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Monday, May 23, 2022

Elon Musks Turns On The Democrat Party?

This will light up some Dems and others who think that the Democratic Party has any integrity:

And then, there's this:


  1. If Musk thinks he's going to find integrity and a lack of divisiveness and hate, in the GOP......I think he's going to find himself disappointed.

  2. Elon Musk tech's Kanye West

    1. I knew Kanye West when he was a boy as my ex worked with his mom and I met her at many functions, a wonderful woman. Kanye seemed to lose his way when his mom died. Very sad. My point is Elon is Kanye's tech guy but he has a handful of mess to deal with. I believe he can handle the Republican party.

    2. (((Thought Criminal)))May 24, 2022 at 8:49:00 AM CDT

      Musk's politics skew libertarian. Why that would have drawn him to Democrats in the first place is a mystery, but I second CI's opinion above. Libertarians are about as welcome in the post-Trump GOP as pork chops at a vegan buffet. I'm guessing greasing palms to set up shop in California had more to do with his initial political affiliation than anything. Biden's electric vehicle hootnanny snubbing Tesla is probably another Democrat unforced error, as is the shit show he created by pretending to be interested in buying Twitter.

    3. Despite all the loose talk about libertarian conservatism, libertarianism has never been a good fit with the GOP.

      It used to be a better fit with the old 1960s Democrat party, but not so much today.

    4. (((Thought Criminal)))May 24, 2022 at 9:47:00 AM CDT

      Libertarians at least had dogs in the GOP kennel up until Trump drove out everyone with an IQ over 75. It would be absurdist to try to bring back Frank Meyer "fusionism" to the GOP now.

    5. They are a philosophical mismatch. It was a catchy phrase GOOPers used to get votes while they blew money and grew the government.

    6. (((Thought Criminal)))May 24, 2022 at 6:56:00 PM CDT

      Reconciling liberty and virtue had its day. Capitalism won, virtue not so much. A turn towards Old Right paternalism is just as unlikely now in the GOP as raising a new tittering of budget hawks. Libertarians have no home in either party. The GOP at least used to make welcoming noises.

    7. Yeah, and the GOP used to also at least try to stand for small government conservatism. They got their logical outcome in Donald Trump.

  3. Child molester Gym Jordon and the Clinton nothingburger aside, we have:

    "But they have become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican."

    In the meantime over here in the real world and in real time, we have a Republican Party content with grooming people to take up arms against mass people of color for fear of being replaced, grooming them that CRT is about teaching the black man that white people owe them something, and suggesting we should starve brown infants because they happen to have been born across an imaginary line.

    And just this weekend, the leader of their party, a man whose admin once promoted cutting COVID aid to blue states because more deaths could be blamed on Democratic mayors and governors,, took to social media suggesting a need for another civil war.

    But I do get that "lighting up some dems" is key.

    Could be though, based on political shifts in GA and other places, perhaps they need to be careful what they're wishing for when lighting up the dems.

    1. ^^Reason Elon left the DNC^^


    2. Hey Ron. How ya loving those dem baby murdering policies?

    3. Thanks for the kibitzing response Ed albeit off topic, vague, and inconsistent of what's actually going on over here in the real world.

      If you're referring to Roe V Wade, that was a judicial ruling rather than a policy-brought about by 7 republican appointed justices during the Nixon regime.

      As for policies, I can (and have) name numerous life saving policies from Dems whereas from Rs, there is not only nothing but actually a long list of obstruction on efforts to protect babies. Just last week 192 Republican House Representatives voted AGAINST making formula more available to American babies.

      Perhaps you mean some other "baby murdering policies" I'm unaware of. If not, your comment has no more validity than a glazed over zombie peeking up from the Carson show long enough to heckle reality.

    4. To correct an error in my previous comment, the Roe decision was 7 to 2 with all 5 R appointed judges voting for it. 2 of the 4 Dem appointed judges voted against it.

    5. (((Thought Criminal)))May 24, 2022 at 8:55:00 AM CDT

      Is RJW a pro-life Democrat? ;)

    6. I am a pro-life Democrat.

      The Democratic Party have advocated and legislated far more pro-life policies than their opposition party.

      That's just an indisputable reality.

    7. (((Thought Criminal)))May 24, 2022 at 9:56:00 AM CDT

      Is it indisputable though? Could you walk us through the Democratic Party's hard-fought milestones on the way to overturning Roe?

    8. (((Thought Criminal)))May 24, 2022 at 9:59:00 AM CDT

      (a Rod Serling Twilight Zone narrative in the making)

    9. "Could you walk us through the Democratic Party's hard-fought milestones on the way to overturning Roe?"

      That seems to imply that the simple answer would be to criminalize abortion and problem solved. Not quite.

      The Adoption and Safe Families Act making it easier to adopt was passed by Democrats. FMLA preventing employers from firing women because of maternity leave was passed by Democrats. The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act guarantying infants born at any stage of development full legal rights and extended legal protections was passed by Democrats. The Affordable Care Act which has lowered abortion in every single state that accepted it and expanded Medicaid was passed solely by Democrats. The 2008 Democratic platform was “reducing the need for abortion by reducing the need for women seeking abortions" but that was shut down by a defiant Republican party hell bent on obstructing anything Obama presented.

      It's worth reminding that the Republican party voted unanimously against the Violence Against Women Act. They unanimously seated Trump's pro-rape judge (Neomi Rao) to a lifetime seat. They have diligently weakened ACA. In Colorado, abortions had dropped by the 40% range in 5 years after the state implemented a free contraceptive program, yet Republicans have adamantly targeted free or reduced pricing for contraceptives for women. Once again, 192 of them just voted against making it easier to get needed formula into a baby's mouth.

      Perhaps the Republican approach sets well for the coat hanger industry and filling up for-profit prisons with poor and uneducated women but it's a far cry from justifying Ed's "How ya loving those dem baby murdering policies" rhetoric.

    10. In fairness, another correction- The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act should have read "because of Democrats" rather than "by" Democrats.

      Majority leader Tom Tom Daschle, a Democrat, brought it to the Senate floor for a vote which passed 2002.

    11. (((Thought Criminal)))May 24, 2022 at 11:10:00 AM CDT

      So, no efforts to end abortion-on-demand?

      I think we fundamentally disagree on what the word "indisputable" means.

    12. Then again, Regressives have held the Judicial Branch for many years and all 3 branches at different times yet didn't want to catch that car, did they?

      Let's revisit my original statement:

      "The Democratic Party have advocated and legislated far more pro-life policies than their opposition party.

      That's just an indisputable reality."

      I disagree that legislation or a court ruling on abortion is the ONLY pro-life policy.

    13. (((Thought Criminal)))May 24, 2022 at 6:45:00 PM CDT

      The issue of abortion is a binary. You either want to end the practice of killing a human being in the womb as a matter of convenience, or you don't. Everything else is the grandstanding of weasels.

      You're not a "pro-life Democrat." You're a weasel. It's no better than the attempted bait and switch of claiming the American Civil War was fought over "states rights" rather than to end slavery.

      You either want to end the practice of killing a human being in the womb as a matter of convenience, or you don't. It's a solid yes / no.

    14. I'm not sure who appointed you God of Lexicon or what mandates an exclusive definition of a word or term but being against euthanasia has also part of the "pro-life" movement.

      Another word spin and self-appointed binary determination of the right wing lately is that those not "pro-life" are "pro-abortion". That's additionally silly considering how Regressives have done all they can to deny medical care for pregnant women, couldn't we call them "pro-miscarriage"?

    15. (((Thought Criminal)))May 25, 2022 at 7:50:00 AM CDT

      Women seek abortions because they lack pre- and peri-natal care? That is the most absurdist pro-abortion weasel argument you could have come up with, RJW. You're going to need a chiropractor.

    16. Women get abortions for one reason alone. Capitalist Realism. They are hypergamous by nature and evolution. They all want the $250k needed to raise a child "up front" or "not at all".

    17. Why do so many American women get abortions? Because they "can".

    18. Women don't want pre-natal or peri-natal care. They want maids, nanny's, and room service.

    19. As mentioned above TC, states that accepted ACA and expanded Medicare all saw lower abortions. States that offered free or reduced contraceptives saw signification reductions. Adoption policies from Democrats offered alternatives. The Family Medical Leave Act from Democrats offered pregnant women protection to retain their job for up to 3 months before and after delivery.

      Whatever word games you want to play, those are pro-life polices.

      I’m not going to research statistics but I don’t believe that women of any significant number randomly have unprotected sex with the mindset of “if I get pregnant, no biggie as I’ll just go get an abortion”. I’m reasonably sure the numbers lean more towards financial insecurity and lack of support.

      Thing is, the rich kids will still have access to abortion whereas the desolate will not.

    20. I'd call them pro-welfare policies for plantation slaves.

    21. ...cuz only a complete moron could look at this graph and label it under a "pro-life" heading.

  4. Why would Elon Musk turn on Democrats? They’re the only people who purchase his cars. Personally, I have a hard time understanding why anyone would spend $43 billion on a social media company. This boy is around 3 bubbles off plumb.

    1. The old "what do you get the guy who has everything? At least he didn't buy a professional sports franchise that fleeces taxpayers.....

    2. Mustang did you not know Elon has Aspergers Syndrome. He does not think or process things the way we do. For him it took him far. He is NOT "3 bubbles off plumb." Actually the rest us of should wish him success because none of us could attain his brilliance.

    3. I did not know he had Asperger’s Syndrome, but it does not change my opinion. Any man who has the wealth to spent $43 billion on a stupid social media platform — and does so when we have starving kids living in cardboard boxes in America is three or more bubbles off plumb. Purchasing Twitter will not bring him grace, taking care of starving children will. His decision, of course ... and my opinion.

    4. Well I cannot disagree with you on that Mustang but we know the 1% of rich will never give to the poor directly. It is always through some other charity that is nothing but propoghanda.

    5. Musk might make millions on NOT buying Twitter because of their SEC fraud.

    6. Mustang,
      Here's my two cents about Elon Musk and Twitter....

      You make a good point about the extravagance of Elon Musk's possible purchase of Twitter. It is a stupid social media platform. Nevertheless, along with Facebook and even TikTok (Ugh!), Twitter apparently exerts influence on politics, including the outcome of the 2020 National Election by shilling for Joe Biden (and other Dems, for that matter). As much influence as the public education system K-graduate school or the mainstream media? No. But some, certainly.

      Also, the above platforms are the battlegrounds for "the culture wars."

      To date, Elon Musk has exposed the underbelly of Twitter and the leftist mission of those in control of what is allowed post and what it not allowed to post. Those censors are scrambling. Interesting to watch that!

  5. And as Musk talks about bringing free speech back (at least) to Twitter, the AP finds a six year old sex scandal on him........But the Left doesn't deal in hate :-) Ya, the KINDNESS party, which was kind enough to get votes and never follow through on their KIND promises to Black Americans, for example, and they're waking up, too.

    1. Z, that is all the left knows how to do is innudate the dumb and brainless - clueless - who do not research for themselves - they sell them all smut and like a dog they eat anything.

  6. Replies
    1. No not Townhall I was referring to the left like MSNBC and CNN and the mainstream media-all smut and lies.

  7. I wrote a post about Elon turning red last week. Most people's responses were negative on both fronts (left and right). Seems no one can see hope in anything anymore, not even a man saying he is fed up with lies.

    1. Layla,
      Most people's responses were negative on both fronts (left and right).

      I saw that!

      I am cautiously optimistic about Elon Musk's professed change of heart. Truth telling in America surely could use a sugar daddy!

    2. Tweet #2 is exactly what Dr. Pierre Kory just wrote.

    3. You and me both on the same page about Elon AOW! :)

    4. A lot of America is going red. Why shouldn't Elon?

    5. Baysider,
      Thank you for mentioning Dr. Pierre Kory. Excerpt:

      ...I used to view Democrats, and the center-left more broadly, as the champions of free speech both in civil society and in our professional institutions. But now, as with today’s progressive political movement, medical boards are adopting policies that censor opinions, defining such speech as mis- or disinformation, especially scientific opinions around COVID. Medical professionals who refuse to toe the party line risk censorship, cancellation, and even the loss of license—a fate far worse than getting banned from Twitter....

      Read the rest at the above link.

    6. One more liberal mugged by the totalitarian left. I said it before and I'll say it again, the totalitarian hateful anti-free speech left will not be taken down by the right. It will be taken down by good liberals

  8. I remember what happened when Andrew Breitbart declared "This is War!"


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