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Silverfiddle Rant! |
For decades now, study after study has shown conservatives report more happiness than liberals.
There is one single study flying gnat-like in the face of facts, insisting cons are in reality no happier than libs.
"The portrait of conservatives that emerges is different from the view that conservatives are generally fearful, low in self-esteem, and rationalize away social inequality. Conservatives are more satisfied with their lives, in general... report better mental health and fewer mental and emotional problems (all after controlling for age, sex, income, and education), and view social justice in ways that are consistent with binding moral foundations, such as by emphasizing personal agency and equity. Liberals have become less happy over the last several decades, but this decline is associated with increasingly secular attitudes and actions." (Why Are Conservatives Happier Than Liberals?)
What say you?
Makes sense, doesn't it? If you like things the way they are, you're happier than if you want to change things up. I doubt suffragettes were happier than misogynists in the 19th century, but that's not a good reason to oppose women's suffrage.
ReplyDeleteIf happiness is your ultimate goal, resigning yourself to the status quo will always be an effective strategy. The suffragettes prioritised their cause above their immediate happiness.
Sure...I suppose. I'm a Conservative, and I'm pretty damn happy. But I know Liberals who seem pretty damn happy too.
ReplyDelete((shrugs shoulders))
The definition of "conservative" has been in dispute in America for so long now than such articles are effectively meaningless. To quote Austin Petersen, I want a country where a gay couple can guard their marijuana fields with fully automatic machine guns.
ReplyDeleteLiberty. You either have it, or you don't.
Hard to take seriously, because self labeling is usually inaccurate. Most self styled conservatives want to return to a previous social order, which is reactionary, not conservative. (Conservative wants to preserve the present.) Most liberals want to preserve the status quo, (Social Security, health care) which is conservative, not liberal. (Liberal means wanting to install a new, revolutionary social order.
ReplyDeleteThe mania for winning arguments by changing the language, altering the meanings of words, is making it impossible to have a political discussion that even makes sense.
I've had that thought a lot lately about my own "leftism," which is largely conservative in nature: preserving the BBC, NHS etc.
DeleteGood point on reactionarism. During the Thermidorian Reaction that ended Robespierre's Reign of Terror, lots of Jacobins were beaten to death with clubs that the reactionaries perhaps tongue-in-cheek called their "Constitution."
DeleteI'm all for restoring American government to its Constitutional grounds. That would make me a "reactionary."
I'm not sure what to make of the Convention of States movement calling itself "conservative," yet seeming to advocate rewriting the Constitution.
Since many Liberals seem not to trouble them selves with the truth quite frequently I would assume the dissonance between fact and fiction would lead to some unhappiness. At the very least I would hope so. Reality can be painful when what one assumed to be true turns out not to be so,
ReplyDeleteI was thinking the opposite Bunker, meaning conservatives suffering from accepting what is true and what isn't true. I can see where sitting in their own little corner in their own little chair being whatever they want to be (I lifted that one from Rogers & Hammerstein) can bring happiness to their being.
DeleteOf other studies, around 5% of the population say they're atheists and supposedly around 7 of of 10 atheists identify as liberal. Satoshi Kanazawa's study and others suggest a higher intelligence associated with atheists and liberals. Albert Einstein comes to mind.
Maybe there's some connection to a deeper faith that makes people happier with themselves? Don't know. Maybe some tend to use that faith as an escape hatch? You know, avoiding uncomfortable realities while liberals can't let go of the truth? Again, don't know. Lotta talibangelicas out there who don't look too happy to me. The insurrectionists certainly didn't come across as happy but I hope their jail cell pleases them. MAGA nuts come across as having to hate someone be it Mexicans, black people, women, liberals, or just someone. Maybe that makes them happy? Don't know.
With the cascading of political bombshells going off by the hour, maybe focusing on Europe and unhappy liberals make some people happy? Don't know.
Atheist are unhappy because they always feel compelled to "do something" about the world's problems instead of just shrugging and saying "Inshallah!". And of course, every "problem" they fix creates two new one. lol!
DeleteOjala los ateos lo arreglara! BWAH!
DeleteNever spent much time studying what makes atheists unhappy.
DeleteI've always noticed that science and religion conflict. Liberals seem pretty devoted to science. Conservatives, not so much.
What struck me in these studies is they say conservatives are happier than liberals and that liberals are more intelligent than conservatives.
Obviously, the simple minded are easily amused.
Biden Energy Secretary: “California is in the lead” on energy and “can show the rest of the nation how it is done.”
DeleteCBS LA: Blackouts are expected throughout California this week. Set your thermostat to 78 degrees.
What's wrong with these two statements. Add the state going to all electric vehicles..
This is a test. Only a test.
@ Ronald "I've always noticed that science and religion conflict."
DeleteWhat a stupid comment. And progressives are scientifically ignorant. Leftists believe in scientism, not science. Doctator Fauci speaks, and you bow.
Please, up your game and try to provide some intelligent input to the conversation.
California wants everyone using electric cars, they just don't want you plugging them in. lol
DeleteOutlawing gasoline powered vehicles by 2035 is not based on science, mathematical extrapolation, or a fact-based plan on what the state's energy posture will be in 2035. It is a feel-good, fact-free goal.
Germany did the same thing with Energiewende. They are now burning coal again.
What do you call an atheist in a STEM field? A scientismist.
Delete...Proving once again that intellegence and wisdom are two completely different things.
DeleteSilver, you gone stupid or just mad?
DeleteNothing stupid about stating religion conflicts with science. I could list pages of example. Your throw-a-rock-and-run accusation makes you look, well, stupid.
Your unfounded opinion of liberals beliefs on science doesn't make you look very smart either. Trump, Carlson, and hydroxychloroquine shareholders tell you to bash Fauci, you jump. A million Americans dead and 10.5 million children loses a mom or dad over COVID and you're told to down play it, you're their man. Rich man tells you to deny climate change, you obey. You are the party of science deniers. Pull your head out of the conservative propaganda machine's ass and get some fresh air.
You want me to "up my game" after such a stupid response. Up your ass, punk.
Give us a few of your examples of how religion conflicts with science. Be specific. Your statement is absurd.
DeleteWe now see how many government dictats around COVID were flat out wrong. A little humility would have been in order. Since you yourself are pig ignorant of science, I will tell you something. Science begins with humility and questions. Not imperial pronouncements
Before you jump to another door knob dumb response, consider the anti-vaxxers on the left, you could say they are unscientific, but you can't say it stems from some closely held religious belief.
DeleteAs some of us must do to wish away the dementia we see in a sitting president who tries frequently to shake hands with the air, I urge you to put aside Trump's blustering personality, take a deep breath, and contemplate how much better Americans were with energy independence, a legal border, much more cash in our pockets, lower gas and food prices, patriotic events celebrated, enemies so fearful they put off ballistic testing lest they tick Trump off.... I'm thrilled for you if you prefer the nightmare we have now because you must be ONE happy man! FINALLY, a happy leftwinger... Of course, I'd be happy, too, if the media was completely dishonest and only touting my side. As it is, it's killing honesty and truth in America. Congratulations.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with our liberals and conservatives are they are neither. Kind of throws a spanner in that theory
ReplyDeleteIndeed. I would love for both camps to decide on a definition, and then stick to it.
DeleteI do. I'm a classical liberal.
Delete...and it is "classical liberalism" that I aim to "conserve".
DeleteFarmer, that's probably close to where I am, but we are a tiny constituency.
DeleteMeden agan! ;)
DeletePutin is fighting Ukrainians. Brandon is fighting Americans.