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Silverfiddle Rant! |
Molly Ball has come out bragging about how she was privy to a cabal of powerful special interests that colluded to steal reelection from President Trump.
Joy Pullmann at The Federalist has the best analysis. I recommend it to anyone wanting to understand what happened.
No voting machine corporations risking financial ruin to oust the bad orange man, no Russia-China-Venezuela conspiracy, no krakens, just good old fashioned political chicanery, Democrat party lawsuits, and changing the voter rules enough to provide space for mischief.
Here's the salient point from Pullmann's analysis:
Mail-in ballots are known as an unreliable voting method, even without its potential assistance to criminal fraud such as ballot-stuffing, because they create margins of error well within the margin of actual votes in a close election. That’s why labor unions, Jeff Bezos, and many foreign countries refuse to use them.
What that means is, the number of mail-in votes this election--which usually have rejection rates of 5 to 20 percent--was much greater than the margin of Biden's victory in the key battleground states he won, and rejection rates this election were miraculously almost zero.
"They Rigged It"
First, the conspirators invented a crisis:
The lawyers moved in to protect these ad-hoc changes, and then the press blanketed us with propaganda crafted to psychologically condition us to their planned outcome:One of the core problems with the 2020 election is that many states did not follow their voting laws, suspending them with the excuse of COVID (which the Centers for Disease Control said the day before the election, after most votes were already cast, was not necessary).
The article shows how these activists pushed a narrative that election results would not be known on election night as part of their campaign to box out Trump. It then openly admits to a subsequent orchestrated attempt to anoint Biden the winner before all the votes had been tallied. This is how leftists made their “fever dream” a reality.
The next part was easy. Poll workers had wide latitude to accept or reject mail-in ballots, the number of which was greater than the overall election margin:
Therefore, in a mail-in election such as 2020, in which half of the total votes and most of the Biden votes were mail-in, one can control the outcome simply by controlling the poll-watchers and vote-counters. Even if they are honest, their unconscious bias or the simple mayhem of unreadable handwriting and signatures creates the conditions for untrustworthy results.Please go read the whole article. If you must insist the election was stolen, this is the most logical theory.
We have no way of knowing how many of the approximately 65 million 2020 election mail-in ballots were legal — meaning, how many fully complied with all applicable state laws to be validly completed by eligible voters. It could be all of them. It might not be. Nobody with power seems to care to find out.
It won't sway the kool-aid drinkers, but a refreshingly rational approach at the issue. Good articles both.
ReplyDeleteI'll say it again: Trump's legal team should be disbarred and jailed for gross incompetence, farcical stupidity, and legal malpractice.
DeleteIn any case, their lives are ruined. They and their families will be tormented by woke courts and corporations and governments until the day they die.
The Machine accuracy is PERFECT....
DeleteFRAUD leaves a trail. Don't discount the extent of the fraud just to make your argument easier to prove.
DeleteFraud in the mail-in ballots would be uncovered by matching voter rolls, addresses, signatures and # of mail-in ballots
DeleteLike you, I detest the cancel culture, but for Mike Lindell, Giuliani and the other lawyers making claims against Dominion, it is now a matter of slander and libel law.
They made the claims, now they have to back them up in a court of law. That is how our system works.
My own unprofessional opinion:
I think Lin Wood is a glory seeker (always has been) happy to do damage to the GOP (he is a Democrat and is on record giving to Democrat candidates). He was also the lawyer for the Ramseys, parents of the little girl who was mysteriously murdered)
I worry Mike Lindell is back on the meth pipe, and it looks like Sidney Powell has had a psychotic breakdown.
Rudy Giuliani is a washed up stumblebum who was in it for the spotlight and the money, and I think he is now shocked to find out he is not legally bulletproof.
This has been a sad, shabby goat rope all around. A professional team of top shelf lawyers would have demanded complete audits and could have potentially challenged some results.
All water under the bridge now...
Silver... no amount of slick lawyering could ever unravel this Gordian Knot of corruption. The judges are "in the bag" for the election fixers. Many are "elected" themselves and aren't about to shake their money trees.
DeleteFive years ago, would you have suspected just how rotten and biased Mainstream journalism was? Google? Facebook? It's time to break up the dc establishment and disburse the civil servants to RURAL localities are the country. NO federal agencies should ever again be located in a region with 100,000 people living within 100 miles.
DeleteAs we all know, snd know too well that the left, and their biggest ally the media tries to rewrite history claiming President Trump ‘knew and did nothing’ to protect Americans from the COVID pandemic, their own words and those of their favorite political party have betrayed them.
DeleteFarmer, I am on board with dispersing our government as you and others have suggested. With today's technology, there is nothing stopping them.
DeleteI'd just like to make it harder for a single court or set of corrupt courts to sanction the malfeasance which seems ever more prevalent in the Civil Service sector.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteDarvonish: No Blogwhoring here. You wanna advertise your blog, go write the url on bus station toilet stalls.
DeleteI linked to a post on my blog that pertained to the topic at hand. I do not consider that "blog whoring". A different story if I were to say "visit my blog" and linked to an off YOUR topic commentary/comment. Whatever. Delete what you like. It's your blog?
DeleteDonald tRump pushed his voters to show up in person. Joe Biden said be safe and vote by mail. If you were to say that an even bigger win was stolen from Joe Biden (because 5-20% of the ballots that were votes for Biden more so than for tRump were thrown out)... I would agree. Not to mention the ballots that Dejoy delayed (and weren't counted).
ReplyDeleteIf you think that the people who stole the election will ever allow the mechanisms by which they stole it to be dismantled, you also think that the legislators who benefit from the legalized form of bribery know as "campaign contributions" will vote for real campaign reform, and that those who have been in office for 65 years will vote for term limits. Wishful thinking.
ReplyDeleteThey made us a minor cog in the mechanism of government decades ago, and now they have eliminated us altogether. And you think that means we can change anything. Dream on.
GOP in Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, etc are drafting election law reform
Good luck with that.
DeleteAll they had to do was enforce what they had.
DeleteBut improvement is good.
I don't think the GOP in those states is corrupt. I think they simply got rolled.
DeleteThe Georgia Republican SoS was most certainly "In" on the fraud as he "bought" the system for $100+ million and did everything he could to prevent a manual count.
DeleteI agree Raffensperger is corrupt. But he didn't get "rolled". He just isn't corrupt enough to risk prison to help tRump steal the election. After the votes were counted THREE time, they could "recalculate" and determine tRump actually won. He'd be being criminally investigated too if he had done that.
Delete"GOP in Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, etc are drafting election law reform".
Delete"Reform" = more voter suppression.
A Reading from the Chicago Mayor Richard Daley edition of the Church of Woke for Democrat's Dictionary:
DeleteVoter Suppression: "Anything to prevent ineligible voters from voting, and Democrats from voting multiple times"
@ Thersites +++
DeleteKeeping people from voting is a constitutional civil rights issue that is against the law. Demoncraps scream about it, but notice nobody ever gets prosecuted for it.
Like most of what comes out of the blatting Progressive Democrat propaganda horns, its a lie.
It isn't a lie, it is an admitted republican strategy.
Delete10 year old far left blogpost. Impactful. lol
DeleteWhat's amazing is that Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and the Squad, ,and the rest of the Democratic Scum are still in office.
ReplyDeleteThey've been committing voter fraud in those districts for so long, the chances of anyone else winning their are nil.
DeleteThe "blue curtain" is a curtain of FRAUD.
DeleteThe "red curtain" is a curtain of fraud.
DeleteYep. FRAUD.
Delete@ Darvonish:
A letter to the editor? Really????
Seriously, don't post any more cut and paste crap like that. Use your own words or link to an authoritative, factual source. This isn't a progressive blog.
The linked to letter to the editor summarizes the facts well. Republicans use voter suppression to cheat. This year tRump installed a stooge at the USPS to delay mail-in ballots. STILL he lost. Laughing does nothing to erase these facts.
DeleteThen where are all the undelivered ballots, Dervy? I thought that they had been ordered by Congress and the Courts to take EXTRAORDINARY MEASURES to ensure their timely delivery? Were Democrat politicians LYING BEFORE THE ELECTION when they insisted it happen and berated the Postmaster General Dejoy?
DeleteAnother brain-rotted prog confusing a cracked leftwing opinion for facts.
DeleteThat many sorting machines were removed prior to the election is opinion? Who knew? btw, I said DELAYED. Not undelivered. If ballots were delivered late they shouldn't be counted because doing so is "illegal". You've been whining about that happening. Despite it being on purpose and the plan.
DeleteSilver... Molly Ball wrote a good article. I read it a few days back and what struck me was this... some people will read it and see a heroic effort to make sure our election worked, was fair and free from fraud. Others will read the same words and see a stolen election, a coup or a sinister effort to betray the US.
ReplyDeleteHow do we move forward?
Bullsh*t. There are certain voting centers in Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia, Chicago, et al that have housed RAMPANT VOTER FRAUD for DECADES. And it gets WORSE and BOLDER every election cycle.
DeleteWant to move forward? CLEAN IT UP!
DeleteComplete and total transparency, including a complete audit trail.
Delete100% voter ID. Free ID for people who cannot afford one.
DeleteIn Person voting.
DeleteComplete and total transparency, including a complete audit trail.
Most, if not all of the states in question in this election, including mine in Nevada, had complete paper trails and the paper ballot back ups were counted. I don't see this as a problem.
100% voter ID. Free ID for people who cannot afford one.
Most libs will go for this provided we figure out a way to grandfather in the remaining really old ppl, particularly in the south, who have voted their entire lives because the registrar knows Lilly Mae. Maybe we give grace to everyone 75 or older until they die. But, and this is the issue, the ppl usually against a universal ID for voting are conservatives who see a national registry as a first step to government over reach. How do we get past that?
In Person voting.
Again, I think libs would be okay with this if we had enough polling places and workers, which currently, we do not. Where do those funds come from? But why not mail in voting, provided it can be done safe. Oregon has been very successful in this.
Add all that up and top it off with this... how does a collection of more than 50 states and territories run an election that is equal in every place, with the same standards? Who decides on the standards? Again, most libs would love this so that say the state of Maryland has the same system as Mississippi. But how do we get that approved over the wishes of the states rights people?
-FJ... The Heritage Foundation has been working for years to find and document voter fraud here in the states. They are conservatives with a vested interest in finding the fraud they for years have claimed existed.
DeleteAnd for the most part, they've found only a few cases, mostly in southern states with Republican administrations.
Just claiming fraud because ppl believe it is there, is not evidence. And saying it is there even when the evidence does not support those statements does not make it true either.
What policy specifically do you want us to clean up? Silver, as he usually does, brought some specifics. What changes are you calling for?
There are video tapes upon which vote fraudsters are openly colluding. Yet not a single investigator has spoken to the colluders. There are tapes showing trucks loaded with ballot boxes showing up after the deadline for delivery to the voting center. No one questions why these ballots were accepted and counted. The "system" has no interest in stopping fraud. The heritage foundation and Republican establishment pols are IN on "the fix".
Delete100% voter ID. Free ID for people who cannot afford one.
DeleteI endorse 100% voter ID.....but to exercise a Constitutional Right....there should not be a tax. Free to every Citizen.
CI... I agree and would add one more caveat... a simple federal standard for eligibility. That's to say for example, a college student living in Wisconsin, should have the same requirements to vote as a resident of that state as someone in Alabama.
DeleteAnd that's the rub.
Many will not support a single federal standard for voting.
Minus FJ: There are video tapes upon which vote fraudsters are openly colluding. ... There are tapes showing trucks loaded with ballot boxes showing up after the deadline for delivery to the voting center.
DeleteThere are no such tapes.
Deleteof course there aren't.
They're also YouTube videos now.
But then again, you're just a Naiad from the River Nile, forever in DeNile.
DeleteShould we just all call you "Kaliadne" from now on?
DeleteMaybe you just need to wait until YouTube takes them all down to prevent "Reality" from crashing your Safe Space.
DeleteDave, I might go back to read your long comment, but I'm gonna cut to the chase.
ReplyDeleteTransparency is the opposite of pushing my friends (poll watchers/challengers) out of the TCF Center in Detroit while you truck in thousands of votes in the middle of the night and paper over the windows. Unforgivable. Theft. Fraud. Inexcusable.
Then in Georgia, faking a busted water pipe, sending everyone home and then pulling out the hidden votes.
This is fraud, this is theft. It is indefensible.
Dave I also think that your long comment above is "OUT OF LINE" and need some work, there are MANY thing in it that are irreverent and some that are just not true. But regardless, they do not really prove the fact that Mr. Biden is doing a VERY POOR job, and that he is in WAY over his head.
DeleteMr. Trump though was rough around the edges have done wonderful things for America, and at a time that it was really needed.
So please don't say that Mr. Biden, and certainly NOT Ms. Harris will be able to replace him. Because that will NEVER happen.
Darth... SIlver's post is not about Biden and the job he is, or is not doing. Believe me, anyone who pays attention knows that if I believe Biden screws up, I'll say it. As I did for Clinton, as I did for Obama.
DeleteBut this post was about the election and supposed, or actual fraud.
Im sure that Mr. Darth Bacon can read, I dont think that he needs you yo exply that.
DeleteHowever his comment was vey interesting, anyway.
And for what its worth, I agree with him.
Is there any scope for a kind of double-blind vote counting, where the poll watchers are counting "x" and "y" but they don't know which candidate is which. I guess they could guess from the usual state of their local politics, so they'd have to be processing votes from an unknonwn-to-them region too.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think the turnout would have been without the expansion of postal voting? Would voters' attitude towards the pandemic have likely skewed turnout towards either of the candidates? If so, how would you mitigate against that without resorting to absentee voting?
The best "no voter fraud" explanation for what happened is that ballots were sent to unmotivated marginal voters who would not have gotten up off their asses to go vote, but since the ballot was in their lap, they filled it out and sent it in. It is also postulated that they were overwhelmingly disposed to vote Democrat.
DeleteWhen I talk audit trail, I'm talking things like, how often does the city or county clean up its voter rolls? How often do the verify addresses?
For every mail-in ballot, there should be a signed official envelope. Is there an envelope for every ballot? What is the quality of the signature?
Also, same day registration and no ID requirements, no signature verification, etc are invitations to fraud.
Silver mentioned invitations to fraud.
DeleteYou are 100% accurate. But, an invitation is in and of itself, not fraud. Just like the other things you mentioned.
Because the president was Trump, and his followers are unbelievably loyal, people have jettisoned standards for evidence, organizations they once held as strong arbiters of truth and in some cases, simple logic.
There's not a world possible where just a few years back GOP voters would claim conservative judges who us libs hate and groups like Heritage to be in on the fix.
One has to ask why the change?
I can't wait to see the 2020 numbers...
Delete...ballots were sent to unmotivated marginal voters who would not have gotten up off their asses to go vote, but since the ballot was in their lap, they filled it out and sent it in.
DeleteSo what? It should be easy to vote.
Says who?
DeleteIt also makes it easy to commit Election Fraud
DeleteWho knows how much goes undetected.
Once again, when a vote is conducted against the rules laid out by the state legislature and instead conducted by the rules of a governor, judge, or secretary of state, that vote was conducted unconstitutionally, ergo illegally,
DeleteThis is not some vague, disputed minor point.
This is illegitimate election.
DeleteYours is the most succinct and cogent summary I have heard.
Wow. Thank you.
DeleteEd, and Silver... Your point "Once again, when a vote is conducted against the rules laid out by the state legislature and instead conducted by the rules of a governor, judge, or secretary of state, that vote was conducted unconstitutionally, ergo illegally... misses a few critical points.
DeleteIf an action taken by the state is deemed constitutional by the Supreme Court of that state, based on their understanding of the law, by definition, whether we like it or not, it is legal.
But beyond that, let's say you are right and that the method of how the election was carried out was not in exact accordance with the existing state and/or local laws.
At the end of the day isn't it our wish and desire to have every American vote? If those people's names were in a precinct book, didn't they have a right to vote in a safe and secure manner? The arguments people are making on this front equate to the "process" illegalities many ppl abhor. Worse, the harken back to a not too distant past when all of those laws kept many ppl from legally voting or even registering to vote.
It took the courts stepping in to tell the legislators from various states to buzz off, the goal was for all Americans to have the right to not only vote, but an ability to exercise that franchise.
SCOTUS has ruled time and time again that local laws may not arbitrarily limit that franchise, affirming the idea that the goal is more legal votes.
People may have voted in a way that some will call illegal, for example a state normally prohibits mail in voting, but this election permitted that, but that does not make an otherwise fraud free vote, fraudulent. At the end of the day, George and Mary voted. In 2016 they went in person. In 2020 they mailed it in so as to stay safer in the middle of a pandemic.
Where is the harm?
BTW... I appreciate this argument over the Venezuela worked to steal the election and reprogrammed machines. Really I do.
"deemed constitutional by the Supreme Court of that state,"
DeleteWrong sir. State Courts cannot rule on the Federal Constitution.
"isn't it our wish and desire to have every American vote?"
Only those eligible and willing to play by the rules, and are not being offered "Walking Around" money.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, we are living in a period of insanity where some of the most inept, unaccomplished, unable, and previous failures are running the show, and those who should be making a difference are being mocked by the opposition. Strange but true.
Maxine Waters mockingly said in a speech last weekend that she threatens Trump supporters all the time, defending her comments in June that said people should confront members of President Trump's administration
ReplyDeleteYeah, that makes it ok.
DeleteMeanwhile, as Senators contemplate punishment of the organizers of the January 6 Capitol Insurrection...
ReplyDeleteElection shenanigans in London.
ReplyDeleteo/t - This is a shout out to AoW...
ReplyDeleteHat's off to and prayers for the lady.