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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

"The Narrative"?

Is the term the narrative actually a euphemism for the latest political lie harped upon ad nauseam?

Pick any "narrative." Is that narrative aligned by political party or is that narrative not aligned by political party?

Recent narratives...

Democrats: "The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 will hit the middle class hard and panders to the rich."

Republicans: "The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 gives tax breaks to the middle class, and the tax breaks for the rich will stimulate the economy."

Is not one of the above so-called narratives an outright lie?  Hmmmmm?


Additional reading and worth your time: Trump's Tax Plan and How It Would Affect You.


  1. My only comment is why do single people without children need to support the kiddies? Thanks to Rubio millions will get an increase in payments from the government in the form of tax credits even though they pay no taxes. Come one come all to the USA.

    1. This is why years ago I gave up arguing over taxes. Tax policy (like most government policy) is an incoherent hodgepodge of often contradictory laws, incentives and bureaucratic directives.

    2. that's happened for years, hasn't it...so many childlish couples and singles paying for public schools, right!?

    3. Bunkerville,
      Thanks to Rubio millions will get an increase in payments from the government in the form of tax credits even though they pay no taxes.

      I have never understood how someone should be allowed tax credits if that someone wasn't liable for a tax payment in the first place!

    4. Silverfiddle, I honestly don't believe many people think "Oh, boy! A couple extra thou, let's have more kids" but I hope you're right. And right, breeding little in Europe has only opened the door to having to bring in immigrants who keep their cultures and don't assimilate.

      Am not saying it's necessarily bad for childless couples to pay thousands of dollars for sometimes sixty YEARS to support public schools but comparing it in your analogy.

    5. Z: I doubt anyone is motivated by the tax code to get married and/or have children, but the tax credit is a nice financial boon, especially to working class families.

      Also, another defense of couples with children receiving tax benefits is that they are creating people to replace themselves (and pay their social security payments), while childless couples are not. This is a sensitive issue for many and involved private situations and decisions, so I don't like getting involved in such debates.

      The larger question is, how much public benefits and "general welfare" should local, county, state and federal government sponsor?

    6. "AOW: I have never understood how someone should be allowed tax credits if that someone wasn't liable for a tax payment in the first place!"
      That's because you are approaching it as a conservative and not a progressive.

    7. The education of our children (paid for by everyone) was supposed to benefit the community providing trained labor.
      Hasn't worked that well lately.
      Now they are just indoctrination centers.

    8. Ed, the tax credit was first suggested by arch communist, Milton Friedman.
      Not all the tax code is a liberal creation.

    9. Two posts, each well within forum rules have been censored.

      Can't imagine who else would do it strictly out of spite.

    10. Duck,
      I don't owe you any explanation. Nevertheless, I'll clue you in.

      By my decision and solely my decision...that particular commenter is permanently banned from this blog. Period. Full stop.

      If you want to know exactly why I came to that decision, contact me at alwaysonwatch2-dot-gmail-dot-com. My AOL account, whereby you used to reach me, is dormant.

      PS: I deleted his first comment today, Warren deleted the second. Unless, of course, Blogger zapped the second comment. That zapping sometimes happens if the second comment is identical to the first.

    11. PPS: On occasion, I DO carry a grudge if a certain line is crossed.

    12. Duck,
      Aha! I found two of YOUR comments in the spam folder. Warren COULD have put them there, but I sorta doubt it. On occasion, Blogger itself gets "frisky" and relegates comments to the spam folder.

    13. I deleted one of the two you were talking about but I checked the spam filter just now. Sure enough two of Duck's comments were there and I have restored them. I have restored them.

      Thank me, I'm welcome. LOL!

      You're like a puppy, Nostradumbass, if you crap on the floor I will rub your nose in it.

    14. Well, back to Earned Income Tax Credit, it appears Ducky was right.
      Perhaps this answers your question AOW?

    15. Ed,
      I'm about to retire, so now the EITC will be more inclusive. Figures.

    16. Single people with no kids do not support the public education system to any significant degree. Property taxes, however, do. And this is why:

      Adam Smith, "The Wealth of Nations" In the progress of the division of labour, the employment of the far greater part of those who live by labour, that is, of the great body of the people, comes to be confined to a few very simple operations, frequently to one or two. But the understandings of the greater part of men are necessarily formed by their ordinary employments. The man whose whole life is spent in performing a few simple operations, of which the effects are perhaps always the same, or very nearly the same, has no occasion to exert his understanding or to exercise his invention in finding out expedients for removing difficulties which never occur. He naturally loses, therefore, the habit of such exertion, and generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become. The torpor of his mind renders him not only incapable of relishing or bearing a part in any rational conversation, but of conceiving any generous, noble, or tender sentiment, and consequently of forming any just judgment concerning many even of the ordinary duties of private life. Of the great and extensive interests of his country he is altogether incapable of judging, and unless very particular pains have been taken to render him otherwise, he is equally incapable of defending his country in war. The uniformity of his stationary life naturally corrupts the courage of his mind, and makes him regard with abhorrence the irregular, uncertain, and adventurous life of a soldier. It corrupts even the activity of his body, and renders him incapable of exerting his strength with vigour and perseverance in any other employment than that to which he has been bred. His dexterity at his own particular trade seems, in this manner, to be acquired at the expence of his intellectual, social, and martial virtues. But in every improved and civilized society this is the state into which the labouring poor, that is, the great body of the people, must necessarily fall, unless government takes some pains to prevent it.

      per Adam Smith, "wealth" means "property".

    17. "Conservative" Smith anticipates Marx and Durkheim?

    18. Smith thinks that a public education is both a natural outgrowth and a necessity given the surplus values only to be derived through a division of labour.

  2. The narrative(s) cited are predictions of future events. Only one will be "proven" true" but as of this moment, neither has.

    1. ..and "best case", neither statement is "entirely" true or "entirely" false.

    2. As Nietzsche said, “The criterion of truth resides in the enhancement of the feeling of power” (WtP sec. 534).

      D's and R's are both fighting for "Authorship" of the grand narrative. And both narrative's serve their "power" enhancement "interests".

    3. Well stated, Farmer. Right now everyone is jockeying for talking points and nothing is clear.
      I think some even believe they will see changes in this year's filings.

      So it will be a while before we know if the middle class gets enough of a break to offset the rise in insurance premiums that is coming.

      One thing that seems clear is that the talks of jobs and wage increases is a little loose.
      Somehow companies aren't going to play true to form and spend it all on share buybacks, additional lobbyists and executive pay.

    4. I posted a reply that agreed with you, Farmer.

      It was rather mild. No invective, harsh language or ad hominem.

      Can't imagine who censored it.

    5. The above must have been the "Spam folder" comments.

      btw - I agree the corporations aren't going to do ANYTHING useful with the additional money. We desperately need a progressively increasing tax based upon market capitalization, and a tariff on foreign owned entities.

    6. I think some even believe they will see changes in this year's filings.

      Only the smart ones... ;)

    7. So it will be a while before we know if the middle class gets enough of a break to offset the rise in insurance premiums that is coming.

      A convicted felon complained about the crappy service he received from a court-appointed attorney, a woman who was paid by the taxpayers and which cost the defendant absolutely nothing. This moron apparently did not understand that you get what you pay for. There is no quality champagne for the price of a can of beer. Health care is no exception. Anyone wanting quality health care for his or her family should expect to pay for it. I took care of my wife and kids ... I expect everyone to take care of theirs.

  3. Slightly Off Topic...have watched TV news only about 10 minutes now and FOX has had the usual 3 very leftwing commenters interviewed....the DNC meme seems to be how "even Republicans don't agree with Trump..." All 3 said that as part of the message. VERY clever; a tad too early, they should start that 3 months before meaningful midterms, but ....it's fun to notice non-coincidences "hmmm...odd all 3 in 10 minutes have said the same thing..." :-)

    1. Z,
      the DNC meme seems to be how "even Republicans don't agree with Trump..."

      Many Old Guard GOPe's are, in part, responsible for that meme.

      Am I ever sick and tired of such political memes!

    2. If the GOOP were smart--which they are not--they would turn the 2018 midterms into a referendum on the tax cuts:

      "Put up or shut up, Dems! Do you support the tax cuts, or will you vote to repeal them if you gain the majority?"

    3. AOW, excellent point; it's not undeserved, you're right!

      Silverfiddle...I couldn't agree more; on the fact that GOPers are NOT smart, at least not in messaging (although as much as I dislike Trump's way of talking, he definitely messages better than most)...Yes, they MUST say something like your quote; I often include what they SHOULD be saying and even started a new blog about it.

    4. Joe,
      For whatever reason, I found your comment in the spam folder.

    5. I had to look up the meaning of baizuo:

      Baizuo (pronounced 'bye-tswaw') is a Chinese epithet meaning naive western educated person who advocated for peace and equality only to satisfy their own feeling of moral superiority. A baizuo only cares about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment; while being obsessed with political correctness to the extent that they import backwards Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism.

    6. Yes, the Left touts the Obama foreign policy... but in the Chinese translation you see what non-Western foreigners REALLY thought of him...

  4. I love a good tax cut. I only wish that some day, someone will take on actual spending cuts. I know. Not realistic. I will now banish myself to the spam folder corn field.

    President Donald Trump hit 45 Percent Approval in the daily Rasmussen approval tracking poll this past Wednesday, marking his highest since November 15.

    But the Anti American Leftist’s won't accept it because they prefer to believe the MSM BS. And their lies rather than face the truth.

    1. What is the truth Me? That which makes one feel comfortable? Propaganda that supports one's wishes? Or that which is supported by credible data which is based on objective inputs and reasoning?

      The catch call of conservatives, the Anti American Leftist's, is one example of irrational BS.

      Folks who are being honest with themselves know America has its share of problems and that they cut across party lines.

      Partisanship creates more problems than it solves.

    2. Partisanship is a fact of the human condition. So too is our hypocrisy, since, if we are honest, few of us can cast the first stone. Partisanship led us into our revolution; out politics has been unchanged ever since. It is really no different in the USA than in any other country in the world. What makes partisanship seem different here in the USA is the platform upon which we express our differences. Quite some time ago, two representatives had a difference of opinion on the floor of the Senate, which ended in one fellow beating the other fellow nearly to death. This behavior was deplorable, but at least they had courage enough to face one another. Today, people tend to hide behind masks so that we do not actually know who it is we are conversing with, and of course, this allows us to employ scathing remarks without fear of having our asses kicked. Today, it is impossible to have a gentlemanly (or ladylike) conversation. What we have is a free for all involving equally snarky, under-educated hooligans who understand far less than what it is they think they know —about anything. Why is this so? Part of the answer is social media, but also because it has long been an effective strategy to shout down one’s opponent, or accuse him or her of dastardly deeds to discredit anything he or she has to say. I do not often agree with Ducky, but I do agree with him about this: we are a sorry people.

    3. Few would argue that social media, and the anonymity it provides, has made an unfortunate situation much worse methinks.

      And yes, Ducky is sit on as you noted.

    4. RN said:
      "Few would argue that social media, and the anonymity it provides, has made an unfortunate situation much worse methinks."

      Not really, it just makes nonsense a lot more likely to be heard and easier for those that like to aggravate strangers to aggravate.

      "And yes, Ducky is sit on as you noted."

      I hope that last sentence was just poorly worded.

    5. Sam,
      Quite some time ago, two representatives had a difference of opinion on the floor of the Senate, which ended in one fellow beating the other fellow nearly to death. This behavior was deplorable, but at least they had courage enough to face one another. Today, people tend to hide behind masks...

      So true!

      It's no wonder that civil discourse has become a dinosaur.

  6. There is an interesting Gallup poll out that shows that, after an active speaking tour promoting her book and her retrospective on her loss to Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton has actually become even more unpopular. We have previously noted that polls have shown Trump would still beat Clinton in a head-to-head election (and here). While Trump is also facing declining polls, he is at the same level or even higher than Clinton. Clinton posted the lowest polling numbers yet with only 36% popularity and an unfavorable rating of 61%.

  7. After losing what should have been a pretty winnable election, it would make sense for Hillary Clinton to sit down with her team and assess what happened and why they lost. It would be useful information for anybody that wants to challenge Trump in 2020. However, that kind of self-reflection would be grounds for accepting responsibility for something and Hillary Clinton does not do that.

    Instead, Hillary chose to blame James Comey. In revealing what is either a stunning lack of self-awareness or just her innate penchant for blaming others for her troubles, she decided to attempt to make the case to donors the reason she lost states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio was due to letters sent by FBI Director James Comey to members of Congress about her emails.

    1. By golly you get a twofer. You described HRC and HRC, neither accepts responsibility for negative aspects of things they had a hand in.

  8. HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR AOW!!! xoxoxoxo patriotic hugzzzzzzzzzz! :-)


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