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Sunday, December 3, 2017

Musical Interlude: Advent 2017

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For this first Sunday in Advent 2017, enjoy the 13th Century plainsong "Of the Father's Love Begotten," a version with the lyrics onscreen:

Another version:

[about Of the Father's Love Begotten]


  1. The top video doesn't work for me...the bottom one totally makes up for it. Gorgeous...I love that melody.

    Also, I saw an image of a kitty standing behind a Christmas tree lying across the floor in front of her...the caption is "Thank goodness you're home! The Christmas tree FAINTED!" Thought you'd enjoy that!

    1. Z,
      I got the top video to play, but it takes several seconds to start.

      HERE is the direct link to the video. Worth trying!

      I will check FB for the image of a kitty standing behind a Christmas tree lying across the floor in front of her.

  2. https://www.facebook.com/Laughoftheday24/videos/1525738757516254/

    Does that work?

    1. Z,
      Yes, that's one of several places posting that hilarious kitty meme.

  3. There is something infinitely restful and soul-satisfying about Plainsong (Gregorian Chant) when performed with reverence, sensitivity and solemn devotion to the Sustaining infinite, better known as Almighty God.

    Few are eqipped to frecognize the great beauty and deep satisfacgtion that may be found in an embrace of Austerity –– tragically immersed as we are in the hectic, fractious, noisy, jostling barbarity of an age that has abandoned itself to coarse sensuality, gross materiality, unbridled selfishness, bitter enmities, and cutthroat competition at every conceivable level.

    Listenng for the Still Small Voice of Almighty God is ––I believe –- the only ANTIDOTE for all that ails us.

    ... 'Tis heard in the rustling of leaves in the forest
    Seen in the waving of golden fields
    Midst loveiest flowers gaudy array,
    'Tis seen in myriad stars of heaven ...

    ~ except from The Omnipotence by Johann Ladislaus Pyrker (1772-1847)
    - set to music by Franz Schubert (1797-1828)

  4. FT,
    There is something infinitely restful and soul-satisfying about Plainsong (Gregorian Chant)

    I feel the same way -- particularly in a cathedral setting.


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