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Silverfiddle Rant! |
In this progressive house, We Believe...
All immigrants should be given shelter... somewhere else
Declaring our city a sanctuary city is virtuous, just don't ask us to actually provide sanctuary to illegal immigrants
Black Lives Matter! Except for the Black Lives burned out of their businesses and neighborhoods by larping privileged white kids and Marxists of Color protesting police violence against black people by destroying black neighborhoods and businesses.
Doctor Fauci is Science
Working people who never attended college should bail out those who did
Gender is a white male construct!
My Body My Choice!!! (Unless you are a little baby body gestating in the womb)
"The Science" is "settled"
Logic is racist
"Fact Checkers" "Debunk" "Disinformation," and "Misinformation"
Crayons are real food
You forgot "There is no reality, there is only perception"
ReplyDeleteAll immigrants should be given shelter... somewhere else
ReplyDeleteSo spend taxpayer money enticing them out of actual shelters to airlift them somewhere else and dump them without shelter, food, health care...
Declaring our city a sanctuary city is virtuous, just don't ask us to actually provide sanctuary to illegal immigrants
Unless you kidnap immigrants from shelters and dump them in our streets. We'll demonstrate empathy and compassion to them AND prosecute you for targeted civil rights violations and kidnapping at the same time.
Black Lives Matter! Except for the Black Lives burned out of their businesses and neighborhoods by larping privileged white kids and Marxists of Color protesting police violence against black people by destroying black neighborhoods and businesses.
The Capitol building seemed well defended against angry black people...
Doctor Fauci is Science
But overdose with heartworm medicine for horses and chase it with a glass of Clorox just in case.
Working people who never attended college should bail out those who did
And people who don't own time-shares in resort properties should bail out sub-prime mortgage lenders too.
Gender is a white male construct!
So don't cut off your balls.
My Body My Choice!!! (Unless you are a little baby body gestating in the womb)
Or a voter on abortion issues waiting for it to appear on a ballot.
"The Science" is "settled"
Pseudo-science has better marketing, though.
Logic is racist
And absent from this post too.
"Fact Checkers" "Debunk" "Disinformation," and "Misinformation",
And is one of the jobs Trump created.
Wow, this post really offended your tinder sensibilities.
DeleteNah. It's just a typical case of Trump supporters opposing socialism yet they keep getting publicly owned.
DeleteTrump's mistake was misbelieving that he, and not the DCI, was running the government just because he, and not the DCI, was constitutionally "accountable".
Drip-drip-drip... "Indict/ Impeach"
Drip-drip-drip... "Punish"
Drip-drip-drip... "Rinse/ Repeat"
Pretty sure his mistake was retaining government property after his term in office expired.
DeleteTrump is the bank robber caught with stolen cash and demanding the bank prove ownership of each dollar bill.
...but then why should I cite the "constitution" when you are a "truth handler". So be honest. It's not the stolen property that you're worried about.
DeleteIf it were, they'd be hauling all the stolen furniture (and keyboard 'W's) back from Bill and Hillary's place.
DeleteSo can we expect any "consistency" from the Master...
Delete...or does he need to continue to remain "unaccountable"?
DeleteIt is unfair that Trump can violate the Espionage Act several times yet the government can only put him to death once. They should at least try to revive him so they can fry him again.
DeleteDon't worry, one day you will be cured from your Sickness.
I'm just saying they are missing a lucrative opportunity to put Trump's execution on pay-per-view.
DeleteSo who was he working for, beamish? Putin?
DeleteEspionage implies a transfer of information "to" someone else. Name him.
DeleteHis lawyers 🤣
DeleteExactly. :)
DeleteAs Sundance over at CTH says....
DeleteIf the documents seized by the FBI were part of the lawsuit established by President Trump and his legal team via Trump -v- Clinton, then the material seized is all attorney client work product. Lawfully obtained, constitutionally declassified and legally protected material.
This is where the ‘special master’ will play a key role.
Keep watching.
TDS Hillary voters can't seem to stay on topic, or even make any sense.
DeleteThing is, Trump can't show he declassified the material in question, nor can he prevent his successor Biden from reclassifying it, nor can he argue that he committed the crime to obtain evidence for his nutlog lawsuit against Hillary Clinton (a lawsuit recently thrown out of court f
Deleteor lack of merit) without admitting he broke the Espionage Act.
When they fry him to death like Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, they should use a dimmer switch and slowly turn up the voltage to really milk the entertainment value.
Reclassification of declassified documents would be a type of ex post facto law specifically prohibited by the Constitution.
DeleteUS Constitution, Article I, Section 9, Clause 3: No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.
DeleteIt's already out there. The secret toothpaste doesn't go back into the tube.
An ex post facto law is considered a hallmark of tyranny because it deprives people of a sense of what behavior will or will not be punished and allows for random punishment at the whim of those in power. The prohibition of ex post facto laws was an imperative in colonial America.
DeleteI thought that you said that you were a "truth handler", beamish?
DeleteYou don’t need to wear a patch on your arm to have honor.” – Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee
Delete"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
DeleteCan we get back to a timocracy now?
DeleteWe elect Presidents that reverse prior policies all the time. That's not ex post facto law.
DeleteIf the materials were declassified, there would be no need for a special master. If it was legal for Trump to possess the materials, there would have been no subpoenas nor search warrants issued. I don't think Biden reclassified anything, though he has the power to do so. I don't think the documents were ever declassified to begin with.
Now he's being sued for fraud (again), a recurring theme in his life. Pretty sure that character flaw and 62% loss rate in business lawsuits against him is a feature, not a bug. He can't run an honest business, but was squeaky clean as a government official? That takes sheets of acid the size of Montana to hallucinate.
I can handle the truth just fine. The truth is, Trump can't ice skate uphill.
You can reverse a policy... but you can't criminalize the past. As a civilian, he's as much a legal right to reclassified data as the WaPo had to the Pentagon Papers.
Delete...and to publish them
DeleteJustice Hugo Black wrote an opinion that elaborated on his view of the absolute superiority of the First Amendment:
[T]he injunction against The New York Times should have been vacated without oral argument when the cases were first presented... . [E]very moment's continuance of the injunctions ... amounts to a flagrant, indefensible, and continuing violation of the First Amendment. ... The press was to serve the governed, not the governors. The Government's power to censor the press was abolished so that the press would remain forever free to censure the Government. The press was protected so that it could bare the secrets of government and inform the people. Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government. And paramount among the responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people and sending them off to distant lands to die of foreign fevers and foreign shot and shell. ... [W]e are asked to hold that ... the Executive Branch, the Congress, and the Judiciary can make laws ... abridging freedom of the press in the name of 'national security.' ... To find that the President has 'inherent power' to halt the publication of news ... would wipe out the First Amendment and destroy the fundamental liberty and security of the very people the Government hopes to make 'secure.' ... The word 'security' is a broad, vague generality whose contours should not be invoked to abrogate the fundamental law embodied in the First Amendment. The guarding of military and diplomatic secrets at the expense of informed representative government provides no real security... . The Framers of the First Amendment, fully aware of both the need to defend a new nation and the abuses of the English and Colonial governments, sought to give this new society strength and security by providing that freedom of speech, press, religion, and assembly should not be abridged.[14]
Truth Social... it's a "newspaper". :)
Delete...and if they were never declassified, it doesn't matter.
DeleteJoe Biden's FBI plumbers forgot to wear disguises when they broke into Mar-a-lago to recover the documents. They also made the mistake of inviting 360 million witnesses to watch them do it.
DeleteThis post is dedicated to Ronnie....
Delete....so what about Obama?
They also made the mistake of inviting 360 million witnesses to watch them do it.
DeleteNo they didn't. Nobody would even know the FBI served a search warrant if Trump didn't use his outsized media access to cry about it.
Trump has millions of followers. The FBI has 535 followers. The FBI's followers are Senators and Congressmen tho...
Well it looks like you're about to get your dream citizenship to Mordor, beamish. Enjoy your special privileges while they last.
DeleteApparently a former FISA Court Judge is too much of a security risk to be exposed to documents detailing abuses of the FISA Court.
DeleteI was replying to a comment which existed at the time, but which has since disappeared. There were ten or so comments, and when the site came back from posting my reply there were only three. None of the original comments were present, three new ones were.
ReplyDeleteThe price is wholly determined by it's "convenience" at any one particular time/ circumstance.
ReplyDelete...and the legislation that created the reserve described those "times" and "circumstance". Making a "profit" was NEVER its' purpose. Avoiding a "cost" (military defeat) was.
ReplyDeleteHas China stopped purchasing oil/ gas from Russia now?
ReplyDelete...and if defeating Russia is the goal, we need to replace all her hydrocarbon sales globally. Are we doing that?
ReplyDelete...and if so, does this mean that China is not considered an ally?
ReplyDelete...since we seem not to be replacing all of Russia's global hydrocarbon's and therefore expecting all our "allies" to replace hydrocarbon sources with "green" ones.
ReplyDeleteIn this MAGAnut house we believe…..
ReplyDeleteFirst and foremost- Donald Trump
Jewish laser beams from outer space.
Trickle down economics-that if you to give a pound of hotdogs to each of the two biggest and meanest dogs in the kennel and tell them to share with the other dogs, they will.
Trump University.
Mexico will still pay for a beautiful wall.
That since we don’t control the air, our good air decided to float over to China’s bad air so when China gets our good air, their bad air got to move. So it moves over to our good air space. Then now we got to clean that back up, while they’re messing ours up.
That flying 50 immigrants wanting to enter your state 1100 miles closer to your state will stop them from entering your state.
That a spoon full of Clorox helps the dewormer go down.
Bartering chickens for checkups.
That when Republicans are elected it means Republicans win and that when Democrats are elected it means Republicans win.
Because Tucker Carlson said so.
If a Republican breaks the law, any investigation is a witch hunt.
Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi
That Anderson Cooper eats live babies.
That it was a usual tourist guide on Monday, bus loaded Antifa on Tuesday, a false flag on Wednesday, the FBI on Thursday, wait for further instructions from Alex Jones on Friday.
In good Nazis
If we make Mexican food illegal, illegal aliens won’t be able to eat in the U.S. and illegal boarder crossing will stop.
That kids born with both a penis and a vagina was their choice.
Seating SCOTUS justices who stayed so drunk during prep school that they can’t remember how many women they’ve raped.
Grab em by the vagina.
Church photo ops.
Govern by toilet Tweets
Having legal fees paid for punching them in the face.
Putin is our friend.
A perfect call.
Stiffing contractors and American workers out of their pay for a job well done is “good business”.
China made MAGA hats.
Trump 2024.
Ronald J. Ward, I can see the Men in White Jackets coming to take you back to the NUT HOUSE, so you'd better run.
DeleteSilver... I'm not sure you want comments or questions. While I don't agree with all of TC's lines, he's made some fair points which you seem to not want to address.
ReplyDeleteThat said, I'll just focus on one of your points...
"Working people who never attended college should bail out those who did"
Based on how the entirety of this post reads, I assume you are talking about the recent cancellation of up to $20,000.00 in student debt by the Biden Administration.
I wonder if you feel similarly about PPP, or if you believe "working people" who maybe don't own businesses should have to have paid to bail out, in many cases, millionaire, or at least thousandaire business owners?
Here's the salient question from of the Biden Admin's economic advisors. I'd invite a simple answer from you, or one of the other more conservative or libertarian leaning folks here.
"Why is it, from the perspective of Republicans, great to forgive a loan of up to $10 million to a business owner, but if we want to provide $10,000 or $20,000 in loan forgiveness for a teacher or a bus driver or a nurse, all the sudden it’s socialism?”
@ Dave. Are you familiar with Adam Smith and the distinction between "Productive" vs "Unproductive" labor?
DeleteI ultimately used my education to secure a $300m shipbuilding contract for them.
DeleteI left the company about a month after the contract being awarded, having personally authored about 20% of the Technical volume and 100% of the Management volume of the proposal.
DeleteI coded a workaround for a former employer to make 3 incompatible filing and communications systems work together seamlessly and then after bunch of broken promises and dicking me around I quit... but not before I restored their systems back to the problem I solved ;)
Delete"If you're good at something, never do it for free."
Hey, my next job at Martin Marietta gave me a 20% salary bump on top of base+bonus I was earning at BethShip. :)
Deletebtw - After the Reagan years, you didn't want to be in Shipbuilding. The writing was on the wall.
DeleteThe only reason I went to Sparrow's Point was because their San Francisco Yard was closed in '82. I was one of only 2 employee's that didn't get laid off then.
DeleteI had just gotten my BSC paid for "Masters" degree. I suspect that they wanted a return on their "investment".
Delete-FJ... of course. it's what conservatives cite everyday when they support generous government economic policies that rewards "job creators" and "wealth makers".
DeleteAnd I'm okay with it.
But let's be honest. It's a distinction without a difference.
It's still government subsidies and has nothing to do with promoting the "invisible hand of the free market economy."
I've somehow managed to make more money with every job change I've done... Nothing like a 20% jump, but even 5 to 10% better pay each jump is significant with no kids to feed.
DeleteMy biggest disaster... running my own business. Fastest way to go broke.
DeleteIt's still government subsidies and has nothing to do with promoting the "invisible hand of the free market economy."
Hear hear!
When did you become a free-market libertarian?
No, there's a difference.
DeleteThere is one sort of labour which adds to the value of the subject upon which it is bestowed; there is another which has no such effect. The former, as it produces a value, may be called productive; the latter, unproductive labour. Thus the labour of a manufacturer adds, generally, to the value of the materials which he works upon, that of his own maintenance, and of his master's profit. The labour of a menial servant, on the contrary, adds to the value of nothing. Though the manufacturer has his wages advanced to him by his master, he, in reality, costs him no expense, the value of those wages being generally restored, together with a profit, in the improved value of the subject upon which his labour is bestowed. But the maintenance of a menial servant never is restored. A man grows rich by employing a multitude of manufacturers; he grows poor by maintaining a multitude of menial servants. The labour of the latter, however, has its value, and deserves its reward as well
— Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, Book 2, Chapter 3 (Andrew Skinner edition 1974, p. 429-430)
...and perhaps you should read the section of WoN that talks about education and why a certain amount of "free" education can be "justified" (to offset the losses in personal growth caused by the "division of labour"). Most labourers in the past were not paid to "think" but to repetitively "do". It was meant for those who "do"... NOT those that "think" (the capitalists who receive the surplus value from the labour of those who "do").
Or in today's terms, those who receive a "surplus salary" (salaried corporate bourgeoise executives).
DeleteDid Adam Smith understand logistics though? Ships carrying goods didn't load, sail, and unload themselves nor did the goods cart themselves to markets.
Delete"Menial labor" did that.
The term break bulk comes from the older phrase “breaking bulk” which is the extraction of a portion of the cargo on a ship, or the beginning of the unloading process from the ship’s holds. In modern context, break bulk is meant to encompass cargo that is transported in bags, boxes, crates, drums, or barrels – or items of extreme length or size.
Delete...and yes, Smith has a section or ten on it.
Delete...and btw - back in the day, sailors got paid a percent of the vessels profits from the voyage or any "prizes" won from Letters of Marque.
DeleteMenial "contract" labour.
DeleteWhen you make the whole pin... your work isn't alienated. You get satisfaction from completing a product. If you're on the pin production line, however, it's very likely that your work is extremely alienated...
DeleteExcerpts, WoN
‘A workman not educated to this business nor acquainted with the use of the machinery employed in it could scarce, perhaps, with his utmost industry, make one pin in a day.’....
‘I have seen a small manufactory of this kind where ten men only were employed, and where some of them consequently performed two or three distinct operations. But though they were very poor, and therefore but indifferently accommodated with the necessary machinery, they could, when they exerted themselves, make among them about twelve pounds of pins in a day.’....
‘Every undertaker in manufacture finds, that the more he can subdivide the tasks of his workmen, and the more hands he can employ on separate articles, the more are his expenses diminished, and his profits increased.’
‘One man draws out the wire, another straights it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, a fifth grinds it at the top for receiving the head; to make the head requires two or three distinct operations; to put it on, is a peculiar business, to whiten the pins is another; it is even a trade by itself to put them into the paper; and the important business of making a pin is, in this manner, divided into about eighteen distinct operations, which, in some manufactories, are all performed by distinct hands.'
^^The division of labour^^
DeleteThe guys who "do" should NOT pay for improving the surplus salaries of those who "think". Those who "think" already get that from the surplus value of the labour "do". It's like making them pay to get f'd twice.
DeleteDave and TC,
DeleteIt's a meme parody. Send in the fact checkers!
DeleteIt's always good to get off the ship before it sinks. The employer I created the compatibility workaround for (turning 8 hours of three to four people's labor into something 1 person could do in a day and eliminating a 4 month service backlog within a month) had "indefinitely temporarily" suspended 401(k) matching while at the same time favoring an incompetent worker that was costing them nearly half a million dollars a month in lost account revenue. Last I checked, that business was on its third owner since I quit, and still trying to do business with obsolete data retrieval systems from the early 1990s. Their "IT Guy" finally got busted playing World of Warcraft instead of working. One of the most horribly run businesses I've ever worked for. I could have saved them at least $6 million a year had they treated me right with even a fraction of that, but some people don't know how to get out of their own way and let people save them. Fuggem.
DeleteYou know my position. I am against government shutting down the economy, wrecking businesses and throwing people out of work with their hysteria-driven imperial edicts.
Normal Americans can get along just fine, and Bureaucrats and politicians hate that. Government suffers from Munchhausen by Proxy, and so we all suffer
TC wondered if I' ve become a "Hear hear!
DeleteWhen did you become a free-market libertarian?"
not necessarily. I've just wondered about the flexibility of free market dogmatics when it becomes necessary and how they decide when it's best to employ it.
We all have that tendency mind you. Purity is hard to maintain in the real world, and I respect that. But at least admit this stuff is not as hard and fast as some want to believe.
That's why many of Silver's lines drive ppl like me nuts. They leave no room for nuance, as do so many thoughts from the far left.
Dave, if you think my views are my comments leave no room for nuance, you're an idiot.
DeleteI am not dogmatic anything. We have over a decade of my posts and comments now, and I do not preach dogma. I look for what works.
You, TC, Ronald, and the other indoctrinated progressives get pissed off when you don't hear exactly what you want to hear. This is a discussion, a debate, not church
I'm no progressive lol. Donald Trump is well and far away to the left of me. If it doesn't deliver mail or warheads accurately, the government has no business paying for it.
DeleteOh Silver... are you capable of it? Of course. Did you exercise any in this post? Of course not. And when TC does the same, albeit from another angle, he gets mocked.
DeleteWhere is the nuance in this post? It comes off as black/white, my way/the wrong way.
Dave and TC,
DeleteMy only crime was not leaving it to the professionals:
In this house we believe that
simplistic platitudes
trite tautologies
and semantically overloaded aphorisms
are poor substitutes
for respectful and rational discussions
about complex issues
There are several things these immigrants aren't bringing with them. They're not bringing far left ideologies and agendas, they won't be pushing for LGBTQIAE=MC^2 issues, they don't want to take your guns, they mostly have a work ethic Americans don't have, family values and social conservatism top their mindsets, they don't want higher taxes or government repression, they're fleeing that! They're a natural fit for center-right or more right demographics that would be ripe for recruitment rather than shunning. An untapped market that leftism, fully understood, can only sicken and repulse.
DeleteAn opportunity the so-called right in America is doing it's damnedest to miss.
TC, I agree. Which is why I want a rational immigration system where our government controls who comes in, not criminal cartels.
DeleteThe cartels don't fear cops. They do fear La Sombra Negra. ;)
DeleteThose were spambots and slobbering baboons posting off-topic comments. We flush 'em when we find 'em
ReplyDeleteSomebody pay's for those "subsidies" Dave. Next time make sure it's the "thinkers" and not the "doers" that pay for them.
ReplyDelete...but regardless, the more you take away from them (the thinkers), the less they'll ultimately pay you in future taxes gained through what would have been productive investments in both new labour and new capital.
DeleteIn other words, don't "kill the hen that lays your golden eggs."
DeleteNietzsche, "Genealogy of Morals" (Second Essay)If the power and the self-confidence of a community keeps growing, the criminal law grows constantly milder. Every weakening and profound jeopardizing of the community brings the harsher forms of criminal law to light once more. The "creditor" always became proportionally more human as he became richer. Finally the amount of his wealth itself establishes how much damage he can sustain without suffering from it. It would not be impossible to imagine a society with a consciousness of its own power which allowed itself the most privileged luxury which it can have—letting its criminals go free without punishment. "Why should I really bother about my parasites," it would then say. "May they live and prosper—for that I am still sufficiently strong!" . . . Justice, which started by stating "Everything is capable of being paid for, everything must be paid off" ends at that point, by covering its eyes and letting the person incapable of payment go free—it ends, as every good thing on earth ends, by doing away with itself. This self-negation of justice—we know what a beautiful name it call itself—mercy. It goes without saying that mercy remains the privilege of the most powerful man, or even better, his movement beyond the law.
Delete...and the quality of mercy is not strained (Shakespeare, "Merchant of Venice)... although the Moral hazard created... Oy vey!
Now somebody call for La Clemeza di Tito!
Delete-FJ, the doers always pay. For farm subsidies, solar subsidies, "government handouts, PPP loans and more.
DeleteRegular folks, the blue collar guys, don't have off shore tax havens, carried interest income or teams of high powered accountants and lawyers to avoid taxes.
Unless H&R Block and Jackson Hewitt count.
If Trump and the establishment would both realize that they could save money by switching to GEICO..
Delete...make them pay them back.
DeleteThe "thinkers" already have natural advantages. They should be smart enough to figure out how to fund their own over-education without putting the burden on those without natural advantages.
DeleteI paid for my undergraduate education with 10 years of service in the USNR. I paid for my post-graduate education with 3 years service to my employer. There are opportunities for higher education out there for those willing to seize them.
Delete...but you can't just study "whatever". It has to ultimately be useful or profitable to those paying for it.
Delete...but what we DON'T need is a free Chinese Mandarin Education Program.
Delete....where you're basically "told" the field you must study or get "locked out".
DeleteA counterpoint, one I don't necessarily agree with as a palingenetic ultraglobalist, is that we could cut defense spending a bit and pay for merit-based education, making sure only our best and brightest get a free education.
Delete...and then serve in the Space Force... e-r-r-r-r-r-p.
DeleteI was going to post something for Thursday, but I guess we can let this manure pile smoke for another day...
ReplyDeleteSteamin', ;)
DeleteMTG response to petroleum reserve sales.