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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

President Flexible

With thanks to my friend Mustang:

Flexibility is not leadership. Neither is disregard for live microphones – although live mics do reveal a lot about the speaker.


  1. Inflexibility is what we typically refer to as "character".

    In other words, Obama's "pretending" for the moment to "have it" (for the benefit of American citizens), while admitting to America's enemies that in "reality", he doesn't.

  2. Obama is a walking disaster on display. Hopefully, more of out fellow citizens are waking up to that fact.

  3. Why does Obama know that he will win the upcoming election? What is sort of deal is he brokering with Russia? Clearly, the fix is already in!

    An unfettered Obama is enough nightmare fuel to las for several lifetimes!

    Also, indiscretions like that point to the conclusion that Obama is arrogant and a fool. Just like one must assume the gun is always loaded, the mic is always hot!

  4. Why does Obama know that he will win the upcoming election?


    He followed the Republican primaries and has laughed his ass off as the Tea Party has destroyed the Republican Party.

    Now back to mustang pining for the Cold War.

  5. The scary part is that Obama, if he wins the election, will have more "flexibility" in all areas, not just in relations with Russia.

    He knows he only has one term to wreak his havoc. He knows Congress will not impeach, and he knows no matter what he does, Congress will be powerless to stop him. He no doubt has his defense prepared already. Any objections to what he wants to accomplish will be met with charges of Racism.

    It is imperative to get him out of office, even if we have to use the Democrat tactic of "vote early, and vote often".

  6. Obma has been reckless in his dealings with foreign countries since he has been in office. It is really scary to think about how much more reckless he would be as a lame duck president.

  7. "Comrade, After NOvember I am free to sell out my country."

  8. He followed the Republican primaries and has laughed his ass off as the Tea Party has destroyed the Republican Party.

    ...how is THAT possible? Romney's the nominee, NOT Bachmann. The RNC fought off the Tea Party and WON. Whether the Tea Party falls in line and accepts defeat, or goes 3rd Party remains to be seen. I'm for the 3rd Party route, now.

  9. Since the end of World War II, America had but one quality political leader. He was a man of vision and courage, determined to conclude the so-called Cold War. That man was Ronald Reagan. Previously, what united most Americans was their fear of the Soviet Union —a strategy adopted and encouraged by Democrats and unworthy Republicans. In the post Reagan period, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Americans were no longer united by their fears and this is when they began to turn on one another —a process orchestrated with great finesse by the Progressive (Communist) Party. This is where we are today because America has not produced a quality leader since Ronald Reagan —and the downward spiral continues.

    In that sense, I much prefer a united America, as opposed to what progressive politicians created through multiple stratagems.

  10. When you have no morals or standards to protect you can say or do anything to fit your current audience. I cannot stand Obama

    Right Truth

  11. Big deal, he blew off a Ruskie. Good job BO!

  12. As opposed to Romney's recent hot mic moment about eliminating more programs which help the middle class like The Dept. of Education and HUD:


    Funny how Fox News didn't cover this, lol!

  13. Maybe with this little tid-bit some eyes will be opened.

    And like Mustang, there has never been a president as wonderful as Reagan.

    We need one now more than ever, because I am afraid Romney is in. And it is going to be so difficult to vote for him.

  14. "Romney's recent hot mic moment about eliminating more programs which help the middle class like The Dept. of Education and HUD"

    Romney said THAT???

    Considering that HUD and the Department of Education are two of the many money wasting failures of Democrat creations, I say, what are we waiting for? Everybody vote for Romney!!!

  15. Flexibility is good in yoga class, not in the highest office in the US government. First, it's appalling that it happened, and secondly, more appalling that the MSM refuses to report it.

  16. I remember another “open mic” incident nearly 30 years ago. In 1984, President Reagan was doing a sound check on his microphone when he said, “"My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes."
    This demonstrates three things, actually. The first is that anyone can make a mistake. Second, no one has ever accused the Russians of having a sense of humor. Lastly, Barack Obama is no Ronald Reagan. Mr. Reagan’s intended humor was at least patriotic and, in context with the times, reflective of the president’s frustration with the USSR’s obstinacy. We contrast this with the discovery that Mr. Obama is “selling out” his country. How can any but a stupid American feel good about that?

  17. Leticia said...

    "Maybe with this little tid-bit some eyes will be opened.

    And like Mustang, there has never been a president as wonderful as Reagan."

    Cuckoo for cocoa puffs!

  18. Perhaps he thinks that the French have surrendered far too much, and is trying to redistribute the failure!

  19. The RNC fought off the Tea Party and WON.


    The Tea Party "movement" is but a subsidiary of Romney For President, Inc.

  20. Really, Beamish? Where was Romney's PAC spending in 2012? There was almost "nothing" of a nationally organized Tea Party movement in 2008. In 2010, Bachmann formed the "caucus". In 2012, Romney's PAC didn't donate to her...

    So where's the Open Secret, again???

    Grow up beamish. Romney's boys were 'hedging' in 2008.

  21. According to Beamish, Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich all all too leftist to be President.

    Apparently, the only person Conservative enough for Beamish is Beamish himself.

    Why don't you throw your hat into the ring, Beamish?

  22. It was, but he pulled a Ross Perot.

    That's what REAL "conservatives" like beamish do. Flip-flop and misdirect.

  23. What obama says when he thinks that the public are not listening is far more telling that the dishonest bs he peddles to the masses.

    I'm longing for the day when this fellow is sent packing by the American people.

  24. According to Beamish, Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich all all too leftist to be President.

    Truth be told, I'd be iffy about that old New Deal socialist Ronald Reagan too.

    Why don't you throw your hat into the ring, Beamish?

    I will when America deserves me.

    So where's the Open Secret, again???

    Ask Marco Rubio. Or Nikki Haley.


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