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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Comparing Carter And Obama

(hat tip to Reliapundit of THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS for the video below)

Maybe we've reached the 1980 tipping point: the White House incumbent will lose in the next national election. That's what happened to Jimmy Peanut when Reagan, the non-incumbent, won the highest ever number of electoral votes against incumbent Carter:

Obama's economic record:

Additional reading: President Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic Firsts. Worth your time.


  1. The Democrat Socialists have elevated voter fraud to amazing new heights since Reagan defeated Mr. Malaise, so I would caution against complacency...

  2. I agree with Silverfiddle! It's not the time to get complacent, or over-confident! As Patton might have said, "We can still lose this thing."

  3. Silverfiddle, that's absolute nonsense.

    Remember, it's going to be Romney/Obama and the corporatists own your working class ass. Does a bookie care who wins the game? No. Do the corporatists care who wins this election?

    Quit whining about voter fraud, ACORN and the rest of that kabuki and understand who's running this show. Hint: It ain't us.

  4. As of yet, we have no Ronald Reagan. Thats the dif..

  5. SilverFiddle is right, of course, but Ducky in his inimitably flippant sarcastic way ALSO makes an excellent point.

    I too have come to believe that it doesn't really matter who wins, because virtually ALL of the candidates on BOTH sides have been bought and paid for by the de facto Oligarchy of International Bankers, Corporate Magnates and Owners and Suppliers of Raw Materials that TRULY runs the show behind the scenes.

    The only candidate who tells a consistent story and who has stood up to the evil that controls our destiny is Ron Paul -- and look what they have done to him:

    Despite a consistent show of impressive grass roots support, an uncanny ability to raise huge sums of money quickly without the support of "lobbyists," Ron Paul has been routinely ignored, dismissed, lampooned and vilified by the Establishment -- tarred as an "anti-Semite," a :racist" a "bigot" and both a crypto-Leftist AND a Neo-Nazi.

    It's a wonder "they" haven't given i=us the name of the plastic surgeon who cut of Ron Paul's horns and bobbed his demon's tail -- AND supplied us with the name of the evil shoemaker who skillfully camouflages Paul's cloven foot.

    When one applies Guilt by Association to Barack Obama -- whose background, the little we know of it, -- is SCURRILOUS to say the least -- one is castigated, chastised, counseled, corrected and condemned. When the same miserable tactic is used against Ron Paul it's considered AOK.

    Aside from all of that we have an more serious added problem: NONE of the current crop of Republican presidential hopefuls -- including Ron Paul -- bears the slightest resemblance to Ronald Reagan.

    ~ FreeThinke

  6. That is uncanny... and creepy. We may get a Carter style election but I doubt it.

    For one, the Right can't get its act together and support one person, and we don't have anything resembling Reagan, and Obama unfortunately is closer (well, in 08 at least) than anything we have.

    Secondly and damenly, we have an Orwellian news media that is brainwashing all the Proles into thinking BBO is perfect and can do no wrong. Unless the common mass educates itself (like we do), there isn't much hope of Obama losing- people don't know the problems, and without any decent alternative, they will accept the familiar evil that has a nice face.

  7. Yes, we don't have 'a Ronald Reagan' to start illegal wars, bust unions and raise taxes.

    Freethinke; Really? Ron 'freakin' Paul? Lol! He's the biggest loon of them all. What did the media do to him but expose the truth about him and his crazy-assed newsletters:

    1) How to Gun Down an "Urban Youth"

    From the Ron Paul Political Report, October 1992 (PDF), under the subtitle "Blast 'Em?":

    "If you live in a major city, you've probably heard about the newest threat to your life and limb, and your family: carjacking.

    "It's the hip-hop thing to do among the urban youth who play unsuspecting whites like pianos. The youth simply walk up to a car they like, pull a gun, tell the family to get out, steal their jewelry and wallets, and take the car to wreck. Such actions have ballooned in recent months.


    "What can you do? More and more Americans are carrying a gun in the car. An ex-cop I know advises that if you have to use a gun on a youth, you should leave the scene immediately, disposing of the wiped off gun as soon as possible. Such a gun cannot, of course, be registered to you, but one bought privately (through the classifieds, for example.)"

    2) Malicious Gays Spreading AIDS

    From the Ron Paul Survival Report, September 1994 (PDF):

    "At the recent world AIDS conference in Japan, researchers admitted what I have long told you: there is no prospect of a cure or vaccine for AIDS. For one thing, the virus keeps mutating. A drug that might work today won't work tomorrow. Researchers also admitted that they had been lying about the incidence of heterosexual AIDS to increase funding for homosexual programs.

    "Those who don't commit sodomy, who don't get a blood transfusion, and who don't swap needles, are virtually assured of not getting AIDS unless they are deliberately infected by a malicious gay."

    3) The Government Created AIDS

    From the Ron Paul Political Report, January 1988 (PDF), under the sub-title "AIDS: Something Else We Can Thank Government For?":

    "Dr. [William C.] Douglass believes that AIDS is a deliberately engineered hybrid of these two animal viruses cultured in human tissue, and he blames World Health Organization experimentation at Ft. Detrick, Maryland.


    "'I have always said,' notes Dr. Douglass [in Health Freedom News, an "anti-government medicine" publication], 'and our forefathers told us this, that the greatest threat to the people is always government. Not foreign governments, but our own government.'"

    4) Renaming New York City "Rapetown," "Zooville," or "Welfaria"

    From the Ron Paul Political Report, October 1990 (PDF):

    "A mob of black demonstrators, led by the 'Rev.' Al Sharpton, occupied and closed the Statue of Liberty recently, demanding that New York be renamed Martin Luther King City 'to reclaim it for our people.'

    "Hmmm. I hate to agree with the Rev. Al, but maybe a name change is in order. Welfaria? Zooville? Rapetown? Dirtburg? Lazyopolis?

    "But Al, the Statue of Liberty? Next time, hold that demonstration at a food stamp bureau or a crack house."


  8. That is uncanny. It shows that the narrative hasn't changed all that much.

  9. Gad, have there been the same (socialist) Dem talking points for THAT long? creepy

  10. My God! "Brian Duffy" must be Beamish's latest alias. The avalanche of maniacal leftist hate rhetoric is virtually IDENTICAL.

    What shame to have the pages of AOW's fine blog polluted with Leftist Propaganda of the vilest sort!

    ~ FreeThinke

    PS: Remember The Reverend Jessie Jackass's crack about "Hymietown?" This crap is so puerile. - FT

  11. Nope, not me. I don't speak ill of Reagan.

    However, in reply to brianduffy...

    Go easy on FeetStinke. He'll never know what Ron Paul really thinks until he plops down his forty bucks a year for the subscription.

  12. PPS: The first set of comments on AIDS -- whoever wrote them -- are a simple statement of absolute truth. The rest is listed as speculation -- a paranoid notion widely spread in the Gay Community soon after the disease emerged thirty years ago. From what I heard the gays were rabidly eager to blame the CIA.

    Lazyopolis! Gotta love it. How creative -- and remarkably apt. DIrtburg is okay. Bumburg would be better. Slumarea, Sleazeville, Addictavia, Pimptown, Whoreville, Hopelessia, Derelictia, Moribundia, Duncetown, Foodstamepedia -- the potential is endless.

    LIBAREA would be wonderful -- but too subtle and too erudite for most of the morons at which it's aimed.

    Maybe when all is said and done good old DARKTOWN still serves the purpose best -- for the black-hearted slavemasters who rule The Liberal Plantation with an iron hand with dollars extracted by main force from the few decent, respectable, hard-working people left in The Rotten Apple.

    ~ FT

  13. Not many people know that reliable transcliometrical explorers have made a movie in FeetStinke's alternate reality.

  14. I don't see Ron Paul getting the GOP nomination. Therefore, I freely admit that I've done little research on Ron Paul.

    What I DO see in Ron Paul running on a third-party ticket, thus guaranteeing the BHO gets reelected.

    On Election Day 2012, we'll, once again, face the prospect of choosing between choices we'd rather not see in the Oval Office.

    However, in my view, who gets elected to Congress is of paramount importance. Sure, to a certain extent, the President can rule by fiat. Congress can also rein in the President. Is this Congress really reining in the executive branch? Nope.

    Perhaps of greater concern regarding the coming election, we should be considering THIS:

    Attorney General Eric Holder intends to examine new state voter ID laws for potential racial bias.

    More at the above link.

  15. Wildstar,
    Your analysis is spot on. Sadly for the future of America.

  16. What I DO see in Ron Paul running on a third-party ticket, thus guaranteeing the BHO gets reelected.

    I don't see this happening. His son Ayn, I mean Rand, would likely put him in an assisted care facility before he immolated all prospects of his 2016 Senate re-election fortunes. Dr. Paul may know how to pull babies out of mommas, but Dr. Paul Jr. can read an eye chart.

    Now that Obama is proposing that we turn over our kinetic military action upon man-made disasters to remote-control robots and disposable machines and put half of our globally-deployed military into our already swollen unemployment lines, using the savings to prop up Medicare, Ron Paul's stump speeches in Iowa have been all but adopted as presently Obama's bad idea du jour.

    This has a parallel to 1968, complete with Occupy ruckuses pre-planned for the 2012 Democratic National Convention.

    In a three party race, Obama will be Hubert Humphrey, Ron Paul will be George Wallace, and the GOP nominee will be Richard Nixon.

    And the Paulites will be kicking themselves, wishing they'd held their nose for Obama.

  17. Major performances from third party populist runs in American Presidential elections have always unseated the incumbent party.

    Wilson vs. Taft vs. Roosevelt

    Nixon vs. Humphrey vs. Wallace

    Clinton vs. Bush 41 vs. Perot

    Why would a 3rd Party populist Ron Paul run not tip the election away from the incumbent and in favor of the challenging major party candidate when that's been the case every other time in American history?

  18. Beamish,

    Anyway, I'm not sure that past history holds this time.

    In my view, Obama will get 30%-40% of the vote -- no matter who the various candidates opposing him are.

    True: This has a parallel to 1968, complete with Occupy ruckuses pre-planned for the 2012 Democratic National Convention.

    But the mainstream media's spin is going to be much more powerful in 2012. At least, that's my opinion.

    As the saying goes, "We shall see what we shall see."

    I'm sure that it ain't gonna be pretty.

  19. FT,

    Go easy on queenish. He's suffering from a severe case of PMS, (Paul Malignment Syndrome). He hasn't been the same since his grandma didn't die.

  20. The problem with the Paul candidacy is that the establishment Republicans won't support him even if he WINS the RNC nomination. They will not "Fuze". So 3rd party run threats by the anti-Paul contingent are disingenous at best.

  21. Wow! A boner-fied Paultard circle jerk, starring Felcher Joe as the pivot man! I'm flattered to have so many leftists in the killbox. AOW, you've outdone yerself ;)

    The problem with the Paul candidacy, Felcher Joe, is that around 60% of those 4,000 or so more Ron Paul voters in this year's Iowa Caucus who weren't around in the 2008 Iowa Caucus had no Democratic Party Caucus to play in this time, but are going to vote for Obama anyway come November.

    And Rand Paul will still be a paid and loyal member of Mitt Romney's Tea-stablishment.

    Geeeez. You can slap a Naderite, but there's still nothing in there to wake up.

  22. Hey, FJ and Beamish!

    I make quick trip to take Mr. AOW to the dentist and return to find you two debating.

    That's okay.

    But please remember that some of my high school students read this web site, a public forum.

    As you both know, I don't hover over my blog.

    Back later. I have tutoring to do.

  23. Beamish, our resident nattering neighbob of negativism, is no threat to your students. AoW. They are light years ahead of him in intellectual maturity.

  24. FJ,
    I was referring more to language.

    I myself can hold my own with "the guys" (After all, I'm married to man from Southern California, and he was once an MP), but I don't subject my students to that kind of language.

  25. I will restrain myself to the utmost limits of a sailor's vocabulary.

  26. I'll just keep FJ punchdrunk in English, as usual.

  27. Beamish,
    English is fine.

    We all know that you're fluent in Profanitese, too.

  28. More empty threats by a virulent, megalomaniacal bigot who has no capacity for polite, reasoned discourse, but only for unbridled insolence and foul-mouthed invective!

    When nothing but the moral equivalent of pus oozes from a once-nimble intellect, the sad evidence of malignancy cannot be denied. Moral and spiritual paralysis follow quickly -- the prelude to a morbid condition of the cerebellum inevitably leading to egkephalou thanatos -- a fate worse than death.

    The brain within its groove
    Runs evenly and true;
    But let a splinter swerve,
    ’T were easier for you
    To put the water back 5
    When floods have slit the hills,
    And scooped a turnpike for themselves,
    And blotted out the mills!

    ~ Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)


    ~ FreeThinke

  29. By the way, AOW, the video is terrific -- very clever -- frighteningly apt. It's also downright EERIE, but so too is the American Political Scene these days.

    It would be comical, if it weren't so deadly.

    I've always felt there was a perilously thin line between tragedy and farce.

    Clowns have always struck me as very sad. They never made me laugh when I went to see Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus at the old Madison Square Garden in New York sixty-odd years ago.

    Clowns can be depressing and more-than-a-little frightening -- especially when they've taken over both houses of congress AND the White House.

    ~ FreeThinke

  30. More empty threats by a virulent, megalomaniacal bigot who has no capacity for polite, reasoned discourse, but only for unbridled insolence and foul-mouthed invective!

    Welcome back, FeetStinke! Gotcher thesaurus and copy-and-pastes from Stormfront and David Icke ready?

    Need a minute?

  31. PS: As far as Dr. Paul staging a Third Party candidacy a la Ross Perot is concerned, I don't think you have thing to worry about, AOW.

    Too many of us feel for that in '92. I doubt we'll make the same mistake again.

    FYI: I carry no illusions that Dr. Paul could or would be the Republican candidate. I've been surprised -- and delighted -- that he was even allowed to participate in the debates. His presence has been helpful in keeping at least a semblance of involvement with the primary issues in the discussion. - FT

  32. FeetStinke,

    You fell for Lloyd Cutler's giant sucking sound Ross Perot? I'm sorry. Hey, at least he got more votes than my guy Andre Marrou.

    The innernets weren't as loser friendly in '92 as they are now, but even back then Ross Perot (aka third party RP version 1.0) was claiming openly that he needed to rewrite the Constitution from scratch to fix the economy.

    Your current fascination (fascist nation?) with Ron Paul (RP version 2.0) and too-clever by half feigned ignorance of his racist statements and associates on tap this time around, are you sure you've got the capacity for "polite, reasoned discourse?"

    Or is mealymouthed flatulence all you got?

  33. It's called an argument by ad hominem, kiddies. Some people think it "clever", but in reality it simply reflects a puerile inability to patch together a logical argument.

    All it requires is the chutzpah to stay on the offensive and never address the salient points that your opponent might make.

  34. "All it requires is the chutzpah to stay on the offensive and never address the salient points that your opponent might make."

    Yassuh, FJ, dat's de Gawd's hones' troof!!! -- and it's STRAIGHT out of the Gramsci- Frankfurt School-Saul Alinsky-Yippy Handbook -- THE guide to cultural, intellectual, moral, and spiritual insurgency designed to destabilize and topple -- whatever.

    LEFTIST thuggery -- nothing more -- nothing less.

    Just keep LYING and INSULTING and NEVER NEVER NEVER let up or back down.

    Despite my innate abhorrence of violence, maybe it's time for a little rat-a-tat-tat after all. High time those beer bottles were smashed to splinters on the barroom floor and swept into the alley.

    ~ FreeThinke

  35. FreeThinke,
    Emily Dickinson must be one of your favorite poets.

    It is amazing to me that she lived as a hermit, yet knew so much about human nature.

  36. FJ and FT,
    Beamish does have his own methods of firefighting.

    As we get closer and closer to the election of 2012, we should all expect more such firefights -- and not just only involving Beamish's participation, either.

    I still think that Ron Paul is going to bolt and start a third party. But, hey, what do I know? I'm just going on intuition, and my intuition isn't infallible.

    If Ron Paul doesn't bolt, will those who would have voted for him stay home on Election Day? Just wonderin'.

  37. It's called an argument by ad hominem, kiddies. Some people think it "clever", but in reality it simply reflects a puerile inability to patch together a logical argument.

    "Logical arguments," of course, include a totally patronizing professorial address to the "kiddies" about the academic differences between your own thoughts and perceptions and the undiscovered country of "reality" that the "polite and reasoned" debater believes you need to be cattle-driven towards, as quickly as possible.

    Peppered up with obscured misuses of Latin phrases, the internet mumpsimus demands a shift from his neon obvious weaknesses (a far left-wing Ralph Nader supporter failing miserably to masquerade as a right-wing conservative; a Ron Paul supporter attempting to supress Ron Paul's documented racist and anti-Semitic statements) to the thrust and goal of his strengths (name-calling, gainsaying, beer bottle breaking, making noise.)

    All it requires is the chutzpah to stay on the offensive and never address the salient points that your opponent might make.

    "Salient points to address," of course, are attempts to shout down reasoned discourse (the stock leftist response of accusing advocates of reforming and privitizing entitlement programs of being "grandma killers") and "staying on the offensive," of course, is more of that presumptuous cattle drive towards a preferred "reality" (where no one will ever see left-moderate Mitt Romney financing the "conservative" Tea-stablishment, noted Constitution hater Lloyd Cutler backing Ross Perot's third party run for the Presidency, or Ron Paul's history of racist rhetoric-for-sale).

    Isn't logical, reasoned discourse fun?

    Myself, being "light-years below the intellectual maturity" of the allegedly fragile, malleable, impressionable virgins to "reality" that comprise AOW's high school classes, prefer the "emperor is naked" approach of pointing out the obvious scholarship that goes into high-minded calls for violence.

  38. I pause, in anticipation of FJ's arrival from his home in the dumpster with a fresh new look at one of leftist superstar Slavjo Zizek's snot-wiped lectures on how humanity is defined by what it throws away.

  39. AOW,

    I still think that Ron Paul is going to bolt and start a third party. But, hey, what do I know? I'm just going on intuition, and my intuition isn't infallible.

    Maybe he will, maybe he won't. I'm counting on his historical pattern of opportunism not to fudge up his chances of extended living vicariously through his son Rand in the Senate after he retires from Congress this year. But if he does third party run, it will fail to make a difference. Two parties and the media hammering him on his racism and 9/11 trooferism will only amplify the self-marginization that comes from the unfiltered Ron Paul and his loyal fan base.

    That the only camp that wants Ron Paul to stay in the GOP race is Mitt Romney should tell you all you need to know.

  40. Beamish,
    the allegedly fragile, malleable, impressionable virgins to "reality" that comprise AOW's high school classes

    Well, I wouldn't say that my students possess all those qualities. But they do have a code of conduct contract to participate in the classes -- the use of Profanitese being part of the contract. I guess that I would say that "reality" is relative to the situation -- although that statement isn't quite accurate.

    In addition, some of the students who visit here are trained in policy debate.

  41. Beamish,
    That the only camp that wants Ron Paul to stay in the GOP race is Mitt Romney should tell you all you need to know.


    But Romney is no genius -- politically or otherwise.

    BTW, I'd like to ask you something: Will Romney's LDS membership cause him problems in his campaign? Once he gets the nod from the GOP, I mean.

  42. Peppered up with obscured misuses of Latin phrases

    (a far left-wing Ralph Nader supporter failing miserably to masquerade as a right-wing conservative; a Ron Paul supporter attempting to supress Ron Paul's documented racist and anti-Semitic statements)

    Examples? Proof? Anyone see any "reasoned arguments" in there?

    Assertion's w/o proof. Symptomatic response of the purveyors of puerility.

    I pause, in anticipation of FJ's arrival from his home in the dumpster with a fresh new look at one of leftist superstar Slavjo Zizek's snot-wiped lectures

    Guilt by association? Is THAT a reasoned argument in your book, beamiish? Another form of ad hominem?

    Suffice to say, if not for ad hominem, beamish would have no arguments at all.


  43. Heee-yaaaaah little dogies! Git on yonder away from looking at FJ trying to make you not see the posts you've read above. We's got us a gen-yoo-wine reez-null deebater named Queenish to lynch!


    In addition, some of the students who visit here are trained in policy debate.

    I'd love to see what they'd leave standing in FJ's tired "look at me" routine.

    BTW, I'd like to ask you something: Will Romney's LDS membership cause him problems in his campaign? Once he gets the nod from the GOP, I mean.

    Not so much from his loyal, well financed Tea-stablishment. But, hypocrisy being the rule, the Dems will tap Harry Reid to lead their anti-Mormon attacks on Romney.

  44. Actually, in the past and some 4 years ago, FJ assisted, via the web, a few of my students to pick some appropriate reads for world literature.


    I fully realize that Beamish and FJ (formerly friends?) are engaged in a sort of feud here on the web. Nothing that I say or do will have the slightest effect on the animosity between Beamish and FJ.

  46. Actually, in the past and some 4 years ago, FJ assisted, via the web, a few of my students to pick some appropriate reads for world literature.

    Oliver Cromwell was fond of saying King Charles I was "educated beyond his intellect."

    FJ knows where the forest is, but the trees block his view.

    I fully realize that Beamish and FJ (formerly friends?) are engaged in a sort of feud here on the web.

    I give no quarter to leftists and ask for none in return.

  47. And while AoW fears that Ron Paul will serve as a spoiler and make a disgruntled 3rd Party run, I question whether the RNC's more mainstream and establishment members would rally behind a demonized Ron Paul, should he WIN the nomination, fair and square?

    There is a general, often unstated yet still enforceable rule of decorum in most Democratic assemblies and legislatures which forbids its members to "impugn the motives" of any other speakers and members of that assembly. In the US House and Senates, these are EXPLICITLY STATED rules.

    These rules serve to keep the debates civil, reasoned, and on-topic. It is in effect, a rule against ad hominem which most legitimate members of "polite society" choose to follow.

    Why is this? It's because of mankind's ONLY inalienable and G_d-(not government) given right. The right to know one's own thoughts and mind. No one else may know them, unless they share them with us. Yet a pre-emptive ad hominem attack by an adversary, which attempts to demean and impugn an opponent's motives, is a purely rhetorical tactic meant to play upon the listener's emotions (not their rational mind), since third parties cannot possibly know their opponents complete mind and motivations.

    One thing beamish DID get right...

    '"Logical arguments," of course, include a totally patronizing professorial address to the "kiddies" about the academic differences between your own thoughts and perceptions and the undiscovered country of "reality" that the "polite and reasoned" debater believes you need to be cattle-driven towards, as quickly as possible.'

    The herd must be driven towards a common "herd view" understanding... but is courtesy and civility, and fair and reasoned debate, an evil to be avoided, as beamish suggests?

    Myself... prefer the "emperor is naked" approach of pointing out the obvious scholarship that goes into high-minded calls for violence.

    Leaving alone the fact that the statement makes no logical sense (obvious scholarship?)... I must ask a question, "Once all the ad hominems have been delivered, beamish, when will you EVER find the time to return to civility?"

    Beamish takes pride in being a "bomb thrower" and one who disdains civil debate. It is no wonder that ad hominem plays such as vital role in his largely rhetorical debating (?) style.

  48. And while AoW fears that Ron Paul will serve as a spoiler and make a disgruntled 3rd Party run, I question whether the RNC's more mainstream and establishment members would rally behind a demonized Ron Paul, should he WIN the nomination, fair and square?

    That of course would be the more mainstream, "Tea-stablishment" beneficiaries of Mitt Romney's financial largesse and political activism. Regardless of the demonological implications of pigs taking flight, is there a strategic or tactical preference for vetting a political candidate before he is nominated to represent your party, or letting his opponent in the other party do that for you while you wince and cringe? I'm sure Verne Troyer fans are militant and loyal, but the Packers are not going to let him quarterback a Super Bowl game. Against anybody.

    Why is this? It's because of mankind's ONLY inalienable and G_d-(not government) given right. The right to know one's own thoughts and mind. No one else may know them, unless they share them with us. Yet a pre-emptive ad hominem attack by an adversary, which attempts to demean and impugn an opponent's motives, is a purely rhetorical tactic meant to play upon the listener's emotions (not their rational mind), since third parties cannot possibly know their opponents complete mind and motivations.

    Which of course we must leap quickly to stifle any revelations of Ron Paul's 30+ years of published views, presumably his shared (or sold by subscription) mind and motivations by attacking those who present such evidence for consideration and clamoring to silence them as purveyors of "maniacal leftist hate rhetoric." But of course, no true Scotsman right-winger would even disdain Ron Paul's bigotry for what it is.

    One thing beamish DID get right...

    '"Logical arguments," of course, include a totally patronizing professorial address to the "kiddies" about the academic differences between your own thoughts and perceptions and the undiscovered country of "reality" that the "polite and reasoned" debater believes you need to be cattle-driven towards, as quickly as possible.'

    The herd must be driven towards a common "herd view" understanding... but is courtesy and civility, and fair and reasoned debate, an evil to be avoided, as beamish suggests?

    As evidenced above, where I very much explicitly suggested that fair and reasonable debate is "evil." Keep squinting, you'll see it. It's right there behind my impugning of motives.

    Next, FJ will provide us with the universal, "Platonic Form of Intellectual Honesty" which of course is the penultimate of clown-faced pedantics and exasperated reminders that you, dear reader, have no clue what reality is.

    "Insolence," of course, is something FJ and FeetStinke would only give a sugar-craving diabetic.

    Beamish takes pride in being a "bomb thrower" and one who disdains civil debate. It is no wonder that ad hominem plays such as vital role in his largely rhetorical debating (?) style.

    And once again FJ saddles up on his petard, ignites it, and screams from the stratosphere that someone threw a bomb at his ass.

  49. Which of course we must leap quickly to stifle any revelations of Ron Paul's 30+ years of published views, presumably his shared (or sold by subscription) mind and motivations by attacking those who present such evidence for consideration and clamoring to silence them as purveyors of "maniacal leftist hate rhetoric."

    Evidence (logos) is required, the rest is pure pathos. Produce some. Especially for the LAST part of the sentence, describing the ill motives of Paul's supporters. Wouldn't revealing the "truth" also serve to SILENCE his critics? Or would that be too "innocuous" and "charitable" a suggestion as to motivations when compared to your implied more "nefarious" one (of concealing the truth)?

    Didn't you once claim that Paul was and anti-Semite under the control of Iranian regime? What were YOUR motives in suggesting THAT, beamish?

    (And for the record, an attack upon ethos is de rigueur in an unmoderated debate with a self-confessed "bomb thrower").

  50. Need help? Here is a collection of the so-called "worst statements" gleaned from his newsletters over the decades. Which one's disqualify him from public office, beamish?

  51. Which of course we must leap quickly to stifle any revelations of Ron Paul's 30+ years of published views, presumably his shared (or sold by subscription) mind and motivations by attacking those who present such evidence for consideration and clamoring to silence them as purveyors of "maniacal leftist hate rhetoric."

    Evidence (logos) is required, the rest is pure pathos. Produce some. Especially for the LAST part of the sentence, describing the ill motives of Paul's supporters. Wouldn't revealing the "truth" also serve to SILENCE his critics? Or would that be too "innocuous" and "charitable" a suggestion as to motivations when compared to your implied more "nefarious" one (of concealing the truth)?

    I am never without regard to the trend that leftists such as yourself often vividly display a failure to grasp and utilize reading comprehension and retention skills, but I will not assist you in your enfeebled browbeating assault upon the intellect of the readers of this thread in ignoring what both you and FeetStinke have plainly stated and published above in response to critics of Ron Paul, myself included. Pull your finger out of your nostril and follow the words you and FeetStinke typed if you can't remember. Move your lips if you must.

    Don't you have some beer bottles to smash and sweep away, Naderite?

    Didn't you once claim that Paul was and anti-Semite under the control of Iranian regime? What were YOUR motives in suggesting THAT, beamish?

    I have no evidence that Ron Paul has reformed or changed his views - Paul IS an anti-Semite, not "was."

    My "motive" for suggesting Paul is a SAVAK agent is of course satire of Paul's own propensity for conspiracy theory coupled with knowledge of foreign (and illegal) fundraising on his behalf by the Russia Today television network and Adam Kokesh in particular. Of course, if we silence and ignore people who bring up things like this (including Ron Paul's 30+ years of vanity-published racist newsletters and hardcore support among white supremacists), we're causing (did you find it yet?) what FeetStinke calls an "avalanche of maniacal leftist hate rhetoric."

    (And for the record, an attack upon ethos is de rigueur in an unmoderated debate with a self-confessed "bomb thrower").

    When you're finished shoving petards in your bum and setting them off, could you answer what the motive behind your efforts to shield the bigot Ron Paul from scrutiny is?

    It can't be an effort at intellectual honesty or preservation of decorum. Your diapers are too full for that.

  52. I see. Adam Kokesh is a Ron Paul supporter, ergo Ron Paul is responsible for whatever his supporter does.

    Who do YOU support beamish? And are you Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum legal guardians?

    Given beamishes performance on this thread, I would simply recommend that AoW's students apply beamish's own standards to their consideration of the candidacies. That beamish's approach to politics and political discourse are endorsed by his favoured candidates, and mine by mine.

  53. Here is a collection of the so-called "worst statements" gleaned from his newsletters over the decades. Which one's disqualify him from public office, beamish?

    None of them, derp. Ron Paul should put them on his campaign bumper stickers.

    ::rolls eyes::

  54. I see. Adam Kokesh is a Ron Paul supporter, ergo Ron Paul is responsible for whatever his supporter does.

    Who's responsible for Ron Paul? I see him telling his supporters he's made millions of dollars from, by selling his 30 years racist, anti-Semitic, conspiracy theory mongering newsletter swill to them, that he didn't write the newsletters, and that he catagorically disavows the contents therein.

    By God, if we're going to get behind Ron Paul with the rest of the anti-Semites, Russian intelligence assets, anti-globalization socialists, white supremacists, Klansmen, and 9/11 conspiracy kooks, we need to track down and expose the bastards that hijacked Ron Paul's moneymaking schemes and mailed that racist garbage to people. Agree?

    Who do YOU support beamish? And are you Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum legal guardians?

    Oh, I'm torn between Mickey Mouse and you. Which is the bigger intellectual cartoon?

  55. I just LOVE The New Republic hatchet-job posing as an “article,” FJ. There’s very little presented as evidence of "evil" that isn’t absolutely true.

    This, of course, is so typical of what leftists do. They present selected facts in such a fashion that the reader or listener knows he is expected to respond with outrage and condemnation. Most observers being mindless and sheeplike -- or aggressively liberal -- tend to fall right into line when approached his way.

    In a country where Freedom of Speech is officially regarded as a God-given right , the views of eugenicists and white supremacists should be aired and discussed strictly in their merits, and not presented as “anathema.” So should responsible statements that question or criticize matters pertaining to Jews.


    The white majority most certainly is rapidly disappearing. That this was deliberately engineered primarily at the behest of leftist activist Jews who used Teddy Kennedy in 1965 as a cat’s paw to change our Immigration policy to foster the emergence of a non-white majority is well known -- simply matter of fact.

    I’m not sure Bill Clinton really has illegitimate children of white or mixed race running around loose, but considering his satyr-like propensities and slavish devotion to self-indulgent, highly immoral behavior, it’s hardly an incredible speculation.

    Virtually every disparaging thing said about the gay subculture -- as a bloc -- is perfectly true, although I’m not sure “they enjoy the pity and attention that comes with being sick.” They were far more likely to experience castigation, condemnation and withering contempt.

    What the article describes as “anti-government paranoia,” and “conspiracy theories” happens to be perfectly justified given the overwhelming evidence that we are not governed by our elected representatives at all, but rather by the Monster Moguls [my term] who buy their loyalty and give them their marching orders behind the scenes.

    Good post, FJ! Thanks for bringing this claptrap out into the open.

    On to Ron Paul’s response, which I’m dying to see.

    Thanks, FJ.

    ~ FreeThinke

  56. Ron Paul = shampoo or a hairdresser.

    I don't have hopes for him and I think he will do just as badly in this election.

    It is how Iowa operates. They are insane!

  57. |
    NOTE: It should be obvious that "Brian Duffy" is our old site pest "Bd" who later emerged as "LibDude." If they are not the same person, they are at least cut from the same bolt of cloth.

    ~ FreeThinke

  58. I think we would be better with Rummy than 0.

    It ain't going to be obutthead again!

  59. You'll be disappointed, I'm sure, FT, as Dr. Paul is reduced to pathos in making his defense. Not quite the testament to Presidential character one might hope for, but unfortunately, symptomatic of your assertion that the desired response of outrage and condemnation was successfully elicited.

  60. Agree?

    What for? To encourage more drive-by political hatchet-job bomb throwing? You've GOT to be kidding.

  61. Yes, FJ, that was going to be my criticism too. I was disappointed that he so meekly claimed "disavowal," although I am sure he did not personally write those letters, but I did not think they were bad at all -- as I amply stated above.

    It's a sad day, indeed, when one is chastised, castigated and condemned simply for telling the God's Honest TRUTH, however unflattering it may be to politically-favored minority groups.

    And as I've recently observed on other blogs:

    In today's highly charged P-C political climate simply being anti-War will draw brutal, bellowing charges of "anti-Semitism."


    ~ FreeThinke

  62. Welcome back, FeetStinke!

    This, of course, is so typical of what leftists do. They present selected facts in such a fashion that the reader or listener knows he is expected to respond with outrage and condemnation. Most observers being mindless and sheeplike -- or aggressively liberal -- tend to fall right into line when approached his way.

    Well, I'll be the first to admit I'm probably no more or less mindful or sheeplike than any of the readers in this thread you've most blessedly descended the evolutionary ladder to opine to, but I'm failing to see how Ron Paul's own published views are a mischaracterization of Ron Paul's own published views. Help me out here. Is it the page color?

    In a country where Freedom of Speech is officially regarded as a God-given right , the views of eugenicists and white supremacists should be aired and discussed strictly in their merits, and not presented as “anathema.” So should responsible statements that question or criticize matters pertaining to Jews.


    Wait, what? Is Ron Paul an anti-Semite, eugenicist, and white supremacist? Do you want to discuss his views in whatever merits you find in them, or what?

    Did you bring your beer bottles, racist?

    The white majority most certainly is rapidly disappearing. That this was deliberately engineered primarily at the behest of leftist activist Jews who used Teddy Kennedy in 1965 as a cat’s paw to change our Immigration policy to foster the emergence of a non-white majority is well known -- simply matter of fact.

    "Engineered," he says. No doubt with a slide rule and orbital mind control lasers.

    Pssst. Most people breed by having sex. Just a hint.

    So, why isn't Ron Paul running a White Nationalist political campaign? Or is he? You're confusing me and the rest of the sheep.


    You'll be disappointed, I'm sure, FT, as Dr. Paul is reduced to pathos in making his defense. Not quite the testament to Presidential character one might hope for, but unfortunately, symptomatic of your assertion that the desired response of outrage and condemnation was successfully elicited.

    What? Ron Paul's views are a testament against his possessing Presidential character?

    But I was going to put his racist statements on a campaign bumper sticker for FeetStinke....

  63. In today's highly charged P-C political climate simply being anti-War will draw brutal, bellowing charges of "anti-Semitism."

    What else do the voices in your head say?

  64. ...and so the bomb throwing cycle never ends.

    Beamish can't point out a SINGLE racist comment ever made by Dr. Paul, even after being given the WORST of the WORST comments attributed to him.

    And now he tars FT with the same broad brush that his narrow one cannot. Pathetic.

  65. What for? To encourage more drive-by political hatchet-job bomb throwing? You've GOT to be kidding.

    So you DON'T agree that whoever wrote Ron Paul's racist newsletters, which he stood by when he was making money from them, should be called out and identified for their 30+ years of actively cultivating support from anti-Semites and bigots like your pal FeetStinke?

    Not even if it helps to clear the alleged misunderstandings held by anti-Semites and bigots like FeetStinke that they should be supporting the writer of Ron Paul's newsletters for President, and not Ron Paul himself?

  66. Racist newsletters? Which ones were racist, beamish?

    Argumentum reductio ad Hitlerium may pass for logos in your world, beamish. But not in the "civilized" world.

  67. Retreating into your sock puppet "Stanley Kowalski," FJ? Bad form. Tsk tsk.

    Beamish can't point out a SINGLE racist comment ever made by Dr. Paul, even after being given the WORST of the WORST comments attributed to him.

    Point of order. Dr. Paul claims he didn't write the racist newsletters he sold to rubes like you.

  68. And so which of the letters attributed to him were racist? Care to pick one out so that we can examine it more closely?

    And if he didn't write them, as you now seem to "conveniently" acknowledge, why bring them up at all?

    Try picking a point and trying to stay ON it, beamish. He wrote them... he didn't write them? Which is it?

  69. ...and you're welcome to bring in your sock puppets, should you care to.

    Oh wait, wouldn't THAT be "bad form"? In who's rule book? Your "Anarchist's Book for Dummies?" BWAH!

  70. Just peeking in here to see what's been going on.

    Quite the discussion! Or possibly bomb throwing.


    It does seem as if you're enjoying yourselves, so you'll get no complaint from me as blog owner.

  71. Since you can't seem to choose one, let me. This one was "highlighted" in the particularly offensive category.

    Another group that had stocked up were Korean merchants, many of whom defended their places with guns, and later were arrested for illegal use of firearms. As one told the LA Times, "Two looters entereed my store; one left." These Korean immigrants were the only people to act like real Americans, mainly because they have not been assimilated into our rotten liberal culture, which admonishes whites faced by raging blacks to lie back and think of England."

    Racist, beamish?

  72. It's addressing an incident following the Rodney King beating in which Korean merchants in LA defended their shops against a rioting black mob as the police refused to enter the area for three full days.

    Surely ANYONE who might agree with the abobe sentiment is a foul racist, right beamish?

  73. ...that's your argument beamish.

    And even IF Ron Paul wrote it, I don't find the statement particularly racist. What say you?

  74. ...or perhaps you prefer to "lay back and think of England" whilst FT and I mock you, call you names, and practice a little ad hominem argumentation of our own?

  75. Racist newsletters? Which ones were racist, beamish?

    Which ones weren't?

    Let's take a sampling often cited:

    "If you have ever been robbed by a black teenaged male, you know how unbelievably fleet of foot they can be." - Ron Paul Political Report, 1992, author unknown and mealymouthedly disavowed

    I've been robbed at gunpoint by two teenagers, one black male and one white male, and I didn't ascertain any appreciable difference in their speed or dexterity when they fled the scene.

    How many times has Dr. Paul and / or his sock puppets been robbed to acquire his personal empathic "knowledge" of racial differences in the fleetness of their feet? Could he graph these findings on a chart in ratios to the melanin content in their skin by age? Are black teenaged males who commit robberies so fleet of foot as compared to white, Asian, Latino, or Pacific Islander teenaged males who commit robberies that it's "unbelievable?"

    Is he certain that Cherokee teenaged males that commit robberies aren't faster?

  76. If black males actually WERE fleeter of foot than white males, on average, would the statement be racist, or merely a correct stereotype? Here are the graphs you wanted.

    To argue that group differences don't exist, beamish, is the "true" racism. A condescendingly patronizing liberal attitude that YOU claim to be opposed to.

    But apparently not. If the argument is "convenient" to your position of the moment, embrace it. Right, beamish?

  77. Another group that had stocked up were Korean merchants, many of whom defended their places with guns, and later were arrested for illegal use of firearms. As one told the LA Times, "Two looters entereed my store; one left." These Korean immigrants were the only people to act like real Americans, mainly because they have not been assimilated into our rotten liberal culture, which admonishes whites faced by raging blacks to lie back and think of England."

    Racist, beamish?

    I'm presently unaware of America's allegedly "rotten liberal culture," which nonetheless allowed the shopowner cited above to shoot and kill one of his attackers with no legal consequence other than a citation for "illegal use of firearms."

    Could you track down and identify the source of Dr. Paul's (or his ghost writer's) hallucinations that white people have been "admonished to lay back and think of England" when faced with rage from black people?

    Yes, FJ. Ron Paul's statements (and / or those of his ghost writers) are racist.

  78. ps - How many white running backs are there in the NFL, beamish? White forwards in the NBA? A rudimentary knowledge of statistics would prove that a so-called "racist" comment may be more of a "truism".

    What Paul's newslatter said may not be popular, but if true... is it really "racist," or merely "informed"?

  79. Could you track down and identify the source of Dr. Paul's (or his ghost writer's) hallucinations that white people have been "admonished to lay back and think of England" when faced with rage from black people?

    Would citing the entire editorial staff's of most major US newspapers suffice? Or would you prefer a specific Editorial board ala NY Times?

  80. If black males actually WERE fleeter of foot than white males, on average, would the statement be racist, or merely a correct stereotype?

    "Correct stereotype" is an oxymoron.

    Here are the graphs you wanted.

    Fail. None of your psuedoscience meets the conditions. Bring me data that the speed of a black teenaged male fleeing the scene of a robbery he just committed is particularly, or even "unbelievably" more fleet of foot than a teenaged male with more or less melanin in his skin fleeing the scene of a robbery he just committed.

    But apparently not. If the argument is "convenient" to your position of the moment, embrace it. Right, beamish?

    My position has always been that Ron Paul is a racist scumbag. It's not a difficult position to possess or defend.

  81. Would citing the entire editorial staff's of most major US newspapers suffice? Or would you prefer a specific Editorial board ala NY Times?

    A cited reference to an admonishment directed at white people to "lay down and think of England" when faced with raging black people will do, thanks.

  82. None of your psuedoscience meets the conditions. Bring me data that the speed of a black teenaged male fleeing the scene of a robbery he just committed is particularly, or even "unbelievably" more fleet of foot than a teenaged male with more or less melanin in his skin fleeing the scene of a robbery he just committed.

    Get me the "grant" money, and I'd love to. Only I can assure you, your grant would never be approved, as actual statistical racially collected data is suppressed, especially as it relates to "crime" (evidence - FBI crime statistics merge Hispanics with Whites to raise the White crime/criminal incidence rates).

    When real science is suppressed, pseudoscience is all you have to fall back on. Just look at the climate change issue.

  83. My position has always been that Ron Paul is a racist scumbag. It's not a difficult position to possess or defend.

    Especially if you choose to ignore the actual statements and evidence.

  84. If Dr. Paul's old Newsletters are guilty of RACISM, then surely by the same token the following bits of cruelly barbed wit must be guilty of ANIMALISM, n'est-ce-pas?

    The Fly

    The Lord in His wisdom made the fly,
    And then forgot to tell us why.

    The Cow

    The cow is of a bovine ilk;
    One end is moo, the other milk

    The Eel

    I don't mind eels
    Except as meals.
    And the way they feels

    The Turtle

    The turtle lives twixt plated decks
    Which practically conceal its sex.
    I think it clever of the turtle
    In such a fix to be so fertile

    The Dog

    The truth I do not stretch or shove
    When I state that the dog is full of love.
    I've also found, by actual test,
    A wet dog is the lovingest

    The Ant

    The ant has made himself illustrious
    Through constant restlessness industrious.
    So what?
    Would you be calm and placid,
    If you were full of formic acid?

    Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh DEAR! I can't tell you how shocked, dismayed, and deeply disappointed I am to be brought to the realization that OGDEN NASH was in truth an -- an -- an -- an ANIMALIST.

    I'm shattered, I tell you. Just SHATTERED.

    There are some things it's far better not to know. Why Ogden Nash was practically part of our family.

    NOW -- sniff! sniff! -- I'll have to DISOWN him -- SOB!

    I'll never recover from this horrifying discovery.


    ~ FreeThinke

  85. A cited reference to an admonishment directed at white people to "lay down and think of England" when faced with raging black people will do, thanks.

    How about two?

    Shelby Steele, a conservative Black political writer, discussed the concept extensively in his 2006 book White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era. Steele criticizes "white guilt" saying that it is nothing more than an alternative interpretation of the concept of "black power":

    Whites (and American institutions) must acknowledge historical racism to show themselves redeemed by it, but once they acknowledge it, they lose moral authority over everything having to do with race, equality, social justice, poverty and so on. [...] The authority they lose transfers to the 'victims' of historical racism and becomes their great power in society. This is why white guilt is quite literally the same thing as Black power.

    George F. Will, a conservative American political columnist, gives this definition of "white guilt":

    [White guilt is] a form of self-congratulation, where whites initiate "compassionate policies" toward people of color, to showcase their innocence to racism.

    Just keep humming "G_d Save the Queen," beamish.

  86. Ron Paul can't run as a Third Party; it'd be the end of Rand Paul.

  87. How many white running backs are there in the NFL, beamish? White forwards in the NBA?

    Currently, or throughout the history of those organizations?

    Should white atheletes regardless of their skills be discouraged from auditioning for those positions on football or basketball teams until they've increased the melanin content in their skin? What level of melanin in their skin should they strive to maintain? Does removing melanin from a black athelete's skin depreciate his athletic abilities?

    A rudimentary knowledge of statistics would prove that a so-called "racist" comment may be more of a "truism".

    When you possess a rudimentary knowledge of statistics, don't hesitate to come back.

    What Paul's newslatter said may not be popular, but if true... is it really "racist," or merely "informed"?

    In my own experience with being robbed, no. I didn't find the fleetness of foot possessed by either the black or white teenaged males that robbed me to be particularly different or "unbelievable."

    Again, where did Dr. Paul (or his sock puppet) acquire his intimate knowledge of being robbed from which the attempts to relate with others who have been robbed is made?

  88. Ron Paul can do what he wants, Z. And given the way he's been treated by establishment Republicans, I wouldn't blame him one little BIT is he ran under a third party label.

  89. Z's right about the Third Party routine. I feel it in my bones -- and my bones are never wrong. ;-)

    ~ FreeThinke

  90. Currently, or throughout the history of those organizations?

    Why not today? Surely there's no longer any "discrimination" on the basis of RACE in the NFL still being perpetrated, is there? It should all be actual "performance based" by now, right? Or are you going to claim that blacks are still being repressed in the NBA/NFL and we should augment their statistics to reflect modern day discrimination and an undercount of qualified black athletes? Because I'm willing to do that, if you are.

  91. Just keep humming "G_d Save the Queen," beamish.

    Catchy tune.

    So you concede that Ron Paul's (or his sock puppet's) assertion that white people have been specifically "admonished to lay back when faced with raging blacks," particularly in the context of having their property attacked in a riot, is wholesale hallucinatory? That no such "admonishment" has ever been issued, by anyone?

    Thanks for clearing that up.

  92. Again, where did Dr. Paul (or his sock puppet) acquire his intimate knowledge of being robbed from which the attempts to relate with others who have been robbed is made?

    Perhaps it was self-knowledge, as the white victim obviously did not or was not capable of chasing down his black assailant.

    Are we through with your attempts at argumentum reductio ad absurdum, yet?

  93. assertion that white people have been specifically "admonished to lay back when faced with raging blacks," particularly in the context of having their property attacked in a riot, is wholesale hallucinatory?

    Oooops. Apparently not. Absurdum is what we're going for. No surprises there.

  94. The Establishment -- both left AND right -- is scared to death of Ron Paul, because he tells the TRUTH, and the truth is the one thing none of these swaggering mountebanks can tolerate, because it shows them for what they are -- LACKEYS for The Oligarchs. [Do I have to tell you again who "The Oligarchs" are? I hope not. I ought to be obvious by now]

    Nobody is afraid of Ron Paul, least of all those who he should know he will recieve "blowback" from with his mealymouthed racism.

    Who are the "Oligarchs?"

  95. New-minted verse by an obscure Animalist:


    The tall giraffe
    Looks more than half
    Made of a neck
    Good for a laugh.

    It grazes trees,
    So it can seize
    Leaves high above
    Its knobby knees.

    Let's sing a ditty
    Full of pity
    For this poor thing,
    Who looks for all the world
    Like it was put together

    ~ FreeThinke

  96. That no such "admonishment" has ever been issued, by anyone?

    We're the Koreans charged with weapons violations? Was that not an "admonsihment"?

    Usually, a defense of property would not initiate criminal charges being filed against the victim, you would agree?

    But perhaps that's just evidence of the "rotten liberal culture" that Paul's newsletter spoke of.

  97. I wouldn't blame him one little BIT is he ran under a third party label.

    I certainly encourage him to run 3rd Party, and to take his anti-Semitic, 9/11 Troofer supporters with him.

  98. I hope he takes the Republican nomination. Then we'll see the fusionists come back together and support him against Obama...

    or NOT!

    You'd certainly have to eat a LOT of crow, if THAT happened, beamish.

    Nut I won't count any chickens before they hatch. :)

  99. Who knows. Having had to defend Paul has almost made me want to endorse him. But I'll still be happy with an "anyone but Romney" at this point in the cycle. :)

  100. We're the Koreans charged with weapons violations? Was that not an "admonsihment"?

    Yep. Discharging a firearm in the city limits of LA will get you a weapons violation charge.

    Here in my unincorporated area of rural Missouri that is a "census designated place" with a zip code rather than a town or municipality with local ordinances and what not I can walk out my back door and light up the trees outside with a rifle at 4 o'clock in the morning any day any time and the most that will happen is that a neighbor might come by later and ask what I was shooting at.

    It's just a difference in local rules, really.

    Usually, a defense of property would not initiate criminal charges being filed against the victim, you would agree?

    Depends on the local laws concerning the use of firearms.

    But perhaps that's just evidence of the "rotten liberal culture" that Paul's newsletter spoke of.

    More likely, it's just racist bullshit Ron Paul is trying to disavow publishing in his name.

  101. I hope he takes the Republican nomination. Then we'll see the fusionists come back together and support him against Obama...

    I doubt it.

    You'd certainly have to eat a LOT of crow, if THAT happened, beamish.

    If the Republican Party devolves into nominating a racist, anti-Semitic, 9/11 conspiracy theory kook like Ron Paul, I'll be eating Republicans alive, not crow.

  102. It's just a difference in local rules, really.

    Really? You believe that discharging a weapon in defense of your life and property during the commission of a crime should be a local and punishable offense?

    Ron Paul was right. We have become a rotten and degenerate liberal culture.

  103. So if Ron Paul wins the Republican nomination, you will oppose him.

    So much for Republican "fusionism". Are Newt and Rick going to run under 3rd Party banners now, beamish? lol!

  104. It's a real shame that the "Know Nothing" Party name has already been used. Your preferred candidate could have used an accurate label like that for a 3rd Party run.


    The Kangaroo
    May be hard to woo,
    But still, he is no slouch.
    He's got two
    Huge hind legs,
    Two tiny ones with which he begs,
    And a neat, convenient pouch.

    But, if the word
    That I have heard
    Be true,
    The Kangaroo,
    If he is kept in a zoo,
    Becomes an awful GROUCH!

    ~ FreeThinke, unrepentant Animalist and Versifier.


    Those who dispute
    Must think they're cute,
    And also quite astute.

    But such debate
    When filled with hate
    Tends the browsers to berate.

    It's been said it's rude to clog
    Up space in someone else's blog,
    Participants appear to play the hog.

    No debater's at his best
    Acting like a gross site pest.
    For Goodness' sake! GIVE IT A REST!

    ~ FreeThinke

  107. No. I didn't say I agreed with the citation.

    Ron Paul was right. We have become a rotten and degenerate liberal culture.

    Because Los Angeles has more strict city ordinances?

    So if Ron Paul wins the Republican nomination, you will oppose him.

    I already oppose him.

    So much for Republican "fusionism".

    Fusionism requires cooperation between conservatives and libertarians. The Euro-socialist White Nationalist Ron Paul is neither.

    As much as you like to smear fusionism, I'd have though you'd familiarized yourself with those opposed to Johnson's "Great Society" initiatives rather than embracing a racist champion of them.

    Is not being stupid beyond your skill set?

    Are Newt and Rick going to run under 3rd Party banners now, beamish? lol!

    They won't ever have to.

  108. FeetStinke,

    Your poetry is only marginally worse than your inability to construct a rational argument.


    How sad it is on Saturday
    To have nowhere but blogs to play!

    'Tis fine for me, because I'm old,
    And don't want to walk in the cold.

    But younger folk still full of vigor
    Should seek play in spaces bigger

    Has life become so full of hate,
    You can no longer get a date?

    ~ FreeThinke

  110. Because Los Angeles has more strict city ordinances?

    The police REFUSED to enter the riot areas for THREE days, beamish. And they CHARGED the people who were thus abandoned with CRIMES for defending themselves and property. What planet are you from, Planet Braindead?

    Local ordinances are fine if the police are present to enforce them. But when they're not, local ordinances must succumb to the necessities of Martial law.

    Oh, wait, the Guard wasn't called out, either. It was literally the bellum omni contra omnes. And all's fair in THAT war.

    Weapons violations. What a JOKE!

  111. He who lives just to nurse grudges
    Is not fit to sit 'mongst judges

    From boring bigots comes a stench;
    It keeps them removed from The Bench.

    ~ FreeThinke

  112. The police REFUSED to enter the riot areas for THREE days, beamish. And they CHARGED the people who were thus abandoned with CRIMES for defending themselves and property. What planet are you from, Planet Braindead?

    Again, for the left-wingers without reading comprehension skills, I never said I agreed with Los Angeles' alleged citing the nameless shopowners in Ron Paul's bizarre accounts with "weapons violations" for defending themselves.

    Let's up the ante. Until you can produce evidence, by name, that a Korean immigrant shopowner in Los Angeles shot and killed a looter in his store and recieved a "illegal use of firearms" charge from it, I'm going to to presume that both you and Ron Paul are full of crap.

    Local ordinances are fine if the police are present to enforce them. But when they're not, local ordinances must succumb to the necessities of Martial law.

    Oh, wait, the Guard wasn't called out, either. It was literally the bellum omni contra omnes. And all's fair in THAT war.

    Weapons violations. What a JOKE!

    Indeed, if it actually happened. Did it?

    And if it did, how is this local incident a condemnation of the entire culture of the United States as "rotten?"

    Should we drop a nuke on Los Angeles to restore our national honor?

  113. FeetStinke,

    Get your bigoted old racist ass up and swing a beer bottle at me, Mr. "Nothing is Taboo in a Free Society."


  114. produce evidence, by name, that a Korean immigrant shopowner in Los Angeles shot and killed a looter in his store and recieved a "illegal use of firearms" charge from it.

    Make sure to watch all three parts, beamish. Enjoy!

  115. I'm waiting, FJ.

    53 people died during the 1992 LA riots.

    What's the name of the black person that was killed by a Korean immigrant shopowner defending his store?

    What's the name of the Korean immigrant shopowner that shot and killed this black person?

    Was this Korean immigrant shopowner actually charged with anything?

    What is the punishment for "illegal use of a firearm" in Los Angeles?

    Were white people caught in the 1992 LA riots admonished to lay back and think of England? By who?

    Is Ron Paul, like you, full of crap?

  116. Man, I hate left-wing psuedo-intellectual poseurs almost as much as I love slapping them around.

    What's the score, AOW?

  117. What's the sense of demanding evidence if you don't look at what's presented, beamish?

  118. Beamish,
    Actually, I'm not keeping score.

    Oh, I'm peeking in to see what's going on. But I have too much of a sinus headache to do much of anything else. I think that I'm about to be felled by the cold from hell. Dosing up on ZICAM, though.

  119. Didn't watch it. Typical.

    Feh. You're still watching it. After just finding it.

    What's the sense of demanding evidence if you don't look at what's presented, beamish?z

    Index it for me, pipsqueak. Quit blowing smoke and give me the timestamp where the Korean shopowner charged with "illegal use of a firearm" for defending his or her shop with lethal force is located so I can fast-forward to it. I want to know the name of the shopowner AND the name of the rioter that they killed.

    You're in the big leagues now, SqueakyG. Gainsaying is for chumps.

    What do you got for us, chump?

  120. Actually, I'm not keeping score.

    I'm pretty sure it's getting close to FJ sh*t, Beamish shinola.

    Oh, I'm peeking in to see what's going on. But I have too much of a sinus headache to do much of anything else. I think that I'm about to be felled by the cold from hell. Dosing up on ZICAM, though.

    Sorry to hear that. Got a nasty head cold myself. Nursing a hot toddy ;)

  121. Found it yet, FJ?

    Make sure to watch all three videos, now, y'hear? LOL

    To think this guy actually fools some people into thinking he's intelligent is frightening in its implications.

  122. Fake it 'til ya make it, huh FJ?

    Hey FeetStinke, you nappin'?

  123. So now an absence of immediate evidence on an obscure fact is evidence of absence, beamish? Wow. You've ignored every previous fact, so why would presenting the evidence for one more make any difference?

    And more than that, you demonstrate that you're unwilling to do any research on the subject, yourself, but insist upon being spoon fed.

    I call for a recess. No, I don't currently have specifics of charges that may or may not have been filed against Korean shopkeepers. I'm still looking. But even if I find nothing, all that means is that the data you demand is not readily available, 20 years after the event, nothing more.

  124. "The mayor of Los Angeles, for example, ordered the Korean storekeepers who defended themselves arrested for “discharging a firearm within city limits.”

    This comes from another Paul newsletter. Let's see if it was true.

  125. So now an absence of immediate evidence on an obscure fact is evidence of absence, beamish?

    No, it's evidence that you're full of crap, Mr. "Make sure to watch all three parts." LOL!

    You entered those videos as "evidence" that a Korean shopowner shot and killed a looter during the 1992 LA riots and was charged with "illegal use of a firearm." AND accused me of dismissing them without watching them.

    As it turns out, nothing in those videos supports your intended use of them as "evidence" that such an unlikely event occured.

    It's not evidence of absence of anything but your intellectual honesty. Do you need a minute to brush up on what intellectual honesty is?

    It's your time to shine, pretty boy. Come with it already.

    Wow. You've ignored every previous fact, so why would presenting the evidence for one more make any difference?

    Point of order. Gainsaying is not evidence. Please present some evidence. And facts too.

    I call for a recess. No, I don't currently have specifics of charges that may or may not have been filed against Korean shopkeepers. I'm still looking. But even if I find nothing, all that means is that the data you demand is not readily available, 20 years after the event, nothing more.

    No, it means your skills as a bullsh*t artist are unhelpful to your cause in a reasoned debate.

    "The mayor of Los Angeles, for example, ordered the Korean storekeepers who defended themselves arrested for “discharging a firearm within city limits.”

    This comes from another Paul newsletter. Let's see if it was true.

    Let's see if you can google up the name of the mayor of Los Angeles in 1992 before Ron Paul can. LOL


    Have you ever witnessed such an epic fail? I'm practically wiping FJ off my shoes, and I'm way over here in Missouri.

  126. Here's the total context, " The cause of the riots is plain: barbarism. If the barbarians cannot
    loot sufficiently through legal channels (i.e., the riots being the welfare-state minus the middleman), they resort to illegal ones, to terrorism. Trouble is, few seem willing to do anything to stop them. The cops have been handcuffed. And property owners are not allowed to defend themselves. The mayor of Los Angeles, for example, ordered the Korean storekeepers who defended themselves arrested for "discharging a firearm within city limits." Perhaps the most scandalous aspect of the Los Angeles riots was the response by the mayors, the media, and the Washington politicians. They all came together as one to excuse the violence and to tell white America that it is guilty, although the guilt can be assuaged by handing over more cash. It would be reactionary, racist, and fascist, said the media, to have less welfare or tougher law enf orcement. America's number one need is an unlimited white checking account for underclass blacks.

  127. So, if in fact no Korean shopowners were actually charged with "illegal use of a firearm" or "discharging a firearm within city limits" after killing a looter in their store during the '92 LA riots, AND in fact there has been no "admonishment" from anyone or anywhere directed at white people instructing them to "lay back and think of England" when faced with enraged black people, do we in America really live in a "rotten liberal culture?"

    Or do we merely share nationality with a racist twit who currently serves as the Republican Congressman from Texas' 14th District?

    Don't get me wrong. Ron Paul is to be commended for promoting gingivitis in racists and anti-Semites by selling them racially-tinged pablum for their toothpaste money.

    But do we want this guy as the Republican Presidential nominee?


  128. AND accused me of dismissing them without watching them.

    Did you watch them?

  129. So, if in fact no Korean shopowners were actually charged with "illegal use of a firearm" or "discharging a firearm within city limits" after killing a looter in their store during the '92 LA riots

    According to the newsletter, the Mayor "threatened them with arrest." And I'm still looking for possible evidence that this is true... here is some corroborating evidence... ammunition sale bans @ 2:52 and arrest threats near end @ 7:15.

    Perhaps the arrest threats were made after local News Reports showed the following film...

  130. ROFLMFAO!!!!

    Here's a nice hypothetical for the principled conservatives and libertarians in the audience.

    Suppose a Republican candidate said this:

    "The cause of the conflict is plain: barbarism. If the barbarians cannot gain sufficiently through legal channels (i.e., the conflicts being negotiation without diplomacy), they resort to illegal ones, to terrorism. Trouble is, few seem willing to do anything to stop them. The military has been handcuffed. And property owners are not allowed to defend themselves. The Prime Minister of Israel, for example, ordered the Jewish settlers who defended themselves arrested for "discharging a firearm within city limits." Perhaps the most scandalous aspect of the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts was the response by the world leaders, the international media, and the United Nations. They all came together as one to excuse the violence and to tell Israel that it is guilty, although the guilt can be assuaged by handing over more land. It would be reactionary, racist, and fascist, said the international media, to have less concessions or tougher sanctions. Israel's number one need is an unconditional surrender to the poor Palestinians."

    Ol' Ron Paul would sh*t hisself, wouldn't he?

  131. AND accused me of dismissing them without watching them.

    Did you watch them?

    Up until the point that I realized you were blowing smoke instead of producing evidence. Which didn't take long, really, given my full awareness that you're an idiot trying to masquerade as an intellectual.

  132. ...so you now admit that you DIDN'T watch them? Then how "intellectually honest" was this statement, beamish?

    u entered those videos as "evidence" that a Korean shopowner shot and killed a looter during the 1992 LA riots and was charged with "illegal use of a firearm." AND accused me of dismissing them without watching them.

    By your own admission, the accusation has been proven to be true. You hadn't watched them.

  133. According to the newsletter, the Mayor "threatened them with arrest." And I'm still looking for possible evidence that this is true... here is some corroborating evidence... ammunition sale bans @ 2:52 and arrest threats near end @ 7:15.

    It may be true that the Mayor of LA threatened to arrest people that were using firearms in the '92 riots.

    That is not in contention.

    Did you forget that you're looking for evidence that during the '92 LA riots, a Korean-American shopowner shot and killed a looter in self-defense and was subsequently charged with "illegal use of a firearm" by homicide investigators that no doubt would have been sent by the police to the scene (immediately, or eventually, given the breakdown of order that day)

    This is a very specific assertion made by Ron Paul (or his ghost writers). It is very likely a false assertion, made more egregrious as it was woven into overtly racist hallucinations that a "rotten liberal culture" in America demands that white people "lay back and think of England" (whatever that means) when faced with enraged black people, and that the Korean shopowners in this urban legend have failed to heed to what is allegedly expected of white people in the same circumstances.

    You can't reduce Ron Paul to absurdity. He starts there on his own.

  134. By your own admission, the accusation has been proven to be true. You hadn't watched them.

    I did not watch them in their entirety, myself not being easily fooled or distracted by your painfully obvious attempts to box way, way, way above your intellectual weight class.

    Do you have the names of the deceased looter and the Korean-American shopowner that shot him dead and was subsequently charged with "illegal use of a firearm?"


    Then WTF was the racist Ron Paul (or his disavowed, racist ghost writers) writing there? Fiction? Allegory for a racist viewpoint?

    Do you need help with the definition of intellectual honesty, chump?

  135. This is a very specific assertion made by Ron Paul (or his ghost writers)

    Produce it, then.

  136. That is not in contention.

    lol! Then what was this comment about?

    That no such "admonishment" has ever been issued, by anyone?

    You grant that the mayor threatened merchants who discharged weapons with arrest?

    Then I have nothing left to prove. You've granted that everything stated and entered into evidence in the newsletter was true. You just need to introduce new allegations of a looter being shot. A Korean WAS accidently shot as a looter. Do you suppose that the charges were leveled against HIS shooter??? lol!

  137. Here's a list of homicide victims. Knock yourself out looking for the Korean.

  138. ...and here's a list of DA charges filed in all those crimes, Knock yourself out, Mr. curious, and prove that you "phantom" Dr. Paul's allegations weren't true.

  139. Here's the "most likely" based upon your scant description...

    35 James Lino Taylor African-American Male 27 GSW Homocide Firearm 4/30/92 20:47 Thu CA LA 5209 W. Sunset Blvd. Closed Self Defense Unknown Night Commercial building Yes Yes A storekeeper may have shot and killed James Taylor as he allegedly looted stores in a Hollywood strip mall. The shooting was ruled self-defense.

  140. but it could have been one of these...

    33 George Antonio Sosa Mexican-American Male 20 GSW Homocide Firearm 4/30/92 20:00 Thu CA Huntington Park 2688 Florence Avenue, Huntington Park Open Unknown Unknown Night Commercial building No Yes An unidentified gunman shot Mexican-American 20-year-old Sosa as he allegedly looted a store . Homocide

    34 Jose Very Solorzano Mexican-American Male 25 GSW Homocide Firearm 4/30/92 20:15 Thu CA LA Santa Monica Boulevard and Vermont Avenue Closed Self Defense Unknown Night Commercial building Yes Yes shopkeeper defending his property shot Solorzano, while he allegedly looted a store. Homocide

    25 Patrick Bettan Caucasian Male 30 GSW Accidental Firearm 4/30/92 16:45 Thu CA LA 2740 W. Olympic Blvd. Closed Accidental Unknown Day Commercial building Yes No worked as an armed security guard at a shopping center, where he joined a group of armed storeowners defending their property. During one looting spree, Bettan was shot. LAPD investigators determined Bettan had been accidentally shot by one of his employers. None

  141. Let's go, chop, chop. Where's the new allegation?

    What's the matter beamish, can't find it? I've already given you the likely name of the victim, so what's your problem?


    Beamish plays the Bride
    FJ acts the Groom

    Don't you think it's time
    They went and got a room?

    ~ FreeThinke

  143. I suppose I must conclude that my opponent has fled the field. Neither discretion nor valour appear to have ever been his strong point.

    C'est la vie.

    Gasta bananaa.

  144. It's so kind of AOW,
    Whose blog looks like a bandbox
    To let the naughty orphan boys
    Use it as a sandbox!

    ~ FT

  145. This is a very specific assertion made by Ron Paul (or his ghost writers)

    Produce it, then.

    My God you're punchdrunk AND imbecilic. Did you forget that you're in the unenviable position of researching the veracity of this assertion:

    "Another group that had stocked up were Korean merchants, many of whom defended their places with guns, and later were arrested for illegal use of firearms. As one told the LA Times, "Two looters entereed my store; one left.""

    Did you even look in the LA Times archives? (silly question, I know, given that you're an imbecile)

    Let me break it down for you, Skippy. "As one [who was arrested for illegal use of firearms] told the LA Times [that's the local newspaper of Los Angeles, with pages filled with words and pictures reporting actual events] "Two looters entered my store; one left." [implying that the shopowner who was allegedly arrested for illegal use of firearms had actually shot and killed a looter while defending his store.]


    Was the racist Ron Paul (and / or his racist ghost writers) bullsh*tting? Was the LA Times cited incorrectly by the racist Ron Paul (and / or his racist ghost writers)? Was there in fact a Korean shopowner arrested for "illegal use of firearms" after killing a looter?

    That [the Mayor of LA threatened to arrest people using firearms during the riots] is not in contention.

    lol! Then what was this comment about?

    That no such "admonishment" has ever been issued, by anyone?

    That comment, my dear perennial failure of a debate opponent, was in reference to the admonishment alleged by the racist Ron Paul (and / or his racist ghost writers) to be given specifically to white people to "lay back and think of England" when faced with enraged black people.

  146. FJ is hereby awarded FOUR STARS for sheer stamina.

    ~ FT

  147. [continued]

    You grant that the mayor threatened merchants who discharged weapons with arrest?

    No, my dear irredeemably illiterate leftist twit, I granted that the mayor threatened that ANYONE discharging weapons in the riot (merchant, homeowner, looter, non-law enforcement personnel, etc.) would be arrested.

    Again I must ask, with all due respect, is avoidance of being stupid well outside your skill set?

    Then I have nothing left to prove. You've granted that everything stated and entered into evidence in the newsletter was true.

    While is no mean feat that you managed to type that drivel with your finger up your nose and your head up your ass, there is no intellectually honest way you can contort what I've actually said into that pathetic attempt to disavow your utter failures in this discussion.

    You just need to introduce new allegations of a looter being shot.

    Is not the currently discussed allegation provided by the racist Ron Paul's (and / or his racist ghost writer's) report that the LA Times quoted a Korean shopowner who allegedly shot and killed a looter sufficient?

    Hello? McFly?

    A Korean WAS accidently shot as a looter. Do you suppose that the charges were leveled against HIS shooter??? lol!

    Immaterial. You're supposed to be backing up the racist Ron Paul's (and / or his racist ghost writer's) assertion that a Korean shopowner shot and killed a looter and was charged with "illegal use of a firearm."

    You've failed, miserably, to do that.

    Thus, the racist Ron Paul's (and / or his racist ghost writers') inclusion of a doubtlessly fictional accounting to praise as "real Americans" shopowners that do not share the racist Ron Paul's (and / or his racist ghost writers') hallucinations of a "rotten liberal culture" that "admonishes white people to lay back and think of England when faced with raging black people" in no way extricates such an assertion from the obvious racism that spawned it.

    Let me lower the bar for you, derp.

    Find the definition of the word "intellectual."

    Then find the definition of the word "honesty."

    Put those two words together to form the phrase "intellectual honesty." You with me so far, dipsh*t?

    Given the definition of "intellectual" as an adjective describing "honesty," recount the differences between that and your presentation here today.

    Or go masturbate to Slavjo Zizek videos in the minor leagues. Your call, lefty.

    Next time you wish to challenge me, let's just dispense with the pleasantries and agree on common ground that you're not equipped for intellectual discussion.

  148. Welcome back, FeetStinke!

    Didja bring a beer bottle for me, racist?

  149. This is the thread that never ends;
    It just goes on and on, my friends.
    Combatants started posting here
    Not knowing what it was,
    And they will go on posting here
    Forever, just because ...

    This is the thread that never ends;
    It just goes on and on, my friends.
    Combatants started posting here
    Not knowing what it was,
    And they will go on posting here
    Forever, just because ...

    This is the thread that never ends;
    It just goes on and on, my friends.
    Combatants started posting here
    Not knowing what it was,
    And they will go on posting here
    Forever, just because ...

    This is the thread that never ends;
    It just goes on and on, my friends.
    Combatants started posting here
    Not knowing what it was,
    And they will go on posting here
    Forever, just because ...

    This is the thread that never ends;
    It just goes on and on, my friends.
    Combatants started posting here
    Not knowing what it was,
    And they will go on posting here
    Forever, just because ...

    This is the thread that never ends;
    It just goes on and on, my friends.
    Combatants started posting here
    Not knowing what it was,
    And they will go on posting here
    Forever, just because ...

    ad infinitum

    ~ FreeThinke w. thanks to the late Shari Lewis

  150. No beer bottles, huh FeetStinke?

    Damn. I was looking forward to making you eat them.

    I guess smirking at your impotence will have to do.


  151. Bwah-ha-ha-ha!

    Another group that had stocked up were Korean merchants, many of whom defended their places with guns, and later were arrested for illegal use of firearms. As one told the LA Times, "Two looters entereed my store; one left."

    Notice that there are two separate sentences here, beamish. There is no reason to believe that second sentence pertains specifically to any specific merchant arrested, let alone the looter shooter who talked to the reporter being charged, as you "specifically allege".

    What a sad little man you are, beamish. Sad, sad, sad.

    I granted that the mayor threatened that ANYONE discharging weapons in the riot (merchant, homeowner, looter, non-law enforcement personnel, etc.) would be arrested.

    And so that excluded the Korean merchant's in question? Bwah!

    Get a life beamish. You just demonstrated a major FAIL at reading comprehension.

  152. 35 James Lino Taylor African-American Male 27 GSW Homocide Firearm 4/30/92 20:47 Thu CA LA 5209 W. Sunset Blvd. Closed Self Defense Unknown Night Commercial building Yes Yes A storekeeper may have shot and killed James Taylor as he allegedly looted stores in a Hollywood strip mall. The shooting was ruled self-defense.

    Hmmmm. Shopkeeper? check. Korean? Doesn't say. Looter killed? check. Charges filed? check, as they were ruled self-defense. Was a gun charge included? Doesn't say.

    But the Paul story still falls into the category of "not ruled out".

  153. VERDICT

    Said the maiden as Beamish withdrew,
    "My dear sir, I'm afraid this won't do,
    For FJ is is thicker,
    And quicker and slicker --
    And longer and stronger -- than you!"

    ~ Submitted by FT

  154. "Another group that had stocked up were Korean merchants, many of whom defended their places with guns, and later were arrested for illegal use of firearms. As one told the LA Times, "Two looters entereed my store; one left."

    Notice that there are two separate sentences here, beamish. There is no reason to believe that second sentence pertains specifically to any specific merchant arrested, let alone the looter shooter who talked to the reporter being charged, as you "specifically allege".

    That's quite a stretch, even for a finger-in-nose-and-head-up-ass contortionist like yourself.

    Is there any credible reason to believe the racist Ron Paul (and / or his racist ghost writer) was not refering to a Korean shopowner allegedly arrested for "illegal use of firearms" who shot and killed a looter in self-defense?

    If you separate and deny the clear pertinence of the conjunction between "...many of whom defended their places with guns, and later were arrested for illegal use of firearms" and "As one told the LA Times, "Two looters entered my store; one left."" what happens to your prior "outrage" that people who shot at looters, or even killed looters, in defense of their property were charged with firearms violations?

    Are you so insipidly out of touch with grammatical construction and rational conclusions that you'll next argue that the allegedly LA Times quoted shopowner still has a looter in his store after the other one left? Did the LA Times reporter interview that looter too?

    Do you even know what the LA Times is?

    What a sad little man you are, beamish. Sad, sad, sad.

    I'm amazed that you can't manage to propel a dust mote for being such a blowhard.

    Do you need help with finding the definition of "intellectual honesty" and understanding how it is utterly inapplicable to your epic fails today?

    I granted that the mayor threatened that ANYONE discharging weapons in the riot (merchant, homeowner, looter, non-law enforcement personnel, etc.) would be arrested.

    And so that excluded the Korean merchant's in question? Bwah!

    What Korean merchant in question? Can you name any that was charged with weapons violations and / or that had shot a looter dead?


    NASA hired you? Really?

    Get a life beamish. You just demonstrated a major FAIL at reading comprehension.

    Assertion without evidence. And quite humorous, in light of the fact that you're now arguing that we have no reason to believe two sentences in a paragraph together pertain to the subject matter of the paragraph itself.

    Man you're wicked stupid.

  155. [continued]

    Hmmmm. Shopkeeper? check. Korean? Doesn't say.


    Looter killed? check. Charges filed? check, as they were ruled self-defense. Was a gun charge included? Doesn't say.


    But the Paul story still falls into the category of "not ruled out".

    But more importantly, it hasn't escaped the category of racist assertions. I couldn't help but notice that your linked homicide report briefs included Latinos and whites that were also shot and killed as looters by property owners and security personnel.

    What does the racist Ron Paul's (and / or his racist ghost writer's) hallucinatory voices from a "rotten liberal culture" have to say? Do these hallucinatory voices that the racist Ron Paul (and / or his racist ghost writers) hear have a protocol to specifically admonish white people to "lay back and think of England" when faced with enraged Mexican-Americans or other white people? Does it tell them to lay in a different direction? Maybe think of a different country?

    Help me out here. What evidence can you present that Ron Paul (and / or his ghost writers) is not making a racist assertion there? Keep in mind, Ron Paul himself has disavowed his 30 years of publishing racist materials.

    What evidence can you present that you're not an imbecile?

  156. There once was a racist called FreeThinke,
    Who just loved prancing in hot pinke.
    He embraced his love with bliss,
    And tried vigorous to give him a kiss;
    But FJ said, "Damn, Roger. your breath stinke."

    Beer bottles. Fetch me one, racist.

  157. Ron Paul is not a racist! He's disavowed his old racist newsletter publishing operations.

    That makes him a former for-profit racist smut peddler, not a racist.

    What a drawn out discussion here!

    FJ should be commended for pointing out the bravery of the LAPD during the 1992 riots, for their prowess at entering the firefights at the height of the rioting and looting to issue "illegal use of firearm" citations to Korean shopowners defending their properties as looters stood around waiting patiently for them to leave the scene.


  158. Why were Korean merchants singled out by the black community and subsequent LA County prosecutors for destruction and persecution for firearms violations? Why did Koreans suffer over 50% of the damages from the Rodney King beating riots (which necessitated their absenting themselves from the scene for three full days and nights)? Why, of the four known looters shot, was the black shooting victim the only case prosecuted?

    The answer is here. The Latasha Harlins incident.

    Neither beamish OR his sock puppets demonstrate ANY degree of intellectual integrity. None.

    Were it not for demagoguery and ad hominem, they'd have no arguments at all.

    q.e.d. Again.

  159. Gentlemen:

    Are you worn out yet? Probably not, but you might want to call a cease fire on Sunday. Just a thought.

    I'm sick as a dog. Hardly a wink of sleep last night.

  160. Some of you would fit right in with our do nothing Congress. All of words, not much real thought and no course of action....

  161. Blogginator,
    Obama calls this a do nothing Congress because they won't do what HE wants them to do.

    Me -- I call them a do nothing Congress for different reasons. This past week, Allan West released a commentary to the effect that I go along with.

  162. FT,
    Although Beamish doesn't care for your poetry, your verses did bring a smile to my face.

  163. Good day, AOW,

    So sorry you're not well. With all you have to do -- and having just gone through "The Holidays" -- I'm sure you've gotten "run down." When we're over-worked and over-tired that's when these viruses strike hardest.

    As JFK said so long ago:


    So glad the rhymes at least brought a smile. I guess that's an accomplishment, since I know how you must be feeling.

    I did post with you in mind. Hoped it might add a little comic relief to The Insultathon, while still making a point here and there.

    Many years ago one of my wise old aunts said, "There are some people by whom it would be a positive INSULT to be liked."

    One runs into quite a few of those characters on the net. Every blog has at least one resident troll. (SIGH!)

    Whenever someone appears to be both irrational and vindictive, I cease to pay him any mind. Trolls may deserve our pity -- but never our respect.

    Hope the ZICAM is at least helping if not curing. Sounds like you picked up a "beaut."

    A good strong brew of ginger (freshly-minced or powdered) with honey -- and maybe a shot or two of rum or brandy ;-) -- makes a good palliative. Or the old standby lemon and honey dissolved in boiling water. A little gin, rum or brandy doesn't hurt that either -- unless you're a teetotaler -- in which case I apologize

    Whenever I got one of these things I drink at least a half-gallon of grapefruit juice the first day at appropriate intervals between ZICAM tablets. I also try to get as much bed rest as I can -- very hard I know when someone is totally dependent on you.

    ~ FreeThinke


  164. Meanwhile, since it is Sunday, I let us draw comfort and strength from Psalm 118:

    1 O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.

    2 Let Israel now say, that his mercy endureth for ever.

    3 Let the house of AOW now say, that his mercy endureth for ever.

    4 Let them now that fear the LORD say, that his mercy endureth for ever.

    5 I called upon the LORD in distress: the LORD answered me, and set me in a large place.

    6 The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?

    7 The LORD taketh my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me.

    8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

    9 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.

    10 All nations compassed me about: but in the name of the LORD will I destroy them.

    11 They compassed me about; yea, they compassed me about: but in the name of the LORD I will destroy them.

    12 They compassed me about like bees: they are quenched as the fire of thorns: for in the name of the LORD I will destroy them.

    13 Thou hast thrust sore at me that I might fall: but the LORD helped me.

    14 The LORD is my strength and song, and is become my salvation.

    15 The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous: the right hand of the LORD doeth valiantly.

    16 The right hand of the LORD is exalted: the right hand of the LORD doeth valiantly.

    17 I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD.

    18 The LORD hath chastened me sore: but he hath not given me over unto death.

    19 Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will go into them, and I will praise the LORD:

    20 This gate of the LORD, into which the righteous shall enter.

    21 I will praise thee: for thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation.

    22 The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.

    23 This is the LORD's doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.

    24 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

    25 Save now, I beseech thee, O LORD: O LORD, I beseech thee, send now prosperity.

    26 Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the LORD: we have blessed you out of the house of the LORD.

    27 God is the LORD, which hath shewed us light: bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar.

    28 Thou art my God, and I will praise thee: thou art my God, I will exalt thee.

    29 O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

    ~ FreeThinke

  165. FreeThinke,
    The ZICAM is helping. But I think I picked up one of the worst viruses. I'm hoping to feel better by Tuesday, when I teach this week's classes. Fortunately, I don't have a lot of lecture to do this week as it is "Book Report Week," and the students will be doing a lot more talking as usual as they present their book reviews to the class.

    Grapefruit juice sets my stomach on fire, but I do have other juices on hand. Guess that I'd better start guzzling!

    I am not a teetotaler, but nearly in the eyes of most. I typically visit the liquor store only once a year. This year around Thanksgiving, I got only a small bottle of brandy as the largest bottle was out of stock. I think that I'll make a run to the liquor store today; one of those stores near me has Sunday-afternoon hours.

    I don't view Beamish and FJ as trolls. In fact, we all go back a long way. I try to have a good relationship with both of them. I hope that I'm successful in that endeavor.

    Election years bring out a lot of hostility and vindinctiveness in the blogosphere. **sigh**

    try to get as much bed rest as I can -- very hard I know when someone is totally dependent on you

    Mr. AOW is now capable of making some forays into the kitchen. Of course, his skills in that regard are limited. So, I'm still stuck with doing all the cooking. Tonight, it will be something really easy! I'm off "chef duty" until further notice!

    Psalm 118 is one of my favorites along with Psalm 69. Thank you for that personalization of Psalm 118:3.

  166. AOW,

    Your liquor consumption sounds a lot like mine. The stuff doesn't agree with me -- tends to knock me out fast -- but that's why I think it's helpful with colds and flu. There are times when it's preferable to be unconscious.

    I'm glad you noticed the tiny change I made to Psalm 118. I wondered if you would.

    I've known a lot of the posters a very long time, myself. I'm not surprised you are able to stay in good terms with most of them.

    FJ and I sort of "clicked" many years ago at FPM, where it all began. I don't always understand him, mind you, but there's a basic benevolence there -- and a great deal of brainpower -- that's consistently appealing. The other one and I definitely do not get along, as I'm sure you must have noticed. I can't respect anyone who never seems to have anything good to say about anyone, who thrives on persecuting others, and who has no compunctions whatsoever about hitting below the belt at every available opportunity.

    I don't suffer fools gladly either, but I have even less tolerance for bullies, sadists and those who persist in playing dirty pool.

    Not to worry. "The ungodly are not so, but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away ..." Therefore, we needn't worry about them.


    ~ FreeThinke

  167. FT,
    I'm going to turn off the computer after I make this comment. I have to get some sleep.

    I checked my brandy supply and see that I have enough for tonight. So, I can postpone going to the liquor store until tomorrow.

    I wasn't at FPM, so I don't know about those days. I found Beamish and FJ in 2005. Both have challenged me intellectually over the years. I do hate to see them fighting. Really.

    PS: Of course I noticed your little change to Psalm 118. Very nice touch -- and speaks to the kind of life that this household has right now. But things could be worse -- and have been worse -- here. When I think back to two years ago, I wonder how I'm still standing. Must be the Lord, although I don't commune with Him often enough.

    Now, off to bed for a while!

  168. Why were Korean merchants singled out by the black community and subsequent LA County prosecutors for destruction and persecution for firearms violations?

    Assertion without evidence. Name a Korean merchant prosecuted for "firearms violations." Who collected the evidence for these never happened prosecutions? Looters? Invisible police? Ron Paul's inner voices? Big Bird? Mr. Ed?

    Why did Koreans suffer over 50% of the damages from the Rodney King beating riots (which necessitated their absenting themselves from the scene for three full days and nights)? Why, of the four known looters shot, was the black shooting victim the only case prosecuted?

    More assertion without evidence. Who was prosecuted for shooting the black victim?

    Neither beamish OR his sock puppets demonstrate ANY degree of intellectual integrity. None.

    Keep trying to fake it 'til ya make it, FJ! No one notices. Really!


  169. Assertion without evidence...

    ....that Dr. Paul is "a racist who doesn't print the truth." I agree. Such a charge has been proven to most definitely be an assertion w/o ANY evidence whatsoever. Thank for helping me prove it. :)

    btw - You're untaken picture of Dr. Paul in a KKK robe sealed the verdict.

  170. From the get-go he struck me as the black jimmy carter. I just hope he'll also be a one-term wonder. You cannot take another 4 years of obama and his democrats.

    Well, i suppose you can, but another 4 years will really mean the end of America as we knew it.

  171. ....that Dr. Paul is "a racist who doesn't print the truth." I agree.

    I'm certain Ron Paul does hear a voice telling him to "lay back and think of England" when he's observing the "blowback" of the Oligarchy's mind control lasers.

    And for $40 a year, you can too.

    Such a charge has been proven to most definitely be an assertion w/o ANY evidence whatsoever. Thank for helping me prove it. :)

    No problem. Wanna know what the Bible codes say about Glen Beck?

    btw - You're untaken picture of Dr. Paul in a KKK robe sealed the verdict.

    Illuminati scum. LOL

  172. ....that Dr. Paul is "a racist who doesn't print the truth." I agree.

    Decontextualizing statements again beamish?

    Assertion without evidence...

    ...just a reminder of the part you left out.

    yet another explicit display of intellectual dishonesty. Thanks, beamish. The jury has every right to take the character of the witness into account when forming their own judgement.

    btw - "Fail" is not an argument. It's merely a falsifying witness trying to lead the jury. :)

  173. Screw Ron Paul. I wanna vote for the guy that wrote his newsletters!

  174. BIGGEST LIE of the YEAR (outside of the charge that Ron Paul is a racist, an anti-Semite and a leftist):

    POLITIFACT (Bill Adair of The St. Petersburg Times) has blandly and baldly asserted on C-Spin this AM that Barack Obama is not a Socialist, and that nothing he has advocated or accomplished indicates anything in that direction.


    ~ FreeThinke

  175. Your puppets appear smarter than the puppeteer, beamish! Perhaps that isn't as paradoxical as it sounds.

  176. Perhaps that isn't as paradoxical as it sounds.

    Don't shoot the messenger.

  177. FT,
    You'd be surprised how many Americans believe or will believe that spin. Or even care one way or the other about socialism.


    I guess that a country with elections gets the government it deserves.

    Ugh again.

  178. Shoot them? You should embrace your alter-egos! They're not nearly as morally pretentious. ;)

  179. Shoot them? You should embrace your alter-egos! They're not nearly as morally pretentious. ;)

    I'll stick to satire if you'll stick to irony.

    Oh, wait. I forgot to proclaim what I've said is the "God's Honest Truth!"

  180. Satire? Oh, THAT's what YOU call it. lol! You were more honest at Geeez when you said, "No one out- assholes me!".

    btw - How many arrest do you think LA PD made in the wake of the riots? I've got one source that puts it at a little over 6,500 and another that bumps it up to 11,000. Of course since there is no record of the individual names and skin tones of those arrested on the internet, I suppose we're forced to conclude that none of them ever really happened, and that the authors of the sources were merely a bunch of "policeists" out to falsely aggrandize the effectiveness of the LA local LEO community.

    If a tree falls, and no one posts a YouTube, it never happened in the beamish world. :)

  181. How many arrest do you think LA PD made in the wake of the riots? I've got one source that puts it at a little over 6,500 and another that bumps it up to 11,000.

    What percentage of those were Korean shop owners given weapons violations charges for defending their properties?

    Did the mayor of Los Angeles not carry out his "threat" to do so, or what?

    How about the LA Times' allegedly quoted Korean shopowner that killed a looter in his shop? Does he have a name? Weapons violations charges?

    Of course since there is no record of the individual names and skin tones of those arrested on the internet, I suppose we're forced to conclude that none of them ever really happened, and that the authors of the sources were merely a bunch of "policeists" out to falsely aggrandize the effectiveness of the LA local LEO community.

    No, we're merely forced to conclude that the voices that admonish the racist Ron Paul (and his racist ghost writers) to "lay back and think of England" when faced with enraged black people in a riot (but not the rioters and looters of other races participating in the same riots) are hallucinatory and imagined, not real. A symptom of irrational, racist thinking attempting to masquerade as observation.

    If a tree falls, and no one posts a YouTube, it never happened in the beamish world. :)

    If the far left Naderite FJ can't produce a fallen tree, he'll dance around a strawman instead.

  182. Of course, not having "ethos" on his side, FJ's "pathos" often forces him to insist that he does, even if he can't produce evidence for it.

  183. Perhaps you can give us a breakdown of the 3-6,000 misdemeanor violations beamish and what they were all for. How about it? Or are you just going to dance and channel the Rev.'s Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton all night?


  184. Nope. Still no logos. Only beamish's pathos and faux-ethos.

  185. Perhaps you can give us a breakdown of the 3-6,000 misdemeanor violations beamish and what they were all for. How about it?

    I thought your case was allegedly built from this information? No?

    Or are you just going to dance and channel the Rev.'s Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton all night?

    Hearing voices again?

  186. Psst. Faking it isn't making it, FJ.

    Try a different tactic.

  187. You were going to spoon feed me with something, yes?

    What was it?

  188. I thought your case was allegedly built from this information? No?

    No, yours is. You claim that my failure to produce a single name negates my case. But your failure to produce a public source from which it is would be deemed reasonably possible to derive a name negates yours.

    So either produce a source that proves that the data readily exists, or find a picture of Ron Paul in Klan regalia. Because those are currently the only two ways that you can make your case.


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