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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Muslim Reaction To Obama's Designating Climate Change As The World's Greatest Threat

This is priceless:
Is he insane?...He's on drugs? It doesn't make sense. What did you expect from an affirmative action President? This guy has never served in the military[,] never worked a day in his life.
Much more in the May 2015 video below (SPEW ALERT! Set down your beverage before watching!):

The clip of Obama speaking was filmed at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy's commencement in May 2015.


  1. I've said this before, and I think that it's worth repeating here and now!

    On the heels of the Paris terrorist attacks.... on the heels of the 'revelation' that Obama has supplied, armed, trained, and even protected ISIS and its 'black market' oil dealings which have funded 50% of its terrorist operations.
    Obama declared to the world that our greatest threat is Global Warming, and “Climate Change”
    Climate Change... What Next, the Tooth Fairy?

    Obama prevented his 'coalition' from striking critical ISIS targets, to include ISIS HQs, oil facilities, and approx. 2,000 oil tankers which ISIS used to engage in black market oil dealings with Turkey because “He didn’t want to hurt the tankers drivers” !
    Funding 50% of their terrorist activities. It was not until after the Paris terrorist attacks that Paris finally had enough of Obama's 'Rules of Engagement' which protected ISIS and began - with Russia's help - striking the critical until-then 'off limit' ISIS targets.

    The French were reporting they could not believe the targets that had been protected - Our Own Pilots had been complaining for months about coming back from missions with missiles and bombs still on the rails because the Obama administration would not approve certain targets.
    Thank God Obama is going to save us from Global Warming, whether we like it or not, while continuing tp ignore ISIS.

  2. Replies
    1. All those "world leaders" should be forced to take rowboats home in propitiation to Gaia for the catastrophic ozone layer damage all their useless hot air caused.

    2. Why don't you object to all the useless bombing sorties in the Middle East over the last 30 years.

      Hell, Israel causes quanta more damage just from the bombs they drop on unarmed civilians in Gaza annually.

    3. I am on the record saying the Iraq invasion was a colossal mistake, and that we should have quit Afghanistan when the NA rode into Kabul. I also blogged against Obama's War's in Yemen and Libya (Terrorists 2, 0Bama-Hillary 0).

      What more do you want?

    4. "unarmed civilians" Right. All those Palestianians are causing all that damage carrying children in their arms...

    5. Israel's bombs don't just fall out of context on Gaza. They're preceded by thousands of rockets launched into Israel from launch sites carefully planted among soft targets. Don't complain when your civilians die when you use them as shields for warfare. It's tragic. Makes me sick. But it's THEIR CHOICE.

    6. Baysider,
      Israel's bombs don't just fall out of context on Gaza. They're preceded by thousands of rockets launched into Israel from launch sites carefully planted among soft targets.


      Were my neighbor lobbing grenades into my house, I'd slaughter my neighbor. Period.

  3. Careful Muj....hide your women and your goats [but I'm being redundant]....Obama's 'climate change' speech is merely the opening salvo of a heinous #hashtag offensive.

  4. "Is he insane?...He's on drugs?"

    I don't know; he seems to be off in some other world. WOW, if only he actually, physically was in another world [this] one would certainly be a lot better off!

  5. I was stuck watching the obama diatribe this morning and he can say less with more words than any speaker I have ever heard. The left and MSM touts him as being this great orator which is a farce. If he can't read it he can't say it.

    1. Skudrunner,
      I was stuck watching the obama diatribe this morning and he can say less with more words than any speaker I have ever heard.

      Mr. AOW and I watched that particular diatribe, too. On and on Obama went. Doesn't he just love the sound of his own voice: "full of sound and fury, and signifying nothing." Sheesh.


    I Just Adore Minorities
I Also Hate Majorities
I Truly Love Our Enemies

    I Only Want the Reds to Please
    I Deify Deadly Disease
    I Want No One to Be At Ease
All People Should Suffer with Fleas

    When Our Sorry Species
Finally Kills Superiorities
At Last We'll Have Equalities
Charting Our Destinies
And No I Do Not Mean to Tease

    These Thoughts Are All Sincerities.

    ~ Hiza Nasse

  7. AOW, Unreal. Beyond response. Maybe that's the point.

  8. After he addressed the Coast Guard, I recorded this:

  9. Leftists are, without any exception whatsoever, incapable of rational thought. That's not just a catch phrase or a snide remark, but rather an universal immutable truth. It's almost cruel to speak ill of a leftist, knowing that they will never be enlightened enough to be considered an imbecile.

    The Presidency of Barack Obama and the threat of following that up with Hillary Clinton should have been enough to keep Democrats out of the Oval Office from 2017 until Caitlyn Jenner has a period, but then Donald Trump came along.

    To hell with this collapsing government any one stupid enough to try to build another one upon its ashes.

    1. Beamish,
      Leftists are, without any exception whatsoever, incapable of rational thought. That's not just a catch phrase or a snide remark, but rather an universal immutable truth.

      No argument from me on that!

  10. Okay. I'm going to come clean now....

    At the YouTube link, there was a little blurb posted with this video: a mention of Poe's Law.

    But here's the reality: those conversations must be happening.

    Evidence for those conversations: the fact that the coalition of Arab states -- the coalition about which Obama keeps blabbing -- isn't happening to any significant degree.

    Obama is doubling down, tripling down, quadrupling down on this climate change CRAP.

    The Obama Administration is beyond a parody of what the executive branch of the United States government should be according to the Constitution. Way out of bounds!

    1. I have observed this (probably not the first), but everyday life, even at the highest reaches of western government, has become indistinguishable from parody. We are now living in The Onion, and that can't be a good thing...

    2. Could you imagine if Jonathan Swift or Niccolo Machiavelli had to use emoticons to indicate they were writing satire?

  11. That he said such a thing about mass shootings in Paris after just what happened in Paris makes him certifiable!

  12. 140 dead in the Paris jihad massacre by gun!


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