Brief excerpt below the fold.
...I do not think that voting for Donald Trump is a morally evil choice because there is nothing morally wrong with voting for a flawed candidate if you think he will do more good for the nation than his opponent. In fact, it is the morally right thing to do....Read the rest HERE.
I almost stopped reading when I got to "A good candidate with flaws".
ReplyDeleteIn an election where the left has run it's most toxic candidate to date...the opposition decided to run it's most toxic candidate to date.
Is this some sort of joke on the American electorate?
- CI
In an election where the left has run it's most toxic candidate to date...the opposition decided to run it's most toxic candidate to date.
DeleteFighting fire with fire?
That merely leaves us all getting burned....
Delete- CI
DeleteIt's been way for many recent election cycles.
About Donald Trump's recent "unforgivable sin":
ReplyDeleteIs there a backstory about Khizr Khan and Donald Trump?
Brief excerpts:
Khan's brief speech wasn't a finely-detailed case. But he suggested that Trump's Muslim ban and Mexican border wall proposals are unconstitutional. Specifically, Khan cited the words 'liberty' and 'equal protection of the law' in suggesting that Trump's policies violate the Constitution.
But, in fact, "there's simply no sense in which a border wall violates the Constitution." There is also "nothing unconstitutional about deporting people who are in the United States illegally."
According to Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat, Mr. Khizr Muazzam Khan is a promoter of Islamic sharia law and a co-founder of the Journal of Contemporary Issues in Muslim Law (sharia). In fact, in the past, Khizr Khan has shown "his appreciation for an icon of the Muslim Brotherhood" by the name of Said Ramadan, who "wrote material for the Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia, an organization that has been promoting Islamic revivalism and indoctrination to recruit young people in Malaysia to jihadism." Mr. Said Ramadan was the son-in-law of Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood including Ahmad Bahefzallah, the boss of Huma Abedin (Hillary Clinton's aide)[.]"
Should this connection give us pause?
Shoebat writes that "Khizr Khan currently runs a law firm in New York called KM Khan Law Office, a firm that specializes in 'immigration services.'"
Read the rest HERE
Is Khizr Muazzam Khan "a member" of the Muslim Brotherhood?
Muslim Brotherhood official arrested, [had formerly] worked for Clinton Foundation
September 19, 2013 — bunkerville.
A Pakistani is Muslim Brotherhood?
DeleteJust to point out that when throwing out dog whistles like "Muslim Brotherhood" you expose yourself.
The TRUMPets had ample opportunity to go after Muslims without insulting a Gold Star family and forcing themselves to dig the hole even deeper.
"Run in circles, scream and shout".
That seems to be Trump's campaign strategy.
DeleteKhan may have some kind of connections with Saudi Arabia.
In any case, please read this:
An Open Letter to Khizr Khan and the link at the top of the link. A balanced view, IMO.
As far as the matter of Gold Star families, nobody is immune from criticism in a First Amendment society. That said, I don't view some of Trump's responses as wise -- on several levels.
It took a cycle of "set your principles aside and vote for Romney anyway" to get to this unprincipled, convoluted, self-justifying sewage that is "vote for Trump because Jesus says so."
Don't waste your vote. Vote Libertarian.
Giant Meteor 2016
DeleteTake out the dinosaurs.
DeleteI for one am fed up, sick, tired, and SICKENED t9 DEATH by the endless denigration that dominates EVERY discussion of politics these days.
ReplyDeleteAWAY with all sour-mouthed cynics, sneering snipers, perverted purveyors of denigration and despairing destructive attitudes in general!
If you are not part of The Solution, you ARE The Problem.
DeleteI'm wondering how many commenting to this thread have read the linked article.
Data point: I did not.
DeleteWhy not?
I don't expect it contains anything that would surprise me, given the title and the excerpt you provided.
DeleteWell, there is more. By various categories.
As if Cheeto Jesus is going to save us from "the Devil?"
ReplyDeleteI've been prowling Disqus-driven news site comment threads and Yahoo for years, and I have noticed a recent deluge of pro-Hillary/anti-Trump commenters, and they are determined, driven to carry on an argument for days. They do not give up. They also refrain from the usual slobbery leftwing gibberish--they've been fed good information and demonstrate solid debating tactics.
ReplyDeleteHillary and the globalists funding her will cede no ground. Trump is a gaff-a-minute and that is all we'll be seeing from now until election day, while Hillary continues getting the gauzy grandma coverage.
Hillary will shred Trump in the debates, and add in that perhaps millions of sane anti-Hillary people will not vote for Trump and it looks like Hello Hillary's Progressive State of Amreeka. Once the progs get control of the Supreme Court, it's all over, constitution be damned.
Ed, Would it be Christian to pray for a three-month long coughing fit? ;-)
DeleteSeriously, this is a real crap sandwich and nothing short of divine intervention can remedy it.
Perhaps Trump should try debating Hillary Clinton instead of a dead soldier's parents. As it stands now I'm not even convinced Trump won't vote for Hillary.
DeleteI've been prowling Disqus-driven news site comment threads and Yahoo for years, and I have noticed a recent deluge of pro-Hillary/anti-Trump commenters, and they are determined, driven to carry on an argument for days. They do not give up. They also refrain from the usual slobbery leftwing gibberish--they've been fed good information and demonstrate solid debating tactics.
The Occam's Razor explanation: The only time Hillary Clinton tells the truth is when she's disparaging Donald Trump.
beamish is going to vote for the hildebeast while claiming to be a conservative. Perfect :)
DeleteProbably intelligent anti-Trump activists motivated to engage with his voters. A lot of people regard him as dangerous, to a higher order of magnitude than Hillary, who is herself a fair bit less safe than Obama.
DeleteWhatever happens, you're going to look back on the current administration as a golden age.
DeleteWhatever happens, you're going to look back on the current administration as a golden age.
I don't think so. But I don't think that anyone is going to look upon the next administration as a golden age, either.
I've become a cynic about politics. Period.
I don't blame you.
DeleteOnce the Crooked DemonCraps figure out how to get all those virtual Pokemon Go characters to vote, its game over.
ReplyDeleteFind your corner, keep it clean, and love and care for the others you share it with.
The local Whole Foods is a Pokemon gym.
DeleteGreat place to canvas for Jill Stein.
If the race were close in Mass, you'd drop your Jill Stein fetish. Enjoy the luxury of puttering around in the green flowerbed.
DeleteJill Stein is a boutique candidate for the idle progressive who lives in a safe blue state.
DeleteToday was not a good day for Trump.
ReplyDeleteSF has the final answer and it has been my plan for a while now. Isolationist.
Of course when the Repubs sent the mother of one of the dead at Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi up there to work up the crowd it was a patriotic display.
ReplyDeleteIt's as if this is your first political rodeo.
Don't blame the Dems for that moron the right nominated.
"Hillary will shred Trump in debates." Yeah, I really looked forward to the possibility of seeing her in a debate with Ted Cruz.
ReplyDeleteTHIS is why it's important to vote - to counter the cheating which tends to run deep in the party that doesn't value virtue. http://www.wnd.com/2016/08/undercover-video-exposes-eye-popping-ease-of-voter-fraud/
Can Cruz ponch hit?
DeleteWe've all seen the Beavis and Butthead episode.
Delete"Donald Trump's policies would lead to..."
"Look at her cankles! Huh huh huhhuh...."
DeletePinch hit?
At the debate.
DeleteSurely it's not surprising that a lot of what happens at both parties' National Conventions is partisan, that's kind of what it says on the tin.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I think it entirely valid to counter Trump's anti-Islamic screed with a demonstration that one can be at once Muslim, and an American hero.
I don't see why you think they should be ashamed of either of those things.
ReplyDeletea lot of what happens at both parties' National Conventions is partisan, that's kind of what it says on the tin
I wasn't surprised at all that the DNC trotted out somebody like Khizr Kahn. It does appear, however, that he differs quite a bit from "the Benghazi mother." Have you followed any of the recent developments about Khizr Khan?
No. I didn't see his appearance at the DNC either.
ReplyDeleteThose you who seem to have given up on Mr. Trump have in my estimation made the FATAL MISTAKE of accepting the ENEMEDIA'S deliberately, fiendishly distorted IMAGE of who he is and is not.
ReplyDeleteThe ENEMEDIA is insidious, crafty, totally dishonest and vile beyond words. They are demonically clever at the perverted art of LYING with FACTS.
I can't believe how incredibly GULLIBLE most here appear to be. To accept the ENEMEDIA'S version of ANYTHING betrays a shallow, lazy-minded approach to the issues we face. It's also just plain STUPID.
To succumb to the temptation to be CYNICAL sets anyone so afflicted in the path towards DEFEAT, DESTRUCTION, DOOM and DESPAIR. As I said ––– S-T-U-P-I-D.
Mr. Trump may not be the Second-Coming of Jesus Christ, but the fact remains the Mr. TRUMP is the ONLY person we have who has even a CHINAMAN'S CHANCE of preventing a continuation of the ungodly flummery, treachery, and nihilism we've had to endure from the POST-AMERICAN INTERNATIONALISTS (falsely named "neocons") ever since Ronald Reagan left office.
In turning your back on Mr. Trump, you are playing STRAIGHT INTO the HANDS of everyone and everything you detest most.
DeleteAnyone that the Enemedia hates is worth a serious look as to whether or not to support that person.
Of course, Donald Trump is not the Second-Coming of Jesus Christ. I does bother me very much that so many of this supporters seem to view him that way.
Are we going from the Cult of Obama to the Cult of Trump?
DeleteYou'll be interested in this comment:
I stand by what I said before. Trump knew exactly what he was doing. He's running the narrative rather than the media/Clintons framing everything.
The exposure received by the Khans seems to have backfired because of how much people are digging up on them. The bastard's even deleted one of his websites that showed his connections with the Clintons: http://kmkhanlaw.com/
EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE underestimates Trump. Maybe its because a lot of us still take our cue from the media.
The guy's not God, he is not all powerful, he makes a lot of mistakes but he knows how to manipulate the media to do what he wants rather than the narrative they want to paint.
He's won this battle just like he won the one against Megyn Kelly and war on women while morons like Levin, Beck, Paul Ryan etc keep on acting like it is important, and totally ESSENTIAL to play by liberal rules.
Someone might say "BUT LOOK AT THE POLLS!!!" yeah, no thanks. No one believes those polls especially after Reuters openly admitted to cooking them: "We didn't like how Trump was winning so we removed an option and interpreted the results until we saw what we liked aka Clinton winning".
People like to prophesy how some new controversy is the end of Trump. Here's my prediction, Trump will only lose if conservatives don't stop attacking him. He's flawed but thats not news. Get on board or STFU (I'm looking at you and your kind Paul Ryan, you POS).
DeleteSo conservatives and libertarians should support Trump's repulsive hostile-to-conservatives-and-libertarians policies rather than Hillary's hostile-to-conservatives-and-libertarians policies because...
Delete"set your principles aside and STFU."
MMMMMM. The air is just a-crackling with wisdom here.
The Supreme Court, HEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteDog the Bounty Hunter, Judge Judy, Montel Williams, Trump's far-left activist judge sister....
DeleteHillary gets in its game over for the Supremes, we lost em forever. Thats a certainty. Trump gets in we still gotta chance.
DeleteHillary gets in its game over for the Supremes, we lost em forever. Thats a certainty. Trump gets in we still gotta chance
DeleteExcept for one of the more compelling arguments demonstrating Trump's ignorance of the Constitution is that he'd be trying to push a Supreme Court nomination through the US Senate he's campaigning to flip over to Democrat control.
Your snark is funny, but my point is valid.
DeleteIt all makes sense if you understand Trump is actively trying to get Hillary Clinton elected.
DeleteThis thread has included discussion of Khizr Kahn, the father of the slain soldier and featured speaker at the DNC.
ReplyDeletePlease see this:
The Stunning Descent of Khizr Khan, Famed For Being The Father of a Heroic US Soldier Who Was Killed In Action.
I agree, Ft. You've stated it clearly and well.
DeleteI notice David Axelrod, another equivalent old sour puss, an equal of Mr. Khan is appearing almost hourly on CNN since Mr. Khan made his public debut.
Not sure if he's directing it or merely taking marching orders from Tel Aviv.
Oooooh! An irrelevant swipe at Israel! Soooo edgy!
ReplyDeleteDucky's point, made in a banal, boring and DNC Prog cut-and-paste manner, is nonetheless well taken:
The Repukes have been beating DemonCraps over the head for decades with the flag, patriotism, dead soldiers, live soldiers, etc to paint all Democrats as unpatriotic turncoats who hate baseball, want to ban hot dogs, crap in apple pies and and root for America to lose in every war.
So, this shameless agitprop was a delicious little twist of irony delivered along with a muscular flipping over of the table.
Bingo. BOOM. Democrats are the pro-America party that celebrates immigrants who send their sons to die in our wars. The GOP are the crabby sour-mouths.
It was craven, shameless and brilliant political theater. I cannot begrudge the open celebration of crusty, hate-stuffed leftwing progs and the good, GOP-maligned Democrats. They've been taking it in the ass for decades from smug, tricky GOP political operatives, but now the worm has turned.
ReplyDeleteDucky's point, made in a banal, boring and DNC Prog cut-and-paste manner, is nonetheless well taken:
The Repukes have been beating DemonCraps over the head for decades with the flag, patriotism, dead soldiers, live soldiers, etc to paint all Democrats as unpatriotic turncoats who hate baseball, want to ban hot dogs, crap in apple pies and and root for America to lose in every war.
So, this shameless agitprop was a delicious little twist of irony delivered along with a muscular flipping over of the table.
Bingo. BOOM. Democrats are the pro-America party that celebrates immigrants who send their sons to die in our wars. The GOP are the crabby sour-mouths.
It was craven, shameless and brilliant political theater. I cannot begrudge the open celebration of crusty, hate-stuffed leftwing progs and the good, GOP-maligned Democrats. They've been taking it in the ass for decades from smug, tricky GOP political operatives, but now the worm has turned.
ReplyDelete"Here's my prediction, Trump will only lose if conservatives don't stop attacking him."
I agree and for those who advocate, vicariously, for Shrillary by, allegedly, supporting some obscure 3rd party candidate, with no hope of victory, I say; just man-up and cast your vote for HER!
Hillary will need no help defeating Donald Trump, likely in a landslide. At least the margin of victory will include the numbers of those conservatives and libertarians who voted their conscience by going third party and voting for the candidate that wanted their numbers and their voices.
DeleteSTFU when Trump loses, mkay?
DeleteWhosever candidate loses will have to eat crow -- especially if confident that the other candidates would lose.
Thus is politics.
DeleteOh I don't know. Maybe there's a charm. After losing three Presidential elections in a row, 2008, 2012, 2016...
Maybe telling conservatives and libertarians to "STFU" will finally be determined to be the losing strategy it always has been.
Whenever President Hillary Clinton starts to get under your skin, just remember as a conservative or libertarian that you didn't tell people you agree with to STFU enough.
DeleteThe grotesquely-colored vulgarian repeatedly makes the mistake of lumping libertarians and conservatives together.
DeleteLibertarians want nothing to do with GOP politics. They find such totems as Newt Gingrich and Ted Cruz repulsive.
"Libertarianism is the heart and soul of conservatism." - Ronald Reagan
DeleteI am familiar with that quotation.
I wish that Reagan could see how far Left America has shifted since he left office. Or maybe I don't wish that: he'd be depressed.
Libertarians are basically economic conservatives and social liberals. Most libertarians agree the social issues are not the business of the federal government but rather of the states and the people, which makes them constitutionalists.
DeleteReagan didn't leave the Republican Party. It left him. Way left.
Nice Reagan quote, but he showed the true heart and soul of conservatism is growing government, ballooning deficits and letting loose rightwing religious moralizers to push everybody around and implement their version of sharia law on the nation.
DeleteLibertarians are basically laughing at you GOP party activists who reach for the libertarian lifeboat when you're out there flailing around.
Libertarians don't want that GOP conservative stink on us. Maybe you can try to co-opt the Green Party.
Put Atlas Shrugged and the Bible in Jimmy Buffett's booze blender, and what do you get?
No one is mistaking Hillary Clinton's financier and wrasslin match jabroni for a libertarian, or even a religious conservative. He, like Hillary, hates both.
DeleteI, as a small government libertarian, want the federal government to have a conservative economy at the federal level, and let all the social issues get worked out at the state and local levels.
Nothing is stopping you from selling gay wedding cakes at s million bucks a pop or offering straight wedding cakes that the gay couple can inject with hepatitis C at their own expense.
Welcome aboard, then! But check your GOP fetish at the door. The GOP stands for statism, and that is incompatible with libertarianism. Hell, the GOP hasn't stood for conservatism in decades!
DeleteGOP fetish? You mean that "shut up and vote for the Republican anyway" mantra we have heard since 1992?
DeleteI am proud to say that in the last 7 presidential elections, I have only voted Republican twice.
You GOP activists have big problems, which is why smart libertarians like Jacob Sullum slap you in the head with an oar every time you try to climb in our boat.
DeleteStop whining over the rabid trumpanzee tearing the faces off the GOP prigs and settle yourself in the Johnson-Weld camp, but like Lot, you can't look back.
The GOP is antithetical to libertarianism.
I remember Rick Santorum's call to drive libertarians out of the GOP.
DeleteWhere's he now?
Rick who?
DeleteIf I had to guess, he's in Pennsylvania in a dickey sweater somewhere waiting to hang up on a call from Trump.
DeleteOK, here goes. I'm not a fan of Trump. I agree, however, that he beats out the specter of socialism, especially with it's inherent anti-religious ideology. Trump also won't push an agenda to destroy the first and second amendments to the Constitution, which is directly in the crosshairs of the progressives.
ReplyDeleteSo yes, voting for Trump is the morally responsible thing to do.
Thanks for weighing in, Euripides.
DeleteYou don't feel Trump might threaten the first amendment?
DeleteTrump has never shown any indication that he'd threaten the first amendment.
DeleteHe doesn't seem that keen on freedom of the press.
DeleteHe rails against the press for their support of socialism, political correctness, and one-sided attacks. He kicked around the idea of libel suits against some of the media outlets who lied about him. I don't recall him ever saying anything like, "We need common-sense legislation for press control."
DeleteI have stated that I will vote for Trump. Reluctantly.
ReplyDeleteSo I thought, Ed, but I didn't want to say so. I'm too ill to keep up with everything right now. I haven't revealed the latest problems on Facebook. Who wants to read THAT?
I should change my handle to "Sometimes On Watch." Heh.
ReplyDeleteThis just in! Trump announced he plans on reviving his collapsing campaign by securing a prime time TV slot to throw a burlap bag full of puppies and kitties into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Manhattan.
DeleteTrump bolsters foreign policy team with Palin and Carson !!!
As I said at Z's:
ReplyDeleteThere are those who are Trump acolytes.
Nothing he’s done deserves criticism.
The reasons vary from “I love him” to “Hillary”.
If Hillary, they might rightly feel that anything less than enthusiastic support for Trump is insufficient to avoid Hillary.
Then there are those, like myself, who are tepid in our support. It feels insincere to get enthusiastic, even when seeing the need to (as above).
Trump is no help to us in our attempt to avoid Hillary.
We might feel we are selling out our standards in the hope of avoiding Hillary, and might be culpable should Trump win and go bad.
Then there are those who will throw their vote elsewhere, guaranteeing Hillary, but placing the blame elsewhere.
Al passion and fits of temper aside, Ed, I think the common sense thing for us Conservative-Libertarians to do would be to throw our support behind Donald Trump flawed though he may be, because the ALTERNATIVE is absolutely UNTHINKABLE.
DeleteIt's like that famous story of the choice between the Lady or the Tiger, if you remember that? §;^)>
You're forgetting the last category, Ed.
ReplyDeleteThose of us who see plainly that there are no substantive differences between Hillary and her shill, er, "opponent" and won't lower themselves to pretending there is.
I'm not going to get what I want out of this election. No one but hardcore Hillary supporters are.
Why wear a chicken suit on top of the shame?
That nasty Mr. Trump should learn to comport himself like a real gentleman. Mr. Obama sets the perfect example. A real gentleman ALWAYS brings a gun to a knife fight and a personal attack against Americans to a diplomatic press conference in front of the Prime Minister of Singapore.
ReplyDeleteThe LADY or the TIGER? (plot summary(
ReplyDeleteThe story is set in a land ruled by a barbaric king some of who’s ideas are progressive, but others sadistic. One of the king’s innovations is the use of a public Trial by Ordeal with guilt or innocence decided entirely by chance.
The accused must be brought into an arena and made to choose one of two doors. Behind one waits a lady whom the king has deemed an appropriate match for the accused; behind the other lurks a hungry tiger.
Both doors are soundproofed to prevent anyone from detecting what lies behind. If he chooses the door where the lady waits, he is deemed innocent and the two must immediately be wed, but if he chooses the other, he is considered guilty, and will be immediately torn to shreds and devoured.
The king learns that his daughter has a lover, a brave, handsome youth of low birth, and has him imprisoned to await trial.
When that day arrives, the princess has used her influence to learn what waits behind each of the doors. But, she has also discovered that the lady is a hated rival for the affections of the accused lover. When then choice must be made, he looks to the princess for help, she discreetly indicates the door tois right, which he opens.
The outcome of his choice is not revealed. Instead, the narrator departs from the story to analyize the princess's state of mind and her thoughts on directing there lover to one fate or the other. Since she will lose him either to death or marriage the lover's fate depends entirely on the princess's motivation and the quality of her character.
The story ends with the question, "Which do you think waited behind the opened door –– wait it the lady, –– or the tiger?"
Nice. :)
DeleteFYI: The famous story just outlined above was written by frank Stockton, and was firs tpublished i 1882.
DeleteI love "The Lady or the Tiger." Sometimes I have my middle school students read that story, then write a brief conclusion. The conclusions and the discussion are always interesting -- and sometimes heated.
here is the text:
______ Just Say No to Hillary ______
ReplyDeleteVoting for Trump might bring pain to your rump,
But nothing compared to the drama
Of staying the course for another four years.
That would be like a latter day Trail of Tears ––
The fulfillment of very bad Kharma ––
To support a third term of Obama.
~ Anne Animus
Just admit it beamish. You prefer Milque with your toast. :)
ReplyDeleteSour milk that is.
DeleteNo, I vote for the candidate that best represents my libertarian-conservative fusionist views, even if that marriage is tenuous to non-existent these days. I'm libertarian first, conservative second, and Trumpublican never.
DeleteMy main reason for not supporting Trump is that I've never voted for a Democrat and I never will.
So in other words, you're voting for the Socialist. Hillary....
Perverse thinking and deep mental illness has marred the integrity of this thread. Pitiful dementia of this kind is becoming so widespread it threatens the health and strength of the nation.
ReplyDeleteVoting should be regarded as a privilege not a right, and citizens should be required to pass both a literacy test and a sanity test in order to cast a ballot.
DeleteI knew when I published this blog post that there would be a lot of arguing and mud slinging. But I was HOPING that more commenters would address this substance of the linked article,
Alas! It seems that Americans are frozen in concert with regard to this election cycle!
I'm voting against the false dichotomy.
ReplyDeleteSo you're voting for the queen who REALLY believes herself to BE a queen. Interesting...
DeleteNo, I'm voting for Gary Johnson.
DeleteAnd after Trump is defeated, soundly, I'll be here laughing at whoever still admits to being a Republican and their all too predictable lament that the party didn't appeal to enough Oompah-Loompahs and other morally righteous orange-skinned peoples.
Yeah, I voted for Gary three+ years ago, before I discovered that he was a stealth neoliberal corporate globalist.
DeleteAnd since Bernie almost captured the Democratic nomination, you can laugh at them as well.
DeleteI voted for Gary three+ years ago, before I discovered that he was a stealth neoliberal corporate globalist.
He is?
DeleteHmmmmmmmm. Making America a tariff-free trading axis with Gary Johnson's 0% corporate tax rate and replacing the federal income tax code with a flat 23% consumption tax.
DeleteScrew that shit. Let's stay broke and unemployed.
ReplyDelete"What essentially occurred is that the center-right (a majority in America) woke up to the fact that we no longer have a two-party system; we have one party representing the radical left (Democrat), and one stealth progressive party (Republican) that exists only to provide a foil for the former. Both parties stand for advancing international socialism – the only argument between them being how quickly we will get there. And as we can see, Americans don’t much care for this arrangement." -- Erik Rush on the Trump Phenomenon
@ beamish - Peggy Noonan has begun channeling you again, beamish. She needs to put her tin foil hat back on.
DeleteI can't see the full essay because I don't subscribe to WSJ.
Neither do I. Hmmmm... I suspect that if you go to the page from the Google page, the link might let you see the article.
DeleteI was wrong. I've been saying Trump would endorse Hillary Clinton in July. He waited until August 1st.
DeleteGot it! Thanks for the tip.
Kakistocratic Dystopianism - "Make America Better By Making The World Worse - Vote Beamish in 2008 or go F yourself."
ReplyDeleteWho knew my satire of the direction the Republican Party was taking 8 years ago would be so balls-on prescient in retrospect.
"I travelled back in time to stop myself from saving you."
ReplyDeleteHere's a question for you: why did Mike Pence partner with Trump?
Not a snarky question, but rather a serious one.
IMO, Pence represents a Trump "reachback" (or reacharound, if you prefer ;) to the Establishment to bring them on-board the Trump train. Pence was too far down the Establishment food chain to accomplish this goal, though. He should have gone Cruz for all the "good" its' done him.
DeleteI suspect Mike "$5000 fine per joint and a year in jail" Pence is to help out the marijuana legalization initiative voters in battleground states decide who not to vote for.
DeleteThe latest Marist poll has Gary Johnson in second place at 23% and almost beating Hillary Clinton among 18 - 30 year olds (34% of people old enough to vote). Jill Stein and Donald Trump are distant third and really distant fourth place (Trump) in this age bracket.
ReplyDeleteIf the youngins turn out en masse in November Trump will be in third place.