding 7 AOW why doesn't that surprise me. Virginia is like a bad gift that keeps giving, not all bad, but a lot bad! You have a stressful 2021 and I wish only the best for you.

    I could have done a list of stressors. I am canceling my oral surgery Wednesday because I have to isolate. My grandson who is only 15 months has covid from my one daughter who probably got it at work or from her in-laws. At this point who cares, the lousy virus is visiting people unaware. First time I was out in almost two years to a "Christmas Event" with 15 family members. Guess where I want to kick myself! Sheese. No wonder I felt sick all week and thank God I am feeling better now but thanks to Biden the president the swamp there are no home testing kits and you cannot get in anywhere here in Northern Virgina for a week. Sickening. So I have to reschedule my oral surgery for that reason. I would never forgive myself if I gave anyone covid, but I cannot even test to find out!

    Then I received a phone call from my sister in LA today and I was informed that my Auntie died peacefully in her sleep overnight. I knew she was on her last leg so to speak and woke up about 3 am because I looked at the clock and thought about her and decided no one will call that early to tell me she passed if she did. I woke twice after that. I always know when my family goes home to be with the Lord.

    So now that I have ranted right here all over the place, happy new year to you and Warren and wishing the most blessed, healthy and happy new year for 2022 and all the years to come.

    God bless you both!

    1. Elizabeth,
      My condolences on the passing of your Auntie.

      Northern Virginia used to be so different -- a wonderful place. The deterioration coincided with the arrival of the interstates (I66, the Beltway, etc.). Those interstates allowed for a huge expansion of the federal bureaucracy.

      Where I am now, in southwestern Indiana, I feel like I'm living in the Virginia of some 50 years ago. Cornfields within the city limits! I love it!

      It took a lot for me to abandon the state of my paternal ancestors. Their roots in Virginia went back to well over two centuries.

  5. I know most places used to be good. But some places thank God like where you live are always good. I am sure it was hard to leave but the change will do you wonders. I don't wish Virginia on anyone!


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