See Occupy and Seize over at Infidel Bloggers Alliance. Brief excerpt below the fold.
2. We call for workers to not only strike, but seize their workplaces collectively, and to organize them democratically. We call for students and teachers to act together, to teach democracy, not merely the teachers to the students, but the students to the teachers. To seize the classrooms and free minds together.Read the rest HERE.
5. We call for the seizure and use of abandoned buildings, of abandoned land, of every property seized and abandoned by speculators, for the people, for every group that will organize them....
"Organization" and "democracy" have become code words for socialism.
ReplyDeleteMost laughable is them trying to coopt the tea parties.
ReplyDeleteLuckily, it looks like our conservative brethren are not that stupid.
Yeah, we may agree broadly on the problem, but we diverge sharply on the solution. State socialism is not the answer. Personal liberty and the shattering of the DC-NY axis of crony crapitalism evil is the answer, and it starts with DC.
Wall Street is robbing us blind with the full permission and sanction of our feral government.
Communism is alive and well I see.
ReplyDeleteThose demands could have been taken directly from the Hugo Chavez play book. The commies are crawling out from under their rocks.
ReplyDeleteIt's ironic that Nancy (she whose personal wealth has grown by 42%) Pelosi and the leading Dems are openly condoning the Wall Street occupiers. The people whom the protesters are wanting to topple and destroy are the biggest contributors and schmoozing buddies with those Dems. And those same Dems are largely responsible for all the bailouts and TARPS those Wall Street firms got. Half the people in Obama's administration are Wall Street wonks.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a conspiracy kind of guy, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...Something is going on in this incestuous relationship between Wall Street and Washington. Is it smoke and mirrors? Are the Dems as stupid as they are ideological? Are the protesters just more 'useful idiots'? Like Silver said, Wall Street is robbing us blind with the full permission and sanction of the government.
There was an article just a few minutes ago on Yahoo News that said DEMOCRATS LAYING CLAIM TO OCCUPY WALL STREET MOVEMENT.
ReplyDeleteIt has disappeared suddenly and no history of it shows anywhere on Yahoo. But how typical of the Democrats whose platform matched that of the Communist Party USA almost to the letter.
In some interviews that I have watched it seems that many hate Obama as well. But then Anarchist hate everyone.
Let's hope that the Dems do claim this pack of unwashed, longhaired, rabble rousers. When violence breaks out, and it will they will have hell to pay.
We The People won't forget.
I know a great deal about the OccupyMN one at least because I attended it.
ReplyDeleteThe individuals I spoke with and met comprised the entire political/ideological spectrum.
They were not merely socialists/Marxists.
I'm not inferring that some of them weren't socialists/Marxists. Indeed I saw some them and spoke with some of them with such "demands".
ReplyDeleteThat is in large part why we were there. We met alot of people that were receptive to our cause of individual Liberty and wanted to learn more about the Federal Reserve and fractional reserve banking and its place in all of this. We had 100+ strong march from the Government Center's "people's plaza" over to the Federal Reserve bank.
The pundits and the politicos want to divide and conquer. Let that be their aim. It isn't ours.
Carpe eveything!
ReplyDeleteHeil, Caesar!
Silver fiddle, no one is trying to copy the Baggers.
ReplyDeleteEd Rendell (D - Pimp) was on rabies radio and came up with this brilliance, "You've delivered your message, now go bring change at the ballot box". Budgie boy isn't getting the message, there is nothing but a slate of corporate stooges, the system is broke.
Now the Baggers are placing their faith in the system that has failed. They even call Herman Cain (R - Destroy jobs) a job creator. They probably even believe that Mitt Romney creates jobs.
So buy a vowel. This has nothing to do with the rather ineffective Bagger movement which has been and interesting piece of branding but a bust as a movement.
Herman Cain, starts with 600 locations in fifth place. Ends with under 500 locations and seventh place. That's the Bagger idea of a job creator and a good example of why you are laughed at.
...and $50 billion dollar subsidies to Government Motors union welfare queens aren't "laughable" under the "saved jobs" category?
ReplyDeleteYour sense of humour is out of tune.
Duckbutt you seem to overlook one very important detail. All those places turned a profit , no job losses there. With out cutting unnecessary spending, something that you socialist don't understand all those jobs would have been lost.
ReplyDeleteFor someone who is suppose to have an education you sure are dumb. Oh, I forgot you majored in underwater basket weaving and finger painting. Liberal Arts. LOL
The pundits and the politicos want to divide and conquer. Let that be their aim. It isn't ours.
ReplyDeleteSoapster, it is a fact that those who sleep with dogs, get fleas. Reality is what it is and the MOB has no reality. Call it what you like but if you join em, you become one of them. See quote about dogs and fleas.
Unless you were in Minneapolis and attending the Occupy event Ticker you have no idea what these individuals represented. My guess is someone told you what they represent and thus you ran with it. Perhaps that suits you. I personally find it divisive not to mention a rather sheltered way in which to live.
ReplyDeleteThe enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Do you have a different breed of dog in MN than the ones in NY?
ReplyDeleteDon't have to go to MN or NY or DC Soapster to understand fools who want to overthrow our system of government. They are of the same ilk as those I met when I returned from Nam. Damn bunch of unwashed, long haired sympathizers of the enemy. I dealt with them in the same way this bunch needs to be dealt with.
AOW , found the link. It suddenly re-appeared a couple of hours after I and a few others questioned it's disappearence.
the article says it all
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to let you know that on the computer using Internet Explorer, I haven't been able to comment on your site for a long time.
ReplyDeleteI have to go to my old computer and use Fox Mosizlla in order to comment.
Let's continue, sine Ticker is on a roll. Herman Cain closed over a hundred locations. Essentially what he did was oversee a Chapter 11 procedure. That takes a brilliant business man.
ReplyDeleteNow the stores that were closed were independent franchisers not the company owned locations so they lost everything and Herman was never able to grow the business to help them get back their investment.
But this is your idea of a great businessman. Outstanding Tocker.
AOW, what's the tax on food in Virginia, 3%. So when The Pizza Man's 9-9-9 plan goes into effect you're going to be taxed 12% on food. You'll love it. He's your kind of candidate.
Silverfiddle, another difference between baggers and the current crowd. Baggers are largely elderly living on government benefits and they want more. They are really concerned about the country.
The Occupy crowd is young and realize that they have a very dismal future. If you can't understand that fundamental difference you haven't been paying attention.
Ducky, you seem to think having a bad attitude is the same as wisdom. It isn't.
ReplyDeleteThe young and the brainless who are occupying Wall Street may have a dismal future, because those who think government is the solution generally do. They don't know how to create wealth and don't want to know. They just want to be taken care of, to get a free ride, to take from others what they are too lazy or too stupid to create for themselves.
Ducky, get ALL the details: "At Godfather’s, Cain closed down low performing franchises as CEO, Wiggins said, but he was able to “turn the ship around.” The company lost jobs then but, Wiggins said, Cain created more than he lost under his stewardship. He hired employees who wanted to be at their restaurants, were focused on customer service and didn’t just see the position as a JOB, or “just on board,” Wiggins said."
ReplyDeleteSometimes people do have to shut down shops to make a company stay solvent. When even ABC can't find dirt, you know there's validity to this guy beyond your ridiculous name calling and insults.
Thanks Duck...
ReplyDeleteI am even more convinced about Herman Cain. According to your own description Ducky, Herman went into a bloated administration heavy business and cut the driftwood found folks that wanted to actually serve customers and the whole chain benefitted with higher profits and probably bigger salaries for the remaining workers....
Now if only I knew hwere a gigantic bloated administrative organization was that could use to lose some driftwood????
oh yeah the Federal government starting with a bunch of unconstitutionally appointed Czars
Thanks Ducky
Thanks Duck...
ReplyDeleteI am even more convinced about Herman Cain. According to your own description Ducky, Herman went into a bloated administration heavy business and cut the driftwood found folks that wanted to actually serve customers and the whole chain benefitted with higher profits and probably bigger salaries for the remaining workers....
Now if only I knew hwere a gigantic bloated administrative organization was that could use to lose some driftwood????
oh yeah the Federal government starting with a bunch of unconstitutionally appointed Czars
Thanks Ducky
I wish they would get the blank out of my city AOW!!!
ReplyDeletewell said, blogginator
ReplyDeleteBlogginator you saved me the time of wasting good cyber space on Duckbutt.
ReplyDeleteHe meets the definition of the UH DUH and clueless.
But what do you expect of one who majored in underwater basket weaving and finger painting, you know, a liberals arts education.
No Blogginator nothing of the sort happened. The company owned locations were doing fine before Cain came in but the franchisees were struggling.
ReplyDeleteSo Cain claimed he was going to grow Godfather's to the number three position and proceeded to piss all over himself.
Did he help the franchisee's and establish leadership and better support from headquarters? no, he sold them.
He then failed to grow the chain even though others brands were doing well and leapfrogged him. You couldn't blame the business environment, he just couldn't execute.
Finally Pillsbury decided to cut it all loose and Godfathers is now a virtual nonentity. I don't know where they are located but there are only two in all New England.
Quite an astute businessman but I don't expect right wingers to think. By the way, Godfathers per store sales are somewhat below the industry average. Do your reseach or is that your best game?
ReplyDeleteSorry for my lack of participation in this thread. I had planned to blog most of the day yesterday.
THIS intervened. [seething]
I wasn't in a blogging mood!
Soapster said: The individuals I spoke with and met comprised the entire political/ideological spectrum.
ReplyDeleteOccupy Wall Street (or wherever) is reinventing itself as a big-tent movement. Note what I recently posted at Infidel Bloggers Alliance. Bill Ayers (name familiar to you?) wrote the following:
They have taken our houses through an illegal foreclosure process, despite not having the original mortgage.
They have taken bailouts from taxpayers with impunity, and continue to give Executives exorbitant bonuses.
They determine economic policy, despite the catastrophic failures their policies have produced and continue to produce.
They have donated large sums of money to politicians, who are responsible for regulating them.
They purposefully keep people misinformed and fearful through their control of the media....
More at the above link.
ReplyDeleteI use Firefox Mozilla, so I have no idea as to what's going on. I'll see what I can find out.
Woman Honor Thyself,
ReplyDeleteI wish they would get the blank out of my city
The occupiers here in D.C. got a four-month extension for their permit to assemble. The extension was given after they refused to disband when the first permit expired.
So, they're not leaving anytime soon. Perhaps they'll get slammed by a blizzard in January or February, the two months during which we often have significant snowfall.
ReplyDeleteWall Street is robbing us blind with the full permission and sanction of our feral government.
Your term "feral government" is spot on.
Speedy G,
ReplyDeleteCarpe eveything!
Heil, Caesar!
Great comment! Pithy and accurate.
Surprise! NOT!
ReplyDeleteFrom Reliapundit:
Go to the above link for more information.
This is why I was at the Occupy MN event and this is why, instead of letting the corporate shills of each propaganda network corral the sheeple into their respective pens, individuals should turn it off and get out of the house and work towards finding common ground.
ReplyDeleteInteresting graphic.