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Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Beyond Fragile Little Snowflake Status

From the Left Coast comes this video clip of this pathetic creature (hat tip to Deplorable Bloggers Alliance):
Comment at Deplorable Bloggers Alliance
revereridesagain said... If you have an "extremely compromised immune system", what the hell are you doing riding elevators at all? The rest of the world cannot and if it wants to retain anything of its freedom will not stop everything to accommodate people like you. Get a damn face shield to go with your designer mask and stop throwing tantrums when others are just living their lives.


  1. None of the Covid narrative is sane. We cannot doff masks once we are vaccinated, but must wear them until "herd immunity" is reached, because there is no such thing as individual immunity. There is only mass immunity, which is magically accomplished when everyone is innoculated. No one is immune until everyone is immune.

    We can, however, take masks off when in small groups, provided that all members of the group are vaccinated, because the vaccine protects against the virus only if you are not exposed to the virus.

    Follow the science and try to keep up.

    1. Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts. When someone says ‘science teaches such and such’, he is using the word incorrectly. Science doesn’t teach it; experience teaches it.”

      Richard P. Feynman

    2. The two maxims that followed "know thyself" at the Oracle of Delphi were "nothing to excess" and "surety brings ruin".

  2. The woman should have said How do you know I don't have a gun in my purse and I'm PTSD and about to go off.

    1. Kid, Kid, in SEATTLE she does not have a gun in her purse.

  3. I dunno what happened prior to this exchange, and of course by the time the camera came out the conversation had already broken down.
    The interesting line to me is "you are a delivery person." As the crisis subsides, it's easy to imagine how these feelings will linger and decompose into traditional snobbery.

  4. This elevator incident is what happens when you empower Deep State bureaucrats like Dr. Anthony Fauci to impose their own personal, theoretical, and scientifically unproven agenda's on the public, and then squash all opposing scientific viewpoints through politicized Lysenkoism... censoring all but WHO and CDC "groupthink" allies, and sending the dissenting voices to society's refuse pile of unemployed and unemployable "science deniers". This triumph of Oficialismo is the death of social and scientific progress.

    1. Joe,
      This triumph of Oficialismo is the death of social and scientific progress.

      The perfect one-sentence summary of the situation!

    2. Joe,
      Thanks for the link to the Thomas Sowell video.

    3. A voice even more pertinent today than yesterday.

      My pleasure, AoW.

    4. Never were Sowell's words truer: much of the 20th century was spent replacing what worked with what sounded good.

    5. ...and redefining/ replacing old terms like "war" with "pogroms". The "War on Poverty"... the "War on Drugs"... the "War on Terror"... and today's Big/Noble Lie... the progressive war on racism.

  5. I'm very sympathetic to a compromised immune system and alert to the triggers one encounters in life. One of them is extreme emotional duress which is far worse for her than sharing - what - 8 seconds in an elevator? This woman is letting herself spiral all out of control, spiking her cortisol and blood sugar, draining her vitamin A reserves and more which all suppresses her immune system ... for an 8-second elevator ride. In the dementia world people (usually the sane spouse) carry a small explanatory card for difficult situations. Perhaps this hysteric should consider that.

    1. Baysider,
      Excellent point about what the young woman is allowing to happen to herself by having a temper fit. I wonder if she's so volatile in other situations. I'll bet that she is!

      In the dementia world people (usually the sane spouse) carry a small explanatory card for difficult situations.

      I haven't seen that, but it's a useful idea.

  6. Documentarians Ann McElhinney & Phelim McAleer live in the Marina district and walk a path by a creek. They don't do masks outside. A woman with a small child approached from the other way and was clearly incensed. There was nowhere to go, but she made as wide a berth around as possible, then grabbed her daughter's face, put her hands over her nose and mouth and turned her to face away from Ann and Phelim. They got a kick out of it because this put her dead square looking at a Trump 2020 sign! There was no one around.

    1. Baysider,
      What a story!

      Here in Northern Virginia, I think that we are supposed to wear masks outside. I don't! I have to get some fresh air! Oxygen, please.


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