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Friday, August 19, 2022

Get it Off Your Chest 8/19/22


Open Comments 

Comments from trolls and rants against administrators will still be deleted.

 By Warren    

    Any idea what the hell that light is that's floating around?  The above video was taken by a wireless infrared security camera.


  1. It's a UFI, Unidentified Flying Insect.

    1. Thersites,
      It's a UFI, Unidentified Flying Insect.

      That slow moving?

    2. The Fireflies in my back yard kinda "hover".

    3. Remember, the video was taken with an IR camera. The hottest object should be the brightest and there are two cats in the picture. They should be brighter unless the object is extremely reflective. An insect shouldn't be that bright.
      I couldn't get a larger image to show in Blogger but you should see the full screen option in the lower right corner. In it you will see two cats, one in the lower middle of the video and one inside the window watching the other cat. The apparent light reflected ,in the picture window, is a reflection of the camera.
      This is from my sons house and I have no idea what it is, I just thought it was interesting.

    4. @ anon, The Fireflies in my back yard kinda "hover".

      Yes they do but they blink at a certain rate in a pattern that repeats itself with a pause in-between. They don't stay lit continuously, also their light is a 'cold light' chemical reaction. No heat for the IR.

    5. Should I use 850 nm or 940 nm when I break in?

    6. I should probably saturate several frequencies...


    7. You should probably wear full body armor if you think my two noisy 60 lb dogs might eat your a$$ up or that I might fill it with steel jacketed bullets. BTW, dogs see ultraviolet. ;^)

    8. You can create image artifacts like that with a IR based LED bulb from a television remote control. It's possible it's feedback / reflection from someone channel surfing.


    9. Okay... maybe I should hit next door instead... ;(

  2. We the American People deserve better than this!

  3. It was BAD ENOUGH that 30 plus FBI Armed Goons can Raid the home of a Former United States President, and crucify the Former President., as they have been doing for the past 7 yeats Showing that NO-ONE is safe in this country anylonger. And That This Is How Democracy Ends. Is This How America Will End?

    For those Fascist Goons to pull off that Crap that they did, because of orders from a Delusional, Senile President and his Idiotic Attorney General that they did yesterday against Trump. Violating the oath they took to protect the Constitution; President Potatohead, the Justice Department, the Potatohead’s appointed Judge, the head of the FBI and the FBI’s field Goons have to GO, and never again be in the position to serve this country again.
    Maybe it is too late now. But this November, and 2025 is probably going to be the last opportunity that we are going to have to set things right but except for the few Patriots left in Washington DC nobody seemed to give a DAMB.
    I don't know how much backbone we have left that this country has but if we don’t do it then. Then I don't have much hope that we can stop this country from becoming a Socialist Shithole

    My only question is, will Donald Trump do the right thing if elected and fight back against those who would destroy America from within?

  4. Students with Smart Phones love that 2022 phone booth! These students are absent from class or a tutoring session for 20 minutes at a time.

    1. AOW... It's the 21st century version of smoking in the boys room.

  5. Oh heck, let's add something not connected to electoral politics.

    Due to a continuing drought out west, per an agreement between states, in 2023 Nevada will be required to draw 8% less water from the Colorado River than was anticipated. Arizona will draw 21%. No other state will be affected. California will see no cuts.


    Because it has been determined that the drought is not yet severe enough for the Feds to order cutbacks beyond what I've mentioned.

    But here's the deal... in 2023, these cuts will not matter. Because they are cuts to water delivery projections, which those two states are not currently using. So all the hype on the news and in the papers about impending shortages due to these cuts is BS.

    Just like the federal budget, apparently a cut when it comes to water, is simply a cut in projections, not real water.

    All of this is because the 7 directly affected states refuse to allocate water on a real world scenario of what is actually coming into the system, as opposed to what they think or hope will come in.

    So contrary to what everyone has read, not a single state in the system is actually being forced to cut Colorado River water usage.

    Your federal, state and local governments working for you.

    1. So relax, and go set your automatic sprinklers to run for an extra 15 minutes a day...

    2. -FJ... why? Facts are facts. The river is running dry. Just because government is, in this case, stupid, why would I just waste water?

    3. For aesthetic reasons, of course. Our cult-ure is one of consumerism and waste. Why should we behave better/any differently than our politicians?

    4. So either embrace the American dream, or be prepared to live in some foreigner's nightmare. A green lawn is an necessary prerequisite.

    5. It's part of our required System of Objects.

      We consume the product through the product itself, but we consume its meaning through advertising. Picture for a moment our modern cities stripped of all signs, their walls blank as an empty consciousness. And imagine that all of a sudden the single word GARAP appears everywhere, written on every wall. A pure signifier, having no referent, signifying only itself, it is read, discussed, interpreted in a vacuum, signified despite itself - in short, consumed qua sign. What indeed can it signify except for the society itself that is capable of generating such a sign? By virtue of its very lack of signification it mobilizes an entire imaginary collectivity. It comes to stand for a whole society. In a way people end up ‘believing’ in GARAP. They consider it the mark of advertising’s omnipotence, and judge that if only GARAP would assume the specificity of a product, then that product would meet with an immediate and sweeping success. Nothing, however, could be less certain, and the cunning of the advertisers lies precisely in the fact that they never reveal this. Were a specific referent to be made explicit, individual resistance would certainly come back into play. But consent (even ironic consent) thus founded on faith in a pure sign is self-creating. Advertising’s true referent is here apparent in its purest form: like GARAP, advertising is mass society itself, using systematic, arbitrary signs to arouse emotions and mobilize consciousness, and reconstituting its collective nature in this very process.

      Advertising is a plebiscite whereby mass consumer society wages a perpetual campaign of self-endorsement.

      -Jean Baudrillard, "A System of Objects"

      GARAP is a green lawn...

    6. Hollywood and Madison Avenue have given us our dreams, it is our responsibility to now choose from these offerings, the house with the white (or pale blue) picket fence, green yards, wife, two and one-half kids, and begin collecting our "dreamed/ idealized" system of objects.

    7. Cacti, adobe/stone, and a dry throat requiring tequila is a Mexican dream...

    8. ...and don't get me started on that awful Mariachi music...

    9. ...and pray your dream came not through a Gate of Ivory, but through a Gate of Horn.

    10. It's not about my style, or your style... it's about "our" style, our "cultural aesthetic".

      "Culture is, before all things, the unity of artistic style, in every expression of the life of a people." - Nietzsche

      “Culture” is the name for all those things we practice without really believing in them, without taking them quite seriously." - Slavoj Zizek

      ...and "our" culture is wasteful consumerist use-it-then-throw-it-away egotism. And you must fake-it-until-you-make-it and be an "influencer". What "influence" and prompt to spend wastefully does a brown lawn "signal"?

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. Your masters want you to "eat their processed bugs". They don't want you raising gallenas and eating self-produced huevos rancheros for breakfast. They don't want your gallenas eating their bugs, and not paying them for those "free" bugs.

    13. Mexican dreams come through a gate of ivory, not horn.

    14. The gates of horn and ivory are a literary image used to distinguish true dreams (corresponding to factual occurrences) from false. The phrase originated in the Greek language, in which the word for "horn" is similar to that for "fulfill" and the word for "ivory" is similar to that for "deceive". On the basis of that play on words, true dreams are spoken of as coming through the gates of horn, false dreams as coming through those of ivory.

    15. You can't be "multi-cultural" on this point. Corporate consumerism IS the point.

    16. So, 15 minutes more on the sprinklers, lest you become a brown-lawn "terrorist" on an FBI watch list

    17. Cuz face it... you can easily be "replaced".

    18. Dreams are your "cultural" leitmotif, not death. Olvidan los muertos, no los celebran con dias.

    19. ...the government's omniscient "king of dreams" wisely learn to prevent all nightmares and thereby heal the world with EV's and windmills and carbon neutrality.

  6. Always cool to see Drunky the Clown (Giuliani) confirm that the basis of the affidavit was sound. Guess he’s off the legal team? Well of course he is, he doesn’t fit the typecast….

    - CI

    1. He was disbarred so he couldn't work for Trump even if he wanted to crawl out from underneath the bus to be stiffed out of getting paid again.

    2. I had forgotten about the disbarment. How ever will he afford cheap hair dye. We should start a Go Fund Me.

    3. He could make cable access programming level commercials for Four Seasons Landscaping.

    4. +1

      A moment that will live forever in Cult history.

    5. ...who make fun of the follicly challenged to compensate for their own "short"-cummings..

    6. Weird how hair dye and hair loss are not the same….but odd comments are the norm for some.

  7. The Democrat party has used racism since the days of slave owners.......Racism is just the DNA of the democrat party

    Biden Said: , "the ghetto Jungle Monkeys are running wild in our cities, It doesn't take intelligence. All it takes is a promise to get them more welfare."

  8. Liz Cheney a patriot? Can you read? Her net worth exploded 600 percent during her time in office. She is an influence pandering criminal.

    1. Bluebell America, the "man" who exploited his elderly friend to the tune of TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars. Enjoying your free house, are you?

    2. AOW, Apologies. I zapped the moocher's comment before I saw you responded.

    3. SF,
      No worries! He doesn't deserve any band width here.

    4. FJ,
      What real talent sounds like


      One of my personal faves, BTW.

    5. Yes. What a gifted man. I miss our conversations.

    6. I miss the poetry... the unleashed creativity.

  9. He may file a lawsuit, or a dozen of them. The court(s) will reject them on technicalities (no standing, insufficient evidence, etc).

    1. Speaking of Fmr Pres Trump, Jayhawk said... "He [Trump] may file a lawsuit, or a dozen of them. The court(s) will reject them on technicalities (no standing, insufficient evidence, etc)."

      Those technicalities Jayhawk are what a lot of us call "the law". Jay, you're calling dismissing a lawsuit, trial, court action, etc. for "insufficient evidence" a technicality?

      If your view is ascendent in conservative circles, it explains a lot.

      BTW, do you believe your neighbor should be able to sue you in court without evidence?

    2. Evidence is evaluated, as to reliability or sufficience, by a jury during a trial, not by a judge beforehand.

    3. Well Jayhawk, respectfully, you're wrong on this. Every single day judges make a decision as to whether or not the evidence is sufficient to sustain a legal action or lawsuit, before going to trial. That is how the system works.

      Otherwise, for example, your neighbor could sue you, with little evidence and you would be forced to defend yourself in court. But as the system is, the judge would tell your neighbor to take a hike, he does not have sufficient evidence, and dismiss the case.

      In your favor.

  10. Approaching Fall and Winter weather is irrelevant to the status of the Strategic Reserve, since that reserve is not designed to be used based on weather and never has been used based on weather. Its only designed use is as a military reserve, and the only basis on which it ever has been used is political. (Even during the 1973 embargo, use of the Strategic Reserve was political.)

    As to weather and power issues, the only current limitation on our power supply is lack of generating and distribution. We do not now and since the 73 embargo never have lacked adequate supply of raw oil, since we have an unlimited ability to import what we need.

  11. AFAIK, no one in American history other than Abraham Lincoln has gone from the House of Representatives to the White House except for Gerald Ford, and President Nixon and VP Agnew had to resign in disgrace to make that succession happen. Most Presidents have been state Governors or Senators before taking up the challenge of running for President. So, just as a matter of precedence, Liz Cheney's reference to Abraham Lincoln doing what he did politically was a rarity.

    Abraham Lincoln also had the "benefit" of a deep pro-slavery / anti-slavery schism in the Democratic Party, and didn't run for President against the same Democrat in every state if a Democrat candidate even appeared on the ballot statewide at all. That wasn't Lincoln's fault, the Democratic Party did that to themselves.

    So, at least on a historically conscious view of Liz Cheney's invoking of herself in Lincoln's shoes, ehhh no. The only parallel there was yes, Lincoln was a Congressman. Lincoln took office on March 4, 1861. By that date, seven southern states had declared succession and formed the Confederacy, four more states and the Arizona territory would join after Lincoln took office. (Federal troops at Fort Sumter in South Carolina had effectively been under siege for two months before Lincoln took office, with South Carolina shore batteries firing upon supply ships)

    I'm not sure Liz Cheney visualizes herself to be like Lincoln sneaking into Washington DC in disguise to avoid assassins so she can take the Presidential oath of office in the middle of a civil war that honestly began politically when the Democratic Party Convention of 1860 went sideways, much less after the shooting started in January of 1861. The analogy really just kinda sputters and dies on the side of the road like car cursed with the blue oval speed inhibitor. Open the hood, look down, and yep, there's the problem. That blue oval will getcha every time.

    Still, her "mission" to keep Donald Trump from becoming President again does not necessarily mean she has to become President instead of him, or even knock him out of the 2024 primaries. She's not the only potential candidate in any party with that noble goal in mind. And as far as ambitions go, if she really ever wanted to run for President, she would not have been slumming in the House of Representatives all this time. History just doesn't favor that course, as mentioned before.

    With Trump himself looking at a minimum of 33 years in prison just for his seeming Espionage Act violations and not counting the sentences that may come down on all of his tax fraud and election tomfoolery, it's also likely Trump has already excluded himself from becoming President again. What would the Republican Party do, let him Skype his nomination acceptance speech from Cell Block D?

    It just seems silly. Trump has already done what he set out to do... destroy the Republican Party as a relevant force in national politics. He stuck the landing on that. Policy positions for 2024 would be what, exactly? That his feefees are hurt?

    1. The only one RINO Trump impersonator who could possibly pull off a take-over of the party and that's DeSantis. Unfortunately everyone knows he's a poseur, so if he doesn't out-Trump Trump, he's dead meat in a primary.

    2. The minute DeSantis were to get elected he'd also send another $50b to Ukraine, re-stock NATO, and then bail-out the WTO and go to Davos for the WEF.

    3. After all this, DOJ better charge and prosecute Trump. Otherwise, its just more using the power of the state to harass their enemies.

    4. The Repubelicon Party was already a walking dead man before Trump arrived.

      McCain Palin???
      Romney Ryan???

      Donald Trump was not the cause of the demise of the rotten, discredited political establishment, he was the result.

    5. Unfortunately for us all, in a weird way Donald Trump is all that is holding up the Democrat Party.

    6. Funny, that. I was just thinking Trump is the greatest fundraiser for the Democratic Party of all time.

    7. The minute DeSantis were to get elected he'd also send another $50b to Ukraine, re-stock NATO, and then bail-out the WTO and go to Davos for the WEF.

      I'm not a fan of DeSantis. He seems to be squandering every opportunity to demand the Republican Party Platform include the words "Donald Trump can eat shit and die." So it's hard to take him seriously. It's like he doesn't even want the job.

      But, lest we forget, the Obama administration DISARMED Ukraine. Trump began lightly rearming them, but only after he tried to outsource opposition research on Biden to them. Like all things Biden Administration so far, it's a continuation and doubling down upon Trump policy all across the board. We're living in the great America Trump made already. We have Trump's America without Trump.

      We need a candidate that will get rid of Trump's policies, and all will be well. Or at least better.

    8. Ukraine is turning into the west's latest debacle. Europe will freeze this winter. Stupidity abounds in western "leadership."

    9. The admin is bragging about the recent reduction in energy prices. After the mid-terms gas prices will be through the roof again.

  12. Trump set out, and succeeded in destroying more than just the GOP……he had a more strategic goal in mind……destroying trust and confidence in the institutions of this nation. That he exposed “back the blue’ to be a farce, was either unintentional or extra credit.

    - CI

    1. The Institutions (CDC, IC, FBI, DoJ) undermined themselves. It's long past time to drain the swamp starting with a 90% across the board "administrative" budget and staff reduction.

    2. ...and while your at it, tell the Capitol Police that they are not going to be re-organizing and then co-opting the rest of the countries local and metro PDs.

    3. Yeah, not really understanding your point here....could you post, say 15-20 more one-liners? Maybe some YT links that I won't bother with?

      That should do the trick.

    4. How about "IC Civil Servants = parasites". It's that brief enough?

    5. C'mon...that's only one. You can do better than that.

      Not sure what you have against civil servants, but you should go find one to vent to.

    6. They're all still out on their indefinite Covid sabbaticals.

    7. It's all the rage for the millions of overpaid federal workforce. bureaucrats. They still trying to figure out the "future of work".

    8. ...which in most cases should rightly be "unemployment".

    9. Did a civil servant touch you in your no-no place?

      The IC government civilian workforce at least, is most definitely not on 'Covid sabbaticals'

    10. GAO's lying? Why would I not be surprised if they're not faking all government data now?

    11. Sounds like at least 50% of federal workers aren't essential... or even "necessary".

    12. Today's date is actually pre-February? Who knew?

      Damn, it sure is hot for that time of year.....

    13. ...either that or they all have SCIFs in their Mar-a-Lago living rooms.

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. We should send in FBI agents at 3am and see what's in their living room "safes".

    16. 50%?

      You're probably right, who knows...we might even agree on a few federal agencies that should be shuttered, as not being within the Constitutionally mandated scope of government.

      Part of me would absolutely love to have a SCIF at home, and save the commute. But I'd rather not have DIA all up in my business.

    17. We should send in FBI agents at 3am and see what's in their living room "safes".

      Good, we agree. Anyone unlawfully retaining classified information, should be prosecuted.

      Of course to be fair, they should at least call ahead first, and show up around 1000.

    18. The president isn't "anyone". And until I see Susan Rice perp walked out of her house at 3 am, 10am's a deal-breaker.

    19. In the eyes of the law, POTUS is no better than me....or you, which makes your cultist devotion all the more odd.

      And if Trump can have a search warrant executed at 1000.....we should all be given that same deference. Sounds like somebody is quite the fan of the State.....

    20. In the eyes of the US Constitution, he's a bit higher. And yes, "position" (not party) means "privilege". Susan Rice is NOT PotUS.

    21. (even in lieu of Sleepy Joe's vacation absence)

    22. Interesting to see that you support different standards of justice for American Citizens. As long as they’re someone that you’d vote for at least.

    23. No it's one standard. Each "individual" receiving his "due". And so the case of PotUS is not the case of Susan Rice, or me, or you. For each of our "privileges" endowed by the Constitution, differ.

    24. My original "commission" was granted by the President to protect and defend the Constitution.

    25. ...and all my "authority" came from the President.

    26. Trump is just as culpable as you or I would be, for violations of retention of classified information (as well as espionage), as you or I.

      Speaking specifically of classified information:

      “ No one will be above the law.” - Trump, 2016

    27. ...who got his from the Constitution.

    28. Show me where it says that in the Constitution.

    29. Show me in the Constitution, where the President can commit criminal acts with impunity….and immunity.

    30. Former Presidents, in this case.


    31. Order a US citizen the subject of a US drone strike?

    32. You have the charges. Google it if you don’t.

      I always welcome your declassification ‘theories’. They’re amusing.

    33. When is Obama going to jail...

      Anwar al-Awlaki. Anwar al-Awlaki was an articulate, charismatic Muslim …
      Samir Khan. Also killed in the same drone attack that claimed Al-Awlaki was …
      Jude Kenan Mohammad. According to the Justice Department, Jude Kenan …
      Abdulrahman al-Awlaki. Anwar al-Awlaki and his Egyptian-born wife, Gihan …

    34. Did you see me supporting said drone strike? I thought not.

    35. Yes, Mine are "theories". But until litigated, so are yours.

    36. ...and with this SCotUS, I expect to see you b*tch slapped across the country for believing in yours. :)

    37. I welcome the litigation. As stated previously, if the information in question was actually declassified while Trump was in office, that will be known….as all of the instances of that information, in the holdings and where cited in finished intelligence products after declassification……will be likewise declassified.

    38. Bitch slapped across the country? What are you, 5?

      Makes sense now that I remember your body of ‘work’.

    39. So again, feel free to show me in the Constitution, where a former POTUS, is immune from prosecution for criminal acts, after leaving office.

    40. And, was Trump lying when he made his 2016 statement?

      - CI

    41. Like I said, name the acts and the statement you're referring to.

    42. ...and on classification/ declassification matters, he IS the law.

    43. Google them (are you really that lazy….or just admit to being a troll)……and nope. If he didn’t direct declassification (while in office)…..it didn’t happen. But thanks for playing! I get in the mood for amusement from the cult. And you never fail to disappoint!

    44. And if a president declassifies something and a civil servant doesn't log it, it never happened? See you in Court.

    45. ...and while your at it, crawl back into your swamp bureaucracy. You seem very cozy there.

    46. What a Statist, Cultist troll. If a Governor stays an execution, but doesn’t tell anyone……does the inmate still get fried? If a Chief Executive makes a decision, and tells nobody, does that decision exist. Oh, how I hope this goes to court.

      But thank you for showing your abject ignorance! I appreciate the entertainment……because that’s your role. Bravo!

    47. Does the guard who fried him keep his job?

      Trump may have been an incompetent f*ck as president, but he was still 1,000x better than the incompetent IC and DoJ/ FBI Keystone Cops that tried to frame him.

    48. Yes. BECAUSE HE WAS NEVER TOLD. Capitalized for the logic impaired.

      Damn, you’ve really drunk the kool-aid. Must be exhausting.

      - CI

    49. If the federal government had treated all violations equally, we would not be having this conversation.

      Hellary cackles and Andrew McCabe collects his pension after lying to fellow FBI agents investigating him.

      Now, we have Adam Kinzinger (whom the Democrats love so much they teook away his safe district, forcing him to retire rather than go down in ignominious defeat) warning that some of the documents may be SOOOOOOO classified we can't even have a hint of what is in them.

      We've heard that bullshit before.

      Remember how declassifying the Devin Nunes memo was going to destroy the United States of America?

      All it did was reveal how corrupt the FBI and DOJ were with their FISA court rubber stamp.

    50. That’s why we’re arguing (some in bad faith), that if a crime occurred, a former POTUS is not any more above the law than you or I.

      That’s why we’re arguing that if a sitting President didn’t declassify information….it’s not declassified.

      A certain party used to claim they supported law and order.

      - CI

    51. I’m actually arguing an avenue for his innocence…..if he indeed is.

    52. Bad faith?

      from the NY Times

      Can presidents declassify matters directly?

      Yes, because it is ultimately their constitutional authority.

      Normally, presidents who want something declassified direct subordinates overseeing the department or agency with primary responsibility for the information to review the matter with an eye to making more of it public. But on rare occasions, presidents declassify something directly.

      For example, in 2004, President George W. Bush himself declassified a portion of his presidential daily intelligence briefing from August 2001 — a month before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks — in which he had been warned: “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.”

      Do presidents have to obey the usual procedures?

      There is no Supreme Court precedent definitively answering that question.

      Even if it is true that Mr. Trump had pronounced the documents declassified while he was in office, he clearly did not follow the regular procedures.

      In the unlikely event that the Justice Department were to charge him under the law that makes the unauthorized retention or removal of classified material a crime — despite not listing it as a focus of the investigation in the search warrant — a novel question would arise if Mr. Trump were then to repeat the claim as a defense.

      Proponents of a strong view of presidential power have argued in other contexts that presidents are not personally bound by the rules and procedures that regulate the conduct of their subordinates in the executive branch — and that presidents can even disregard executive orders without first rescinding them. Others disagree with that vision of executive power.

      The statement from Mr. Trump’s office that was read aloud by the right-wing writer, John Solomon, included what appeared to be a gesture at the claim: “The idea that some paper-pushing bureaucrat, with classification authority delegated by the president, needs to approve the declassification is absurd.”

    53. So like I said before, bring on the Court cases.

      Then apply them equally to ALL presidents and former presidents. No more Beria justice.

    54. Hell yeah! As I’ve said previously…..I welcome litigation!

      You confuse authority with execution. Still. Again.

      Please keep going….the night is yet young and I require more entertainment.

      Cool that you you place unqualified trust in a Statist. That tracks.

    55. Why are you quoting “fake news”?

      - CI

    56. In the case of the US Constitution the president (authority) IS the Execution (Executive Branch). You didn't take any Civics classes in HS, did you? Drafted before graduation?

    57. btw - I'd quote a quivering Oak tree @ Dodona if you could read the signs. Acta non verba, baby!

    58. There you are! I thought you might be one of the ~28 viewers of Lindell’s vaudeville act this weekend.

      I’ll ask again, if a former Governor says that he stayed an execution while he was in office……did the inmate still die.

      Fellating devotion to dear leader, really isn’t a good look for anyone. But it does burnish your credential within the cult.

    59. * if the Governor didn’t tell anyone.

      You didn’t answer why you rely on “fake news”. Why?

    60. Drafted? Damn…..not even close to that old. But on track for your reflexive inclination to think that you know anything about somebody that you don’t know.

    61. Trump should release to the public what he allegedly "declassified." Seems easy enough. Let any and all people know what he had that the FBI carted out of his house. Post that shit on Toot Social in a sombrero while eating a taco bowl next to an open drawer full of enough
      Sudafed to make a shake-n-bake meth lab.

      No? What's he afraid of? Did he have TS/SCI classified documents having to do with nuclear weapons or not?

    62. Exactly. Aside from the fact that the information in question doesn’t belong to Trump, declassified or not…….if it’s truly declassified…..why wouldn’t he release it and ‘own the libs’ ( which is the driving force behind the maga cult).

    63. Of course, former President Trump’s representative to the National Archives……can’t see any of the documents in question, because the children’s book author doesn’t have a clearance to see the allegedly declassified documents.

    64. And, was Trump lying when he made his 2016 statement?

      Cakewalk question. Trump opened his mouth, right?

    65. Trump may have been an incompetent f*ck as president...

      May have?

      If government were baseball, you'd need an Excel spreadsheet the size of the deck of a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier to tally his unforced errors.

    66. C’mon……give the man some credit, he’s made racists and white nationalists feel better than they have since the 60’s. Not to mention the slavish devotion to a cult of personality.

    67. So, the question before us is, should a democratic republic and the 4th Estate that is supposed to keep it honest abandon their principles to preserve the standing of a "good" politician?

      Are the government establishment and the 4th Estate justified in abandoning their principles in order to take out an "unprecedented" threat to the establishment?

      When did real life in DC become a DC Batman comic book movie?

    68. Or…..shouldn’t the government establishment and 4th estate mobilize to protect the Republic from an unprecedented threat?

    69. The Fourth Estate? The free press and media that Trump regularly called "the enemy of the people? What is it all fun and games until Cesar Sayoc starts mailing pipe bombs to news networks and politicians?

      Trump the President that tried to direct the Department of Justice and Federal Communications Commission to shut down late night talk show hosts and Saturday Night Live for satirizing him?

      Oh yeah. Actual attempts at weaponizing federal agencies to go after political enemies vs. federal agencies conducting a lawful search warrant to recover stolen classified documents.

      These are but a few of the myriads of examples why support for Trump and credible signs of intellectual capacity should never be and actually can't be honestly mistaken for each other.

      Donald Trump literally is the worst President the United State of America will ever have. God with a slide rule and bad intent can't create a worse President.

    70. .why wouldn’t he release it and ‘own the libs’ ( which is the driving force behind the maga cult).

      He ordered the material declassified on Jan 19. He speciafically stated which material was to be declassified. The government was supposed to "black out" what it considered too sensitive for release for "actual" security reasons. None of that material was released. So Trump is supposed to release it as a "private citizen" without markings exposing all the security data so that he can get Wikileaked like Julian Assange?

      You people really are either traitors or idiots.... and I'm pretty sure its' the latter.

    71. So either the DoJ releases the Mar-a-Lago affidavit, or Trump lays off the entire DoJ and IC on Jan 22, 2025, :P

    72. Why are you assuming that the information seized last week was regarding Crossfire Hurricane……which was what he ordered the declassification of?

      And how do you figure that dear leader can fire everybody in 20+ agencies, when Congress has jurisdiction over them.

      Yep, traitors and idiots sums up the cult.


    73. Congress appropriates, the Executive executes... at sometimes more/less faithfully to Congress' intent.

      As for the "classified" date, why do you assume it's NOT Crossfire Hurricane. Because it would prove your point instead of mine?

      And in the absence of certain knowledge that will never be divulged by our corrupt overlords at DoJ (the CH documents), I propose we wait for the affidavit over-redactions due next week before continuing this argument.

    74. I propose we wait for the affidavit over-redactions due next week before continuing this argument.

      Sure. Why didn't you follow this advice before proffering that the Mar-a-Lago documents were Crossfire Hurricane?

    75. ...and why do YOU assume it's NOT Crossfire Hurricane data? The Search warrant already established an unconstitutionally overbroad scope of materials to be confiscated (every document that the president produced while in office)... so we know that the affidavit has got to be a stinking bag of lies used to justify a DoJ scavenger hunt.

    76. Because only a dumbass claims to know what he doesn't know. Yep, looking at you.

      - CI

    77. TC, You spilled way too many words to simply say, yes, the establishment should break the rules of the democratic republic to expel what thei perceive a threat.

    78. CI - ...and here's me holding up the mirror to a dumbass claiming to know what he doesn't.

    79. Damn, that's weak...even for you. And that's already a low bar.

      - CI

    80. Most reflection in mirrors are all that.

    81. I'm not the one who claims that the Mar-a-Lago documents are Crossfire Hurricane. I'll await your evidence....or continue knowing what kind of troll you are.

    82. I'm not the one claiming that they're not CH documents. ;)

    83. Show me where I stated such. Copy and paste it.

      - CI

    84. So you've been agreeing with me the whole time. Who knew?

    85. So you lied. You're a liar. That tracks. Emulating dear leader.

      - CI

    86. Excellent. Thank you! You've made my day. Predictably, you act just like I knew you would.

      No, really....I mean it. You brought a smile to my face. Hope you have a great day!

    87. So, we're back to Mr. Indirect. I agree, Hypocrisy is the preferred approach... at least before the shooting starts.

    88. Yawn. I think I'm done with you now. Your usefulness has ended.

      But by all means, don't let that stop you from posting another hundred one-liners and YT links. If that's how you want to spend your time......

    89. Oh, can't I please be more useful to you?


  13. Your “authority” was bound by the Constitution.

    1. All authority is bound by the Constitution.

    2. ps - What becomes of "law" and Authority in wartime?

    3. Martial law takes precedence.

    4. He ordered the material declassified on Jan 19. He speciafically stated which material was to be declassified.

      And then on Jan 20 or at any time after that, with the newly inaugurated President Biden sworn in, the order goes out to belay Trump's eleventh hour measure and the material is either reclassified or the process to declassify it is cancelled and it remains classified. Now what?

      why do you assume it's NOT Crossfire Hurricane.

      Well, I don't. We know the classified material is probably related to nuclear weapons, and we know Trump wanted to nuke a hurricane and was cross-eyed pissed that the National Weather Service wouldn't steer Hurricane Dorian towards southeast Alabama... With the established fact of Trump having possession of classified nuclear information and the established fact of Trump being dumber than drywall spackle, the inferences and implications lead no where good.

      TC, You spilled way too many words to simply say, yes, the establishment should break the rules of the democratic republic to expel what thei perceive a threat.

      Well thank you Cenk Uygur but let's just stick to what I actually said instead and you can play Barbie Dreamhouse with your strawmen with someone else. I didn't say the establishment should break rules at all. And they haven't. That said, I do have a concern about the FBI. Why, when they had probable cause to believe Trump was holding classified documents in his home, was there no coordination with the Secret Service to bash his face in with the butt of a rifle to get those documents back as soon as it was known that he had them? Is our national security law enforcement under-equipped? Do they in fact need retraining and more sturdy rifle butts?

    5. The Search warrant already established an unconstitutionally overbroad scope of materials to be confiscated (every document that the president produced while in office)

      To be fair, he probably still has possession of documents produced by John Barron that totally exonerate him.

    6. Doorknob dumb is believing anything coming out of Biden's government right now, filtered through the Infotainment Media Complex.

      Double Doorknob Dumb is believing the government when they say "this is sooooooooooooo super dooper double top secret classified that we can never release any of it or even describe it."

      Observant people with functioning mental faculties know this is code for "Releasing any of this would reveal government incompetence and lawbreaking."

    7. Yep. Believing without question and verification, anything coming out of the Biden White House, is phenomenally stupid. Biden merely extends a long American tradition. Which is why I’m amused when people don’t question anything from his predecessor.

      Fools and sycophants led by their political masters, are the primary drivers of the downfall of our nation.

      - CI

  14. The Establishment is the guardian of The Law and of all government information.

    It uses these tools to keep the game rigged in its favor. It routinely leaks information to damage enemies, and suppresses information to protect the syndicate's made men.

    This probably is about crossfire hurricane.

    1. At least you used 'probably'.

      Once one dons the mantle of the Establishment....they become part of the Establishment.

      - CI

  15. We are living in a nuthouse, and Poe's semi-apocryphal “Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear.” is relevant.

    I don't put much stock in places like Conservative Treehouse, but I don't begrudge those who do.

    I don't like Donald Trump, but I also don't like the bald-faced abuse of power, authority and institutions people in power are wielding to hound him. They have obviously never read Nietzsche.

    I don't like the Republicans, I hate what the Democrat party has become, and the LP will never be politically viable.

    I am Christian with traditional conservative values, but the religious right is repugnant.

    I also am a classical liberal and civil libertarian who stands for the right of all to say and do what the hell ever they want so long as it does not infringe on the rights of others.

    Politically, I am a man without a tribe, and that's OK with me. Whoever gets elected, we continue our slide to hell, so politics, in my eyes, is more of a sick amusement than anything else.

    So, like Walt Whitman--and latterly, Bob Dylan--I contain multitudes.

    "If a person never contradicts himself, it must be that he says nothing." -- Miguel de Unamuno

    1. As another CL/CL, and unviable LP member....I largely agree. Well said.

      The Republic is dead. It's body needs to be burned and out of the ashes, perhaps we can create what the Founders intended.

      - CI

  16. "I don't like Donald Trump but I also don't like the bald-faced abuse of power, authority and institutions people in power are wielding to hound him."

    Don't like him either but I don't fall for the him being the victim crap.

    If he's looking for sympathy, might want to look in the dictionary, somewhere between shit and syphilis.

    1. ...or anywhere outside the DoJ-NSD, where both Sh*t and Syphilis work.

    2. Those're David Laufman and Jay Bratt's DNC sponsored "code" names.

    3. Ronald,
      Do you have any new material?


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