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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

White Culture

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From Infidel Bloggers Alliance....

Diablo Valley College professor calls Trump a "white supremacist" and says "only white people" should stand for Anthem

[See details at DVC Professor Calls For Violent Overthrow Of “White Supremacist” America]


Question: Does either of the above approaches serve a good purpose?


  1. I don't really think that White people have a culture. It's more of a leitmotif based upon exogeny. ;)

    1. ...and if other people don't want to sing along, they shouldn't be amazed when we beat the living sh*t out of them.

    2. I like your answer better than mine.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think everybody needs to brush up on their George Fitzhugh. Not because he was the South's leading intellectual defender of black slavery, but rather that he argued tjat slavery should not be limited to black people because "slavery is the purest form of socialism." Karl Marx would later plagiarize much of Fitzhugh's arguments against capitalism.

    Socialism and social justice all boils down to a question of who should be enslaved. Fitzhugh, ever the honest socialist, said "everybody."

  3. Are you doing your part to preserve your culture?

    ::cracks whip::

  4. There is neither a "white culture" nor a "black culture."

    White and black are superficial categorizations and assigning cultures or ascribing characteristics to such broad heterogeneous categories is absurd.

    Having said that, certain threads can be isolated, followed and the people involved be spoken of at some level as a whole.

    Early Criollos in South America up through the revolutions of Simon Bolivar, O'Higgins and San Martin for example, since they come from the same geographical place, all ended up in a new continent, had similar experiences and all drank from a shared culture and collectively created a new one.

    I ask a North American or European white man or woman: Do you share in and feel a part of Simon Bolivar's cultural contributions?

    Probably not, but millions of Latin Americans of various shades, national origins and mixtures do, and rightly so.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. SF,
      There is neither a "white culture" nor a "black culture."

      Yet, I hear the two terms bandied about -- especially the latter term -- by both whites and blacks.

      For example, We read this about long, adorned fingernails:

      Vogue has been accused of cultural appropriation for an online piece about “Manicure Sculptures” — because basically, long, adorned nails belong to “black culture.” “Mainstream culture has whitewashed black culture and now Vogue has gentrified ’hood nails,’” Ntianu Obiora writes in a piece for Pulse. “Elaborate and unusually long nails have been a staple part of black beauty culture since the 80’s and was originally labelled ‘ghetto’ and ‘tacky.’ However, the minute a mainstream white designer does it, it’s suddenly considered ‘fashion.’”

      I deliberately chose a trivial example, one of many examples from a Google search of "black culture."

    3. I have another example of cultural appropriation. During the Civil War, the North found that the South had vitually monopolized America's professional military leadership and thus the largely conscripted Union Army found itself to be no match for Southern troops so they changed tactics and began burning cities, killing unarmed civilians and raping women instead. This was more effective, but of course it created quite an animosity that lasts to this day.

      You see, in the North's ignorance, they burned the fields but left the black eyed peas and collard greens alone, thinking the South would be punished by leaving them only food usually fed to slaves. Little did they know black eyed peas and collard greens are awesome, a testament to how well slaves were fed, but the dish became a New Years tradition, the peas for coins and the greens for dollars, to wish for wealth and good luck in the new year. Yankees figured out Southerners can make anything taste good, even military defeat, and stole this dish.

    4. I'd say the examples of "cultural appropriation" that are legitimately offensive are few and far between.

      The Redskins is one I can think of but they aren't common.

      I remember when this "movement" hit the Museum of Fine Arts over an event at the rehanging of Monet's Japonaise.
      Visitors were invited to try on an identical kimono donated by the Japanese consulate.

      The demonstrators showed up complaining about racism and cultural appropriation. The demonstrators were all Chinese or local white SJW's.
      No one asked about Chinese/Japanese cultural appropriation.

    5. I'd say the examples of "cultural appropriation" that are legitimately offensive are few and far between.

      The Redskins is one I can think of but they aren't common.

      I remember when this "movement" hit the Museum of Fine Arts over an event at the rehanging of Monet's Japonaise.
      Visitors were invited to try on an identical kimono donated by the Japanese consulate.

      The demonstrators showed up complaining about racism and cultural appropriation. The demonstrators were all Chinese or local white SJW's.
      No one asked about Chinese/Japanese cultural appropriation.

    6. Ducky, Thank you for the story. It is telling that the event was made possible by the Japanese Consulate donating the offending kimono.

      It is also a sign of our sick society that the protesters were not of Japanese ancestry. Sane people should have come along and kicked them all in their hyper-sensitive asses and accused them of appropriating another group's prerogative to protest (or not protest).

    7. AOW, I dismiss such piffle vomited out by stupid people with nothing better to do than stir the pot and sling excrement.

      If everyone would ignore them instead of giving them one more platform to show their absurd asses, most of this would dry up and blow away.

      The internet and social media is a 24/7, worldwide blaring bullhorn of stupidity that allows morons and pot-stirrers who used to only plague friends, family and coworkers in their immediate vicinity to now waste the time and kill brain cells of millions worldwide.

    8. Not only weren't the protesters Japanese but when the event was shut down (MFA caved) a local Japanese secondary school teacher was livid that his class couldn't experience the event.

    9. SF,
      I dismiss such piffle vomited out by stupid people with nothing better to do than stir the pot and sling excrement.

      Same here!

      But I am becoming increasingly alarmed to see 17-year-olds whom I personally teacher believing such garbage.

      And they vote in a year. Sheesh.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. FreeThinke: Well said. It is one more bludgeon for special class "victims" to beat "the privileged" over the head.

      Like all revolutions, they end up beating each other, usually surrounding a sorting out over the rankings of categories.

    12. @ Nostradumbass, "Red Skins" isn't "cultural appropriation".
      At one time it was meant as a vaguely derogatory euphemism for American Indians. Now its a symbol of power, a warrior spirit. Most don't really give a damn.

      They have their own vaguely derogatory term for whites, Wasatch(sp); in slang it translates as frozen (read white) penis or at least that seems to be Paiute folk lore. First time I heard it was from a Lakota Sioux named Betty. She was the one that started that whole Warrior/Red Skin thing by getting a public high-school to change its sports mascots name from warriors to something asinine. Later she went on that whole kick about changing places names that had the word "squaw" in them. Peabody coal even changed the name of its "Squaw Creek Mine" operation to a number. Funny thing is that everyone still calls it the Squaw Creek Mine. She was a firebrand but I suspect she was also bi-polar.

      She called me "White Indian", it wasn't meant as a compliment. LOL

  5. I thought Richard Pryor demonstrated the difference between black and white culture on his first album.
    "Surely we can communicate better than THAT!"

  6. "Diablo Valley College professor calls Trump a "white supremacist" and says "only white people" should stand for Anthem"

    I couldn't get that video to play but if I could have I doubt that I would dignify it with any kind of response. Regarding the other video; she's right in every respect. And, yes, as far as I know, no one in the US is being held hostage to, so called "White Culture". Other than those incarcerated for crimes, anyone may leave, at will!

  7. Meanwhile In new Quinnipiac Poll, 66% of people feel the economy is "Excellent or Good. That is the highest number ever recorded by this poll,


      "Political Junky" is in fact a TROLL addicted to posting IDENTICAL IRRELEVANT COMMENTS at every site he visits.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Well, Cleopatra nails it. Collective guilt for whites - si. Collective pride for whites, no.

    In Douglas Murray's excellent book The Strange Death of Europe he writes about European guilt for past imperialism. If one must have that guilt, what about Turkey? Iran? Saudi Arabia, Mongolia? Why must only Europe atone for past sins when really all nations have committed them?

    Guilt has become a moral intoxicant in Western Europe. They get high on it. Like this goofball 'professor.'

    Murray gives shocking examples of white 'apologists' like one Brit who discovered he had DNA related to a slave trader 500 years ago. He went with other whites on an 'Apology Tour' to Gambia, symbolically being 'sorry' for his actions. But there were no blacks on this tour, no Africans who hunted down, captured and sold black Africans to his ancestor. Yes, the world is FULL of guilty parties at any given time in history. But damn few that have fought bloody civil wars to right the wrongs.

    What about the 100,000's of men, women, and children slaughtered in the brutal Mongol invasions of Baghdad, Damascus and other places? No one is tracing their DNA to go look for Mongol descendants to apologize because they’re not gonna find any interested in apologizing.

    Europe is allowing itself to be judged by its lowest moments, and everyone else by their best.

    It all applies here, too.

    1. Indeed.

      "Guilt has become a moral intoxicant"

      Brilliant observation. Like all intoxicants, it is deadly in high or persistent doses.

    2. It' not guilt, silverfiddle, so much as fear.
      The white male is no longer completely in charge and there is a resistance.

      Watched the clip, Farmer. It's main conclusion seems to be that we went wrong when we dismissed Hitler's racial theories. No thanks.

    3. Really?

      I took it that we went wrong when the federal government turned race into a policy consideration.

  12. Ducky, It is guilt. Read some literature. European elites sincerely thought they owed something to the poor third world.

    Fear? I haven't seen any good arguments for that. True, since the end of the civil war, there have been small pockets of people who feel threatened by loss of status, but I have seen nothing that supports this theory of "White Man Status Loss Fear."

    Frankly, it's progressive hogwash.

  13. I like the results of President Trump's first year, but I am fed up with his vulgar outbursts and constant stream of childish name-calling. For Gaia's sake, even Tourettes sufferers can learn to control themselves with some therapy.

    1. SF,
      This time, DOJ lost his temper, IMO. The "Gang of Six" marched into the Oval Office and tried to proclaim that they had "a deal." They did not -- and instead presented to the POTUS what amounted to an insult. At least, that has been my understanding of the meeting. I admit that I haven't kept up with the saturation coverage.

      There's also this:

      If These Countries Aren't Shitholes, Why Do Other Countries Have to Offer Aid and Refugee Status to Help People Escape Them?

    2. And one more thing....

      Wasn't this a private meeting? I've been in many a private meeting, and nobody in those meetings came out and tattled about what was said in that meeting. Take my word for it: in those meetings some very unladylike outbursts occurred (not from me, believe it or not -- I didn't trust my own faculty not to run and tattle to the director).

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Silverfiddle,

    Bad premises lead to dubious conclusions. Recalibrate with facts. We do not live in the universe where Donald Trump is not mentally retarded.

    1. ...or one in which he is not the President. :)

    2. TC,

      Your first sentence makes you sound like the love child of Stanley Jevons and Mr. Obvious.

      For the rest of it, I refer you to Speedy.

    3. I don't mind that the President is retarded. It's cruel to make fun of the handicapped.

      I'm just happy that we have people in government aware of his extreme devotion to Russia that are willing to fake direct orders from Putin to keep Trump mostly not doing anything.

  15. Does anyone disagree with the observation of facts about Haiti? Dennis Prager's comment on 'private comments' is to not judge people by them. And THIS he said (and wrote - published in the WSJ) defending Hillary Clinton's private comments about the "Jew bastard" she held responsible for an early defeat for Bill.

  16. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/01/13/associate-hillary-clinton-uranium-one-russian-bribery-case-indicted/
    Off Topic ...and not known much yet. I'm sure it'll disappear as all other things against Clinton and Obama do, but fascinating.


  17. Sorry to hurt the feelings of you Liberals but there are many parts of Mexico, El Salvador, Africa and even some parts of Asia that are Shitholes.

    And truth be told , if we keep on letting these people in here that’s what America is going to be in about 10 or 15 years. Why is it wrong to admit the truth?

    1. As we constantly note here: "THE TRUTH IS NOT HATE SPEECH"! Yes the TRUTH isn't always nice but it's always the TRUTH! We have an un/low-skilled "labor intensive" work force right here, right now, domestically, which is under utilized in no small part due to government disincentives. Once again I'm sick and tired of hearing "they do the jobs that Americans won't do". NO, Americans would do those jobs if they weren't otherwise subsidized not to. Although our dismal "Labor Force Participation Rate" appears to be improving, we can do a lot better, IMO.

    2. Because it isn't a truth?

      You're going to sit there and say an INDIVIDUAL aoplicant for admission to the United States is responsible for the conditions in his original country that he's trying to get away from, and that his admission would do the same to the United States?

      Are you a racist, or are your own contributions to our country so weak that they are easily negated? Maybe YOU don't belong here.


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