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Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Day After The 2016 Blizzard

If only we humans had this luxury!

I see about two feet of snow out there and drifts that look at least four feet high. Despite my constant sweeping of the front porch yesterday, the porch will have to be shoveled today — before the melting and the refreezing turn the front porch into a skating rink.

(with thanks to Ed Bonderenka for the second graphic in this blog post)


  1. Headline today in the WaPo:

    "D.C. snowfall total in question after improper measurement."


  2. I take it you didn't lose power or heat.

    1. Duck,
      Not until now.

      Just had a very short interruption of electrical power. I hope this is not a sign of things to come. Very windy outside.

  3. It's all drifts up here in northern Maryland. I've got a small area cleared out in the back yard for the dogs, and need another attack on the front to break out into a snowblower sidewalk path that a neighbor cleared. It'll be a long day!

    1. FJ,
      I've managed to get the front porch cleared (somewhat). Now we wait until somebody comes to help us.

      Do you have ice dams in your gutters? We do!

    2. Yes, I've got one bad section on the roof with a lot of snow on it... icicles have formed below it where the gutters are frozen over.


    3. When icicles hang by the wall,
      ___ And Dick the shepherd blows his nail,
      And Tom bears logs into the hall,
      ___ And milk comes frozen home in pail,
      When blood is nipped, and ways be foul,
      Then nightly sings the staring owl,
      ________ To-whoo;
      To-whit, to-whoo, a merry note,
      While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.

      When all aloud the wind doth blow,
      ___ And coughing drowns the parson’s saw,
      And birds sit brooding in the snow,
      ___ And Marian’s nose looks red and raw,
      When roasted crabs hiss in the bowl,
      Then nightly sings the staring owl,
      ________ To-whoo;
      To-whit, to-whoo, a merry note,
      While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.

      ~ William Shakespeare (1564–1616)
      From “Love’s Labor ’s Lost,” Act V. Sc. 2

    4. Roasted crabs hiss in the bowl...

      Will must have spent time in Maryland. ;)

  4. Glad to hear you, Mr AOW and the cats weathered the storm. Hang in there!

  5. I posted too hun we are snowed in big time! shoveling now! stay warm hun! xoxoxox

  6. Looks like we got close to two and a half feet here in the Marshall area; and for all of my backup power sources on standby, no outages. Haven't even started digging out yet.......I live down a private road in the middle of the woods, so I'm not planning on going into work tomorrow, regardless of what OPM puts out.

    1. Smart man! My nonagenarian friends live on mountaintop acreage in western North Carolina. They're quite isolated, and can only be reached by a two-miule stretch of privately owned dirt road. Built the place 40 years ago, and are still living just as they for the past four decades. How do they do it? The NEVER worry.


      Good luck to you.

  7. It's melting fast. I just hope that our front gutter doesn't come down. An ice dam and huge icicles that I can't reach.

  8. Today was Mr. B's birthday, and we spent it on an unusually balmy January day at brunch in a French restaurant and strolling the delightful farmer's market outside. Yes, I realize how blessed we are to do that in January! I hope this burden passes safely for you, AOW.

    1. Baysider,
      So far, so good here. More shoveling out remains, but my cousin and Mr. AOW's friend Steve are coming over tomorrow to free the vehicles and to finish cleaning off the wheelchair ramp.

      The power has stayed on very consistently, and we are so grateful for that.

      The temperatures here are gradually warming up, too. So grateful that we're not having brutally cold weather to compound the snow problems. Roads will freeze tonight, though. Jealous of your balmy weather! I am not a winter person.

  9. Baysider...which French restaurant? yes, it's GORGEOUS here today.
    I had to laugh to myself this morning hearing the cable channels telling about how many are without power; I thought "So why are you covering the storm? You only cover things for ratings, but many who are affected aren't hearing you...move on!"

    isn't it wild that the world's problems seem to come to a complete halt when it snows or there's a hurricane or tornadoes? I think FOX was the only cable channel which dug itself out from under the snow reporting after a few hours and reported on other things....at least for about 18 hours!

    1. Z,
      Cable news channels are so often Catastrophe News Networks.

  10. We're getting the engine pushing all that on ya. High, painfully cold winds. We don't need anymore sky-water here, thanks.


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