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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

About The Green New Deal

At the University of Miami:

Related reading: GND Undergoes Mysterious Overhaul (February 10, 2018).


  1. Easily demonstrates that we are screwed by these ignorant "voters".
    How many other "students" will never hear the counterarguments?
    The majority.

    1. Having FINALLY watched the brief video I have to say that at first I thought, "Oh sh-t! All is lost," but then several more students seemed to have a much more common-sense attitude toward most of the most absurd aspects of AOC's absurd "Green Dream" as Nanny Pelousy called it.

      Most rejected the idea of abandoning ALL fossil fuels forever. Most seemd to realize that, even if desirable, AOC's childish fantasy of undoing ALL the major underpinnings of OUR society within ten years is impracticable at best, insane at worst. All rejected the idea of abandoning air travel.

      Good for them!

      And then, even the most radical of the students questioned completely rejected the idea that those UNWILLING to work should be supported by the government despite their not making ANY contribution to society whatsoever.

      So I can't honestly say –– yet –– that these "students" are a hopeless lot of lost souls.

    2. Franco,
      So I can't honestly say –– yet –– that these "students" are a hopeless lot of lost souls.

      And at the University of Miami. Hardly a bastion of conservatism.

  2. That was funny watching the Green New Deal catch fire and billow black smoke on the starting line.

    The Freshman Marxist Club needs to pull a few more all-nighters to tighten it up.

  3. The tragically ignorant would be adorable, if the future of (what’s left of) the Republic wasn’t in their voting hands.

    1. When we're gone the land will be theirs. We'll be blissfully resting. For eternity.

    2. Since I am morally certain I know who YOU are, Anonymous, I have a sneaking suspicion that YOU will NOT be RESTING through Eternity.

      More likelyYOU will be ROASTING.


  4. Green trees, green fields, green landscapes, green mountains are beautiful, indeed. So are rooms decorated predominantly in varying shades of green.

    BUT we must remember that decidedly unappealing phenomena such SNOT, BAD BREATH, VOMIT, DIARRHEA, FARTS, CESSPITS, OPEN SEWERS and UNTENDED SWIMMING POOLS are traditionally illustrated in shades of green too.

    NAUSEA as well is traditionally described as"green about the gills."


  5. And Mitch McConnell is pushing a vote on it and Dems are lining up to vote for it.
    What am I missing? Why do they think that's a good thing for them?

    1. Hi, Ed.

      Democrats can't seem to see beyond the end of thir noses, despite their thinking of themselves as more "progressive" (i.e. forward thinking) than the rest of us.

      ALL the Democrats care about –– at least right now –– is blocking, balking, frustrating, misrepresenting, discrediting, and disempowering the GOP –– and ANYONE who dares to question their Obvious Superiority, and therefore, their inherent "Right" to be our RULERS.

      Democrats don't want to GOVERN; they want to DICTATE and to have enough power to PUNISH anyone who callenges –– or even questions –– their right to COMMAND.

      It seems the height of irony to me that the Democratic Party is in fact the most ANTI-DEMOCRATIC entity in the USA.

    2. Franco,
      Democrats don't want to GOVERN; they want to DICTATE and to have enough power to PUNISH anyone who callenges –– or even questions –– their right to COMMAND.

      In other words, they are fascists.

    3. I much prefer to think of them as MARXISTS, AOW.

  6. I love the Green New Deal.

    Maybe Ocasio's putting her cape in the ring for 2020? Please.

    1. Pushing the envelope to make the loons slightly right of her more palatable by comparison.

  7. Scary, but not surprising.

  8. I can hardly wait until Washington elites run the world.... and then shut down the world for two months because they can't agree on whether or not to build a wall...

  9. Replies
    1. MiniTru has been privatized. They call it, "The New York Times".

    2. No, FJ, it's the ENEMEDIA –– and it's nothing new. It's been around since the first days of the New Deal –– at least.

      The NYT is only ONE –– admittedly powerful –– facet of the multi-headed hydra best known as The ENEMEDIA. This evil amalgam has dominated everything the American Public is allowed to learn, know, see, hear, and think for fully EIGHT decades.

    3. I wonder who is trying to gaslight whom. He should define what he calls a viable birth. There was an article on Huffpost by a woman who had a late term abortion. The fetus had its upper spine outside its body and would have been paralyzed from the neck down, unable to speak and severely retarded. It would have been in a near vegetative state and probable chronic pain. The fetus survived the abortion and the mother and doctor let it expire. Was that a viable birth?
      You'd make the decision for the woman and probably also deny her medical coverage (a little gaslighting on my part ?).

      On the matter of the Green New Deal, is a non binding referendum which highlights the potential severity of the situation and the need to take action irresponsible?

    4. Ducky,
      Consult the catechism and get back to us. You've got some homework to do.

    5. Do you have to be informed that we live in a secular culture?

      The issue is who i "gaslighting" whom over the late term abortion issue.
      When the fringe right tries to float the idea that women having late term abortions simply hit their foreheads one day and say, "Oh. I knew there was something I meant to do bit I've been so busy" is dishonest and you know it.

    6. T think we ALL know where the gaslight is coming from...


    7. Yes, we live in a secular culture, and that culture condones many things that are grave sins.

      The central operative factor of Roe v Wade is viability of the human life within the mother. With medical advances, age of viability is going down.

      Also, even studies by pro-abortion organizations like Guttmacher (what a horrible inapt name) reveal only a very small percentge of late-term abortions are for health of the mother.

      A fetus is human life, Ducky. Search your Christian conscience.

    8. SF,
      A fetus is human life, Ducky. Search your Christian conscience.

      And Christians who actually believe in the tenets of the faith answer to a Higher Authority.

      From the Word of the Lord:

      God Knew Us Before We Were Born.


    Ocasio-Cortez Living in Luxury Navy Yard Apartment Building

    Washington Free Beacon,

    by Brent Scher

    After fretting about whether she´d be able to afford rent, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) has moved into a luxury apartment building in the District of Columbia´s Navy Yard neighborhood, the Washington Free Beacon has learned. Ocasio-Cortez, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, got a big raise with her election to Congress, a job that comes with a $174,000 annual salary. (Snip) She ended up moving into a luxury apartment building with a wide array of amenities where rent for even a studio apartment exceeds $2,000 a month.

  11. Koji Kanemoto,
    You may well be right!

    As Mark Twain once said, "Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today."

  12. The PETER PRINCIPLE at work.

    Remember Laurence J. Peter?

  13. Ducky...thanks for your message...Sorry, picked the font from a list of them but don't know the name of it. Glad you like it.

    1. It gives your page an elegant look without being too formal.

    2. THanks so much, everybody...I appreciate that. I love the photo my stepdaughter took, too. Now I'm having WordPress problems where everybody has to sign in first...AOW, did you find that at GeeeZ?

    3. Z,
      I'm not having a problem with sign-in at your site.

  14. New York and Andrew Cuomo Gets DUMPED!
    in the news Amazon tells New York/ Long Island City Burr Bye

    "Amazon announced Thursday it was turning back on its plans to build its second headquarters in New York City, the company said in a statement. The move comes after backlash from lawmakers, notably Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who bemoaned the project.

    "After much thought and deliberation, we’ve decided not to move forward with our plans to build a headquarters for Amazon in Long Island City, Queens," the Seattle-based Amazon said in the release."

    Insane Tax Rates are bad enough, but throw the Genus Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Bill di Blasio, and Andrew Cuomo into the mix ,and it is enough for successful business to say Bye, Bye Those Arrogant Idiots can go pound sand.. President Trump brings them in, and Cuomo etc. sends them away!


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